
要英文的,配中文翻译急需啊~~~要把主题写出来请写的明白些,只要两首就可以了,还要写成句子... 要英文的,配中文翻译
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2010-04-12 · 超过23用户采纳过TA的回答
推荐你Bon Jovi乐队 的一首的歌Always,主题很鲜明,一首感人的爱情歌曲。
J. Bon Jovi
This romeo is bleeding罗密欧在流血
But you can't see his blood不过你看不到
It's nothing but some feelings只是一些感觉
That this old dog kicked up被这只老狗唤起

It's been raining since you left me你离去后雨一直下不停
Now I'm drowning in the flood我被雨水淹没
You see I've always been a fighter你明白我向来是个斗士
But without you I give up但失去你 我只能投降
Now I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be现在我不能再像从前 把情歌唱得那么动听

Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore我想我已不如以往
But baby, that's just me但这就是我
And I will love you, baby – Always我会爱着你,直到永远
And I'll be there forever and a day – Always我会守着你 直到海枯石烂
I'll be there till the stars don't shine我会守着你 直到星辰消逝
Till the heavens burst and直到天堂毁灭
The words don't rhyme直到言语悄然
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind至死你都会萦绕在我脑海
And I'll love you - Always我会爰着你 直到永远
Now your pictures that you left behind那些你留下的照片
Are just memories of a different life对你来说只是过往回忆
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry其中我们有欢笑 有泪水
One that made you have to say goodbye也有你的道别
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair如何才能再次拨弄你的长发
To touch your lips, to hold you near抱着你 轻触你的唇
When you say your prayers try to understand聆听你的祈祷
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man我承认我犯了错 但我只是个凡人

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near当他把你拥入怀中
When he says the words you've been needing to hear当他对你甜言蜜语
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine我希望是我在你身旁细语
To say to you till the end of time对你诉说 直到世界末日

Yeah, I will love you baby – Always我会爱着你,直到永远

And I'll be there forever and a day – Always我会守着你 直到海枯石烂

If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face看着我的脸
There's no price I won't pay请相信我愿牺牲一切
To say these words to you只为对你诉说这些话语
Well, there ain't no luck In these loaded dice手中的骰子已用尽运气
But baby if you give me just one more try但若你能再给我一次机会
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives我们可以重拾过往的梦想与生活
We'll find a place where the sun still shines找个阳光灿烂的地方重新开始

And I will love you, baby – Always我会爱着你,直到永远
And I'll be there forever and a day – Always我会守着你 直到海枯石烂
I'll be there till the stars don't shine我会守着你 直到星辰消逝
Till the heavens burst and直到天堂毁灭
The words don't rhyme直到言语悄然
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind至死你都会萦绕在我脑海
And I'll love you – Always我会爱着你,直到永远

下一首是Bon jovi的these days,这首歌很好听,歌曲中透漏着歌者对现实世界的愤慨和对现实生活的无助,唯一可能不足的就是,感觉这不是一首激励人奋发向上的歌曲。这首歌是Bon转变中的一首值得细细聆听的歌曲。
These days
Jon bon jovi

I was walking around, just a face in the crowd在汹涌的人群中我只不过是张陌生的面孔
Trying to keep myself out of the rain只求躲避风雨
Saw a vagabond king wear a styrofoam crown一个流浪汉头戴塑料王冠
Wondered if I might end up the same不知我是否也会有如此结局
There’s a man out on the corner, singing old songs about change转角的街头艺人唱着关于时代变迁的老歌
Everybody got their cross to bare, these days每个人心中都充满了苦痛,在这个年代

She came looking for some shelter with a suitcase full of dreams她拎着装满梦想的行囊,找寻遮蔽风雨的地方
To a motel room on the boulevard最后落脚在大街上的汽车旅馆
I guess she’s trying to be James Dean也许她想学詹姆士迪恩
She’s seen all the disciples and all the wanna be's她看遍这个年代的拜金主义者以及汲汲名利的众生
No one wants to be themselves these days这个年代没有人想作自己
Still there’s nothing to hold on to but these days也没有什么理想可以寄托

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代星星似乎遥不可及
These days - there ain’t a ladder on these streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天
These days - are fast, love don’t last in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有永远的爱情 在这个不道德的年代
There ain’t anybody left but but us these days只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

Jimmy shoes busted both his legs, trying to learn to fly吉姆摔伤自己的双腿 想学会如何飞翔
From a second story window, he just jumped and closed his eyes从二搂的窗口 他闭上双眼跳下
His mamma said he was crazy - he said mamma “I’ve got to try”妈妈说他疯了 他说 妈妈我必须试一下
Don’t you know that all my heroes died你可知我所有的英雄已不存在在这个世界
And I guess I’d rather die than fade away我情愿死也不愿被吞噬

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代 星星似乎遥不可及
But these days - there ain’t a ladder on the streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天
These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有什么可以永远 在这个不道德的年代
Even innocence has caught the midnight train纯真亦无处容身
And there ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

I know Rome’s still burning我知道罗马仍在燃烧
Though the times have changed虽然时代不同
This world keeps turning round and round and round and round这世界仍在不停转变 转变 转变
These days这个年代
These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代星星似乎遥不可及
But these days - there ain’t a ladder on the streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天
These days - are fast, love don’t last in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有永远的爱情 在这个不道德的年代
Even innocence has caught the midnight train纯真亦无处容身
And there ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代星星似乎遥不可及
These days - there ain’t a ladder on the streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天
These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有什么可以永远 在这个不道德的年代

There ain’t no time to waste似乎不应浪费时间思考这些
There ain’t anybody left to take the blame似乎不该有任何人为一切负责
And there ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘
There ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘
2010-04-16 · TA获得超过260个赞
Pet Shop Boys - Go West
Come on, come on, come on, come on (来吧,来吧,来吧)

(Together) We will go our way (我们要走我们的路了)
(Together) We will leave someday (我们有天将要离开)
(Together) Your hand in my hands (我们手牵手)
(Together) We will make our plans (我们要安排我们的计划)

(Together) We will fly so high (我们会飞得很高)
(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye (向我们所有朋友告别)
(Together) We will start life new (现要我们开始我们新的生活)
(Together) This is what we'll do (这就是我们将要做的)

(Go West) Life is peaceful there (那儿的生活是和平的)
(Go West) In the open air (在开放的气氛中)
(Go West) Where the skies are blue (那里的天空是蓝色的)
(Go West) This is what we're gonna do (这就是我们将做的)

(Go West, this is what we're gonna do, Go West) (去西部,就是我们将要做的)

(Together) We will love the beach (我们热爱这片海滩)
(Together) We will learn and teach (我们学习和生活)
(Together) Change our pace of life (改变我们生活的步伐)
(Together) We will work and strive (我们工作和奋斗)

(I love you) I know you love me (我知道你爱我)
(I want you) How could I disagree? (我不会赞同吗)
(So that's why) I make no protest (我没有什么任何防护)
(When you say) You will do the rest (剩下的就是你做的)

最初的主题是宣扬同性恋 但是后来有很多政治特色加入 很好听

cry on my shoulder

If the hero
Never comes to you

If you need someone
You’re feeling blue.

If you wait for love
And you’re alone

If you call your friends
Nobody’s home

You can run away
But you can’t hide

Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I’ll show you there’s a destiny

The best things in life
They are free

But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder

If you need someone
Who cares for you

If you’re feeling sad
Your heart gets colder

Yes I show you
What real love can do

If your sky is grey
Oh let me know

There’s a place in heaven
Where we’ll go

If heaven is
A million years away

Oh just call me
And I’ll make your day

When the nights are getting cold and blue

When the days are getting hard for you

I will always stay by your side
I promise you
I’ll never hide

But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder

If you need someone
Who cares for you

If you’re feeling sad
Your heart gets colder

Yes I show you
What real love can do......
我会告诉你真正的爱情有什麼作用..... 《Cry On My Shoulder》 (括号里为拼音的发音 u用英文字母音发)
If the hero (yifu ze hi rou)
Never comes to you (nai wer kangmus tu u)

If you need someone (yifu u nide sangmuwan)
You’re feeling blue. (u a filing bulu)

If you wait for love (yifu u weite fo er lawu)

And you’re alone (an de u a alang )

If you call your friends (yifu u kou ur fu ruan des)
Nobody’s home (noubaodi si houmu)

You can run away (u kan ruan awei)
But you can’t hide (bate u kante haide)

Through a storm and through a lonely night (siru a s duomu ande siru a longli naite)
Then I’ll show you there’s a destiny (zen I ou shou u die er s a distini )

The best things in life (ze baiste sings yin laifu)
They are free (lei a furui)

But if you wanna cry (bate yifu u wangna ku ruai)
Cry on my shoulder (ku ruai ang mai shaoder)

If you need someone (yifu u nide sang mu wan)
Who cares for you (hu kai er s fo er u)

If you’re feeling sad (yi fu u r filing saide)
Your heart gets colder (u r he er t kou der)

Yes I show you (ye s I shou u )
What real love can do (wo te rui ou la wu kan du)

If your sky is grey (yi fu ur sigai yis gu rui)
Oh let me know (oh laite mi nou)

There’s a place in heaven (die er s a pu lei s yin hai wen)
Where we’ll go (wei er wei ou gou)

If heaven is (yifu haiwen yis a mi li en ye er s a wei)
A million years away

Oh just call me (oh zha s te kou mi)
And I’ll make your day (an de I ou mei ke ur dai )

When the nights are getting cold and blue (wen ze nai ci a gai ting kou de bulu)

When the days are getting hard for you (wen ze dei s a gai ting ha de fo er u)

I will always stay by your side (I wei ou ou weis sdei bai ur sai de )
I promise you (I pu rao mi s u)
I’ll never hide (I ou naiwer haide)

But if you wanna cry (bate yifu u wangna ku ruai)
Cry on my shoulder (ku ruai ang mai shou der)

If you need someone (yifu u nide sang mu wan)
Who cares for you (hu kai ers fo u )

If you’re feeling sad (yifu u a filing saide )
Your heart gets colder (ur herte gai ci kouder)

Yes I show you (ye si I shou u )
What real love can do...... (wote rui ou la wu kan du)
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2010-04-13 · TA获得超过150个赞
trouble is a friend lenka唱的,是关于人生的 Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.麻烦是朋友,可也是魔鬼,哦哦
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.不管我怎么对待他,他似乎都在成长,哦哦
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.他看我所看,知我所知.哦哦
So don't forget as you ease on down the road.因此即便将来安宁也别忘了他
He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中
he's there in my heart,他就在我心里
He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel. 哦,我痛恨他给我的感受
And how I try to make him leave; I try. 我该如何赶他离开,我尽力
Oh Oh I try! 哦哦,我尽力

But he's there in the dark, 他就在黑暗中
He's there in my heart, 他就在我心里
He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
Oh 哦
然后是THE SHOW 也是她唱的,关于爱情的, I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜
i don't know where to go, can't do it alone
我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到
I've tried, and i don't know why...
我尝试了 我不知道为什么…
Slow it down, make it stop
放慢了速度 停了下来
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause it's too much, yeah it's a lot
因为这有点儿过份了 是的太过份了
To be something I’m not
I'm a fool out of love
'Cause i just can't get enough...
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜
i don't know where to go, can't do it alone
I've tried, and i don't know why
我尝试了 我不知道为什么…
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but i don't show it
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down
我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了
I know I’ve got to let it go...
And just enjoy the show
The sun is hot in the sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the signs
And synchronize in time
It's a joke, nobody knows
这是个笑话 没有人知道
They've got a ticket to the show....

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜
i don't know where to go, can't do it alone
我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到
I've tried, and i don't know why...
我尝试了 我不知道为什么…

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but i don't show it
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down
我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了
I know I’ve got to let it go...
And just enjoy the show
just enjoy the show
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2010-04-18 · TA获得超过593个赞
《The Rose》
Some say love, it is a river 有人说,爱是条河
That drowns the tender reed. 容易将柔弱的芦草淹没
Some say love, it is a razor 有人说,爱是把剃刀
That leaves your soul to bleed. 任由你的灵魂淌血
Some say love, it is a hunger 有人说,爱是那辘辘饥肠
An endless, aching need. 一种无尽的带痛的需求
I say love it is a flower 我说,爱是一朵花
And you its only seed 而你,是唯一的种籽
It's the heart afraid of breaking" 怕摔怕受伤的心
That never learns to dance. 永远感受不到舞蹈的美
It's the dream afraid of waking" 怕好梦不长
That never takes the chance. 而让机会悄悄溜走
It's the one who won"t be taken 怕付出的心灵
Who cannot seem to give. 永远得不到收获
And the soul afraid of dying" 怕死亡的灵魂
That never learns to live. 永远无法明了生活的真谛
When the night has been too lonely 当夜显得寂寞不堪
And the road has been too long 去路变得无尽漫长
And you think that love is only 当你觉得只有幸运者
For the lucky and the strong 和强者才有幸得到爱...
Just remember in the winter 朋友,谨记,在严寒的冬日里
Far beneath the bitter snows 酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽
Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 一旦春阳临照
In the spring becomes the rose. 就能幻化成一朵艳丽的玫瑰

《Whiskey Lullaby》翻译是《威士忌安魂曲》
听名字就知道很伤感了```这首我也不知道怎么形容~!你看下它的MV ,一定会想哭```!
She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette
她破灭了他心中的期盼 像熄灭午夜尽头燃烧的烟蒂
She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget
她伤了他的心 成就了他毕生难以释怀的伤痛
We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
我们望着他 饮尽悲伤 一次一次 一点一滴
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind
但他无法让自己 足够沉醉 以至将她遗忘
Until the night
直到 那个夜晚
He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
他端起酒瓶 饮颈而下 并对着自己扣响了扳机
And finally drank away her memory
终于将属于她的记忆 全部喝完
Life is short but this time it was bigger
生命短暂 这一次却得如此强大
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his face down in the pillow
我们终于找到他 他却已将自己深深埋在枕头之中
With a note that said I'll love her till I die
临终遗言 有一纸短笺:我爱她直至生命结束 (我爱她至死不渝)
And when we buried him beneath the willow
当我们将他下葬 合上了柳木棺盖
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby
天使们唱起 威士忌安魂曲

The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
流言飞传 但没有人知道 她心里无限的自责
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
年复一年 她试图隐藏 那已融入呼吸的威士忌味道
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
她最终饮尽悲伤 一次一次 一点一滴
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
但沉醉 始终难以让她将他遗忘
Until the night
直到 那个夜晚
She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
她端起酒瓶 饮颈而下 并对着自己扣响了扳机
And finally drank away his memory
终于 一切关于他的记忆烟消云散
Life is short but this time it was bigger
生命短暂 这一次却得如此强大
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
我们发现她时 她却已将自己深深埋在枕头之中
Clinging to his picture for dear life
临终陪伴 只是一张他的照片 代表了一生的爱恋(纪念这珍贵的一生)
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
当我们将她下葬 紧挨着他 合上了柳木棺盖
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby
天使们 又唱起了 威士忌安魂曲
lalala la la la`````````````````
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