芯片 全游戏一共有266张芯片。其中251-260都是秘密芯片,要靠在连机后,以S级战胜才能得到,而且不是一定得到的。芯片261-265为特殊芯片,在Capcom的特殊事件中才能得到。第266号芯片在通过困难模式后得到。下面的芯片得手方法是翻译的,很多是在该地方战斗所的。 001 Cannon Den Areas 1/2/3 002 HiCannon Airplane TV 003 M-Cannon Apartment Complex, WWW 2 004 ShotGun Den Area 1 有售 005 V-Gun Den Area 2 006 CrossGun Square 有售 007 Spreader Den Area 1/2有售 008 Bubbler 主机 009 Bub-V Netopia 城堡 010 BubCross Undernet 1/2/3 011 BubSprd Undernet 7 012 HeatShot Bomb Comp 013 Heat-V Duty-free Shop, Vending Machine (Kotobuki City) 014 HeatCros Apart Comp2 015 HeatSprd Undernet 5 016 MiniBomb Dex的电脑 017 LilBomb Dex的电脑r 018 CrosBomb Netopia 2/3, Airplane TV 019 BigBomb Undernet 4/6, WWW 1 020 TreeBom1 Mother Comp2 021 TreeBom2 UnderKoto 022 TreeBom3 Undernet 5 023 Sword GMD Den Area 2 024 WideSwrd KotoArea 025 LongSwrd KotoArea, Mother Comp1 026 FireSwrd KotoArea 027 AquaSwrd Castle Comp3 and 4, 主机1 028 ElecSwrd 货车 029 FireBlde KotoSquare有售 030 AquaBlde UnderKoto有售 031 ElecBlde Undernet 1有售 032 StepSwrd 完成任务15 033 Kunai1 Apart Comp 2/3 034 Kunai2 Undernet 5 035 Kunai3 WWW 3 036 CustSwrd NumberMan有售 037 Muramasa Undernet 5 038 VarSwrd Undernet 7 GMD, Trade 2 039 Slasher 完成任务 6 040 Shockwav Den Areas 1/2/3 041 Sonicwav Yumland 1/2, Hotel Refrigerator 042 Dynawave Undernet 3, Autolock (Kotobuki), WWW Area 1 043 Quake1 Den Area 2/3 044 Quake2 Hotel Refrigerator 045 Quake3 Undernet 1/2 046 GutsPnch Dex家里/Kotobuki (Dex) 047 ColdPnch Yumland 2 Netdealer 048 DashAtk Bomb Comps, 玩具机器人 049 Wrecker Yumland 1 GMD 050 CannBall UnderKoto, Undernet 7 GMD 051 DoublNdl Mother Comp4, Flight Board 052 TripNdl Mrs. Millions皮包 053 QuadNdl Duty-free 有售 054 Trident WWW Area 1 有售 055 Ratton1 Netopia Area 1 and 2, VendingMach. (Kotobuki) 056 Ratton2 Apart Comps, WWW 2 GMD 057 Ratton3 WWW 2/3, WWW 2 GMD 058 FireRat Yumland 1 PMD 059 Tornado WWW 1 有售 060 Twister 完成任务10 061 Blower Trade 6 062 Burner Undernet 4/5 063 ZapRing1 Den Area 2/3 064 ZapRing2 Netopia 1/2/3, Statue at NetCastle 065 ZapRing3 Vending Machine (Kotobuki) 066 Satelit1 Mother Comp2, Yumland 1/2, Airplane Network 067 Satelit2 Airplane TV 068 Satelit3 Autolock (Kotobuki), WWW 1 069 Spice1 Mother Comps 070 Spice2 Undernet 6 071 Spice3 WWW 3 072 MagBomb1 Airplane Network 3 073 MagBomb2 Undernet 6 074 MagBomb3 WWW 1/2 075 Yo-Yo1 Apart Comps 076 Yo-Yo2 Undernet 6 077 Yo-Yo3 WWW 3 078 CrsShld1 Castle Comps 079 CrsShld2 UnderKoto 080 CrsShld3 Undernet 7 081 Hammer NetSquare 有r, 交易 4 082 ZuesHamr BugFrag 商店 083 Lance WWW 3 GMD 084 BrnzFist Yumland 1 PMD 085 SilvFist 交易5 086 GoldFist 完成任务18 087 PoisMask Mother Comp 4/5 088 PoisFace Apart Comp2, WWW 2 089 WhirlPl Undernet 1/2/3 090 Blckhole Undernet 7 091 Meteor9 Bomb Comp4, Mother Comp3 092 Meteor12 Castle Comps, Vending Machine (Kotobuki) 093 Meteor15 Undernet 2/3/6 094 Meteor18 WWW 3 095 TimeBom1 Bomb Comp 1/2 096 TimeBom2 Airplane Network 2 097 TimeBom3 Apart Comp4 098 LilCloud Netopia 1/2/3 099 MedCloud Undernet 1/2/3 100 BigCloud Undernet 5/6 101 Mine WWW 1 有售, Retro Chip Trader 102 FrntSnsr WWW 1 有售, Retro Chip Trader 103 DblSnsr WWW 1 有售r, Retro Chip Trader 104 Remobit1 录音机 105 Remobit2 UnderKoto, Undernet 4 106 Remobit3 Autolock (Kotobuki) 107 AquaBall Wide Monitor (Official Center) 108 ElecBall Statue at NetCastle 109 HeatBall Undernet 7 110 Geyser Yumland 2 PMD 111 LavaDrag Apartment Complex F24 Net 112 GodStone WWW 1 有售 113 OldWood WWW 2 PMD 114 Guard Den Area 1/2/3 115 PanlOut1 ACDC School Desk 116 PanlOut3 Chip Trader 117 LineOut Gas Stove (Okuden), Bomb Comps 118 Catcher Airplane Network 119 Mindbndr UnderKoto 有售, Undernet 4 GMD 120 Recov10 Den Area 1 有售 121 Recov30 Square 有售 122 Recov50 Netopia 1 BMD 123 Recov80 Undernet 1/2/3/5 124 Recov120 Undernet 1/2/3/5 125 Recov150 Undernet 1/2/3/5 126 Recov200 完成任务17, Undernet 6 GMD 127 Recov300 Undernet 7 BMD 128 PanlGrab KotoSquare 有售 129 AreaGrab Den Area 3 有售 130 GrabRvng Undernet 1 有售 131 Geddon1 NumberMan 有售 132 Geddon2 NumberMan 有售 133 Geddon3 134 Escape 135 AirShoes WWW 3, BugFrag商店 136 Repair NetSquare 有售 137 Candle1 Castle Comp5 138 Candle2 Undernet 6 139 Candle3 WWW 2 140 RockCube Yumland 2 有售, Undernet 6 GMD 141 Prism Netopia 1 BMD 142 Guardian Autolock (Kotobuki) PMD 143 Wind Netopia 2 有售, 录音机 144 Fan Netopia 2 有售, 录音机 145 Anubis WWW 1 146 SloGauge UnderKoto 有售 147 FstGauge UnderKoto 有售 148 FullCust Undernet 1 有售r, WWW 3 GMD 149 Invis1 Yumland 1/2 150 Invis2 Mother Comp 2/3/4/5, Castle Comp 151 Invis3 Undernet 1/2/3/5 152 DropDown WWW 2 153 PopUp Undernet 6 154 StoneBod Netopia 1 155 Shadow1 Castle Comps 156 Shadow2 Apart Comps 157 Shadow3 WWW 1 158 UnderSht Trade 8 159 Barrier Square 有售, WWW 3 GMD 160 BublWrap WWW 1 有售 161 LeafShld Undernet 5 162 AquaAura Undernet 4 163 FireAura Undernet 4 164 WoodAura Undernet 7 165 ElecAura Undernet 7 166 LifeAur1 WWW 1/3 167 LifeAur2 WWW 3 168 LifeAur3 WWW 3 169 MagLine UnderSquare 有售 170 LavaLine UnderSquare 有售 171 IceLine UnderSquare 有售 172 GrassLne UnderSquare 有售 173 LavaStge WWW 1 BMD 174 IceStage KotoArea BMD 175 GrassStg WWW 3 BMD 176 HolyPanl Undernet 4 177 Jealosy NetSquare 有售 178 AntiFire NumberMan 有售(Undernet 5) 179 AntiElec NumberMan 有售 (Undernet 5) 180 AntiWatr NumberMan 有售(Undernet 5) 181 AntiDmg 交易9 182 AntiSwrd Undernet 7 PMD 183 AntiNavi WWW 3 PMD 184 AntiRecv UnderKoto PMD 185 Atk+10 Den Area 3 有售 186 Atk+20 Undernet 1 有售 187 Atk+30 BugFrag Shop 188 Fire+40 KotoSquare 有售 189 Aqua+40 ??? 190 Wood+40 ??? 191 Elec+40 NumberMan 有售 192 Navi+20 Yumland 2 BMD 193 Navi+40 WWW 3 BMD 194 Roll Mayl 195 RollV2 Mayl 196 RollV3 Mayl 197 GutsMan Dex家/Kotobuki (Dex) 198 GutsManV2 Dex家/Kotobuki (Dex) 199 GutsManV3 Dex家/Kotobuki (Dex) 200 ProtoMan Okuden Dam/Airport/Outside NetCastle (Chaud) 201 ProtoMnV2 Okuden Dam/Airport/Outside NetCastle (Chaud) 202 ProtoMnV3 Okuden Dam/Airport/Outside NetCastle (Chaud) 203 AirMan Den Area 1 204 AirManV2 Den Area 1 205 AirManV3 Den Area 1 206 QuickMan KotoArea 207 QuickMnV2 KotoArea 208 QuickMnV3 KotoArea 209 CutMan Yumland 2 210 CutManV2 Yumland 2 211 CutManV3 Yumland 2 212 ShadoMan Undernet 5 213 ShadoMnV2 Undernet 5 214 ShadoMnV3 Undernet 5 215 KnightMn Netopia 1 216 KnghtMnV2 Netopia 1 217 KnghtMnV3 Netopia 1 218 MagnetMn Undernet 2 219 MagntMnV2 Undernet 2 220 MagntMnV3 Undernet 2 221 FreezeMn Undernet 7 222 FrzManV2 Undernet 7 223 FrzManV3 Undernet 7 224 HeatMan Den Airport (Mr. Match) 225 HeatManV2 Den Airport (Mr. Match) 226 HeatManV3 Den Airport (Mr. Match) 227 ToadMan Marine Harbor (Ribitta) 228 ToadManV2 Marine Harbor (Ribitta) 229 ToadManV3 Marine Harbor (RIbitta) 230 ThunMan Netopia Underground (Raoul) 231 ThunManV2 Netopia Underground (Raoul) 232 ThunManV3 Netopia Underground (Raoul) 233 SnakeMan Netopia City (Mrs. Millions) 234 SnakeMnV2 Netopia City (Mrs. Millions) 235 SnakeMnV3 Netopia City (Mrs. Millions) 236 GateMan Official Center Lobby (Mr. Famous) 237 GateManV2 Official Center Lobby (Mr. Famous) 238 GateManV3 Official Center Lobby (Mr. Famous) 239 PharoMan WWW 1 240 PharoMnV2 WWW 1 241 PharoMnV3 WWW 1 242 NapalmMn WWW 2 243 NaplmMnV2 WWW 2 244 MaplmMnV3 WWW 2 245 PlanetMn WWW 3 246 PlnetMnV2 WWW 3 247 PlnetMnV3 WWW 3 248 Bass WWW 1 249 BassV2 WWW 3 250 BassV3 WWW 3