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在现代社会,计算机已广泛应用到军事、科研、经济、文化等各个领域,成为人们一个不可缺少的好帮手。在科研领域,人们使用计算机进行各种复杂的运算及大量数据的处理,如卫星飞行的轨... 在现代社会,计算机已广泛应用到军事、科研、经济、文化等各个领域,成为人们一个不可缺少的好帮手。
在科研领域,人们使用计算机进行各种复杂的运算及大量数据的处理,如卫星飞行的轨迹、天气预报中的数据处理等。由于计算机能高速、准确地进行运算,因此,人们往往需要花费数天、数年时间甚至一辈子才能完成的计算任务,计算机只需很短时间就能完成。 在学校和政府机关,每天都涉及大量数据的统计与分析,有了计算机,工作效率就大大提高了。
在生产中,用计算机控制生产过程的自动化操作,如温度控制、电压电流控制等,从而实现自动进料、自动加工产品以及自 动包装产品等等。

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2010-04-08 · TA获得超过639个赞
In modern society, the computer has been widely applied to the military, scientific, economic, cultural and other fields, become an indispensable good helper.
In the research field, the way people use computers and a large number of complex data processing operations, such as satellite flight path, weather forecast data processing. Because the computer can speed and accurate operation, therefore, people often take several days, several years or even lifetime of the computing tasks to complete, the computer takes very short time to complete. In schools and government offices every day, involving a large number of statistical data and analysis, with the computer, work efficiency is greatly increased the.
In the factory, computer engineers in the design of products, provides an effective aid, now, people carrying out construction design, as long as the importation of the raw data, the computer can automatically process and draw a variety of design drawings.
In the production, use computer-controlled automation of the production process, such as temperature control, voltage and current control to achieve the automatic feed, automatic processing of products, and automatic packaging products, etc..
In the bank, people with communication lines together into a computer network, so there will be a bank deposit and withdrawal services. One could also use credit card without the cash, the computer will bring people to a "cashless" era. Thanks to the computer network, called "paperless trading" has come to be known as EDI (electronic data interchange) technology is sweeping the world.
Now, the exchange has been more and more people require transmission of information faster and wider transmission, the "information superhighway" will emerge a. One, Internet (English meaning: International Interactive Network) now has tens of millions of users, users as long as your computer receives the network, you can contact with the world, you can sit at home and get on the system a variety of information, such as electronic news, electronic books and e-mail (E-mail), etc..
The computer is entering the family, to people's lifestyle has brought profound changes, automatic washing machines (laundry process controlled by computer) for people removed from the troubles of laundry, air conditioners and refrigerators (from the computer under the control of the operation temperature ) for people to bring a cool world. Families in some advanced countries, various household appliances, networked, people through voice control, remote control automation achieved housework, so that the quality of life has been greatly improved.

在科研领域,人们使用计算机进行各种复杂的运算及大量数据的处理,如卫星飞行的轨迹、天气预报中的数据处理等。由于计算机能高速、准确地进行运算,因此,人们往往需要花费数天、数年时间甚至一辈子才能完成的计算任务,计算机只需很短时间就能完成。 在学校和政府机关,每天都涉及大量数据的统计与分析,有了计算机,工作效率就大大提高了。
在生产中,用计算机控制生产过程的自动化操作,如温度控制、电压电流控制等,从而实现自动进料、自动加工产品以及自 动包装产品等等。

2010-04-19 · 贡献了超过106个回答
In modern society, the computer has been widely applied to the military, scientific, economic, cultural and other fields, become an indispensable good helper.
In the research field, the way people use computers and a large number of complex data processing operations, such as satellite flight path, weather forecast data processing. As high-speed computer can accurately be calculated, therefore, people often take several days, several years or even a lifetime to complete computing tasks, the computer can be done only a very short time. In schools and government offices every day involve large amounts of data statistics and analysis, with the computer, work efficiency is greatly increased.
In the factory, computer engineers in the design of products, provides an effective aid, now, people carrying out construction design, as long as the importation of the raw data, the computer can automatically process and draw a variety of design drawings.
In the production, use computer-controlled automation of the production process, such as temperature control, voltage and current control to achieve the automatic feed, automatic processing of products, and automatic packaging products, etc..
In the bank, people with communication lines together into a computer network, so there will be a bank deposit and withdrawal services. One could also use credit card without the cash, the computer will bring people to a "cashless" era. Thanks to the computer network, called "paperless trading" has come to be known as EDI (electronic data interchange) technology is sweeping the world.
Now, the exchange has been more and more people require transmission of information faster and wider transmission, the "information superhighway" will emerge a. One, Internet (English meaning: International Interactive Network) now has tens of millions of users, users as long as your computer receives the network, you can contact with the world, you can sit at home and get on the system a variety of information, such as electronic news, electronic books and e-mail (E-mail), etc..

The computer is entering the family, to people's lifestyle has brought profound changes, automatic washing machines (laundry process controlled by computer) for people removed from the troubles of laundry, air conditioners and refrigerators (from the computer under the control of the operation temperature ) for people to bring a cool world. Families in some advanced countries, various household appliances, networked, people through voice control, remote control automation to achieve the household chores so that their quality of life has been greatly improved.
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In modern society, the computer has been widely applied to the military, scientific, economic, cultural etc. and other fields, become an indispensable good helper.

    In the research field, the way people use computers and a large number of complex data processing operations, such as satellite flight path, weather forecast data processing etc.. Because the computer can speed and accurate operation, therefore, people often take several days, several years or even a lifetime to complete computing tasks, the computer can be done only a very short time. In schools and government offices every day involve large amounts of data statistics and analysis, with the computer, work efficiency is greatly increased.

    In the factory, computer engineers in the design of products, provides an effective aid, now, people carrying out construction design, as long as the importation of the raw data, the computer can automatically process and draw a variety of design drawings.

    In the production, use computer-controlled automation of the production process, such as temperature control, voltage and current control to achieve the automatic feed, automatic processing of products, and automatic packaging products, etc..

    In the bank, people with communication lines together into a computer network, so there will be a bank deposit and withdrawal services. One could also use credit card without the cash, the computer will bring people to a "cashless" era. Thanks to the computer network, called "paperless trading" has come to be known as EDI (electronic data interchange) technology is sweeping the world.

   Now, the exchange has been more and more people require transmission of information faster and wider transmission, the "information superhighway" will emerge a. One, Internet (English meaning: International Interactive Network) now has tens of millions of users, users as long as your computer receives the network, you can contact with the world, you can sit at home and get on the system a variety of information, such as electronic news, electronic books and e-mail (E-mail), etc..

    The computer is entering the family, to people's lifestyle has brought profound changes, automatic washing machines (laundry process controlled by computer) for people removed from the troubles of laundry, air conditioners and refrigerators (from the computer under the control of the operation temperature ) for people to bring a cool world. Families in some advanced countries, various household appliances, networked, people through voice control, remote control automation to achieve the household chores so that their quality of life has been greatly improved.
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2010-04-08 · TA获得超过1584个赞
-_-!!!!!!!! 太多了不好动脑和手写,只好用翻译器,行吗?

In modern society, the computer has been widely applied to the military, scientific, economic, cultural and other fields, become an indispensable good helper.

    In the research field, the way people use computers and a large number of complex data processing operations, such as satellite flight path, weather forecast data processing. Because the computer can speed and accurate operation, therefore, people often take several days, several years or even a lifetime to complete computing tasks, the computer can be done only a very short time. In schools and government offices every day involve large amounts of data statistics and analysis, with the computer, work efficiency is greatly increased.

    In the factory, computer engineers in the design of products, provides an effective aid, now, people carrying out construction design, as long as the importation of the raw data, the computer can automatically process and draw a variety of design drawings.

    In the production, use computer-controlled automation of the production process, such as temperature control, voltage and current control to achieve the automatic feed, automatic processing of products, and automatic packaging products, etc..

    In the bank, people with communication lines together into a computer network, so there will be a bank deposit and withdrawal services. One could also use credit card without the cash, the computer will bring people to a "cashless" era. Thanks to the computer network, called "paperless trading" has come to be known as EDI (electronic data interchange) technology is sweeping the world.

   Now, the exchange has been more and more people require transmission of information faster and wider transmission, the "information superhighway" will emerge a. One, Internet (English meaning: International Interactive Network) now has tens of millions of users, users as long as your computer receives the network, you can contact with the world, you can sit at home and get on the system a variety of information, such as electronic news, electronic books and e-mail (E-mail), etc..

    The computer is entering the family, to people's lifestyle has brought profound changes, automatic washing machines (laundry process controlled by computer) for people removed from the troubles of laundry, air conditioners and refrigerators (from the computer under the control of the operation temperature ) for people to bring a cool world. Families in some advanced countries, various household appliances, networked, people through voice control, remote control automation to achieve the household chores so that their quality of life has been greatly improved.

参考资料: 可以吗?

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In modern society, the computer has been widely applied to the military, scientific, economic, cultural and other fields, become an indispensable good helper.

In the research field, the way people use computers and a large number of complex data processing operations, such as satellite flight path, weather forecast data processing. Because the computer can speed and accurate op
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