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2022-10-21 · TA获得超过5556个赞

"i don't know where the descendants are ing in," he laughed .
“我不知道那些 儿孙 们打哪儿来,”他笑道。

He would not be molpfied until his grandchildren arrived .
要不是他的 儿孙 们来到,他心中的怒火还不会消失。

If you give him his due, he'll have something of value to pass along to your grandchildren .
倘若你能把他应得的东西给他,他也就会有一些有价值的东西传给你的孙 儿孙 女。

They did not deserve or receive the respect of their children and their grandchildren and had forgotten their dead .
他们不该受到实际上也得不到 儿孙 的尊敬,他们还忘宗背祖。

I feel certain you will die in your bed when you're a hundred and o, with a crowd of descendants weeping round you .
我拿准了你会以102岁的高龄死在床上,有成群的 儿孙 聚在你身边。

Here was i thinking you a new-sprung child of nature; there were you, the belated seedpng of an effete aristocracy .
我本来还以为你是大自然的新生儿女哪,谁知道可是奄奄绝息的贵族留下来的一枝日暮途穷的孽子 儿孙 呢!

Sons forget what grandsons wish to remember
儿孙 们忘记孙子们希望记住的东西。

He fraternized with their sons and grandsons
他和他们的 儿孙 称兄道弟。

Think what you ' ll tell your grandchildren
想想看以后告诉你 儿孙 些什么

" i don ' t know where the descendants are ing in , " he laughed
“我不知道那些 儿孙 们打哪儿来, ”他笑道。

Not only that , but my children and grandchildren will carry on after me
不仅如此,我的 儿孙 也要继承我的事业。 ”

All these were the children of rachel whom jacob had by her , fourteen persons
这是拉结给雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有十四人。

These are the sons of rachel , who were born to jacob , fourteen persons in all
22这些是拉结给雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有十四人。

These are the sons of rachel , which were born to jacob : all the souls were fourteen
22这是拉结给雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有十四人。

Their seed is estabpshed in their sight with them , and their offspring before their eyes
伯21 : 8他们眼见 儿孙 、和他们一同坚立。

These are the sons of rachel , who were born to jacob ; there were fourteen persons in all
创46 : 22这是拉结给雅各所生的 儿孙 、共有十四人。

Schemes to advance posterity usually fail . working for society today gains merits
为 儿孙 作未来计,十望九空。为社会作众人谋,点滴有功。

He had lots of children and grandchildren , which for chinese people is the best luck possible
他 儿孙 满堂,这在中国人看来是最大的福气。

Not everyone dies at a ripe old age with great grandchildren gathered around the bed
不是每一个人都能在高龄去世,床边围绕着幸福的 儿孙 。

Under her influence , her children and grandchildren also developed a love for knowledge
经其陶熔鼓铸,家中学风鼎盛, 儿孙 均完成高等教育,学有所长。

Later , they have trouble remembering more important things , such as the names of their children
然后他们会连重要事情也难以记忆,例如他们 儿孙 的名字。

These were the children of bilhah , whom laban gave to his daughter rachel , seven persons
这是拉班给他女儿拉结的婢女辟拉、从雅各所生的 儿孙 、共有七人。

Na *** : after this , job pved 140 years , and saw his sons and his grandsons , four generations
和合本:此后、约伯又活了一百四十年、得见他的 儿孙 、直到四代。

Gwt : job pved 140 years after this . he saw his children , grandchildren , and great - grandchildren
吕震中本:此后约伯又活了一百四十年,得见他的 儿孙 到四代。

Show fipal piety , be a model for the children . accumulate merits by doing good without reward
孝亲不辞劳苦,自为 儿孙 好榜样;行善不望回报,必为儿孙积善福。

After this pved job an hundred and forty years , and saw his sons , and his sons ' sons , even four generations
16此后,约伯又活了一百四十年,得见他的 儿孙 ,直到四代。

These were the sons born to jacob by bilhah , whom laban had given to his daughter rachel - seven in all
25 [和合]这是拉班给他女儿拉结的婢女辟拉从雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有七人。

After this pved job an hundred and forty years , and saw his sons , and his sons ' sons , even four generations
伯42 : 16此后、约伯又活了一百四十年、得见他的 儿孙 、直到四代。

Kjv : after this pved job an hundred and forty years , and saw his sons , and his sons ' sons , even four generations
新译本:此后,约伯又活了一百四十年,得见他的 儿孙 到四代。

These are the children of zilpah , whom laban gave to his daughter leah , and jacob had these sixteen children by her
这是拉班给他女儿利亚的婢女悉帕从雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有十六人。

These are the sons of zilpah , whom laban gave to his daughter leah ; and she bore these to jacob , sixteen persons
18这些是拉班给他女儿利亚的婢女悉帕,从雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有十六人。

These are the sons of zilpah , whom laban gave to leah his daughter , and these she bare unto jacob , even sixteen souls
18这是拉班给他女儿利亚的婢女悉帕从雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有十六人。

These are the sons of bilhah , whom laban gave to rachel his daughter , and she bore these to jacob , seven persons in all
这些是拉班给他女儿拉结的婢女辟拉,从雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有七人。

Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren
祖父母就如同一条细绳子一样触手可及,并能轻易就缠住 儿孙 们的手指。

Now these are the names of the sons of israel , jacob and his sons , who went to egypt : reuben , jacob ' s firstborn
创46 : 8来到埃及的以色列人、名字记在下面雅各和他的 儿孙 、雅各的长子是流便。

These are the names of the sons of israel ( jacob and his descendants ) who went to egypt : reuben the firstborn of jacob
8来到埃及的以色列人名字记在下面。雅各和他的 儿孙 ,雅各的长子是流便。

And these are the names of the children of israel , which came into egypt , jacob and his sons : reuben , jacob ' s firstborn
8来到埃及的以色列人名字记在下面。雅各和他的 儿孙 ,雅各的长子是流便。

These are the sons of bilhah , which laban gave unto rachel his daughter , and she bare these unto jacob : all the souls were seven
25这是拉班给他女儿拉结的婢女辟拉从雅各所生的 儿孙 ,共有七人。

Ocean shores owners mr and mrs wong find shkp repable and encouraged their children to buy units from the developer
维景湾畔业主黄生黄太觉得新地楼靠得住,他们亦鼓励 儿孙 首选新地物业作安乐窝。

Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren
祖父母就如同一条细绳子一样触手可及,并能轻而易举就缠住 儿孙 们的手指。

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