路遥的《平凡的世界》就塑造了孙少平、孙少安两兄弟 “典型”的人物形象,尽情展示着普通人物的不平凡人生。这部表现农村改革的长篇巨著充溢着浓郁的时代气息和深刻的现代意义。在那个追求个性解放,渴望人类真情的时代,《平凡的世界》中人物形象以及他们的悲剧美对整个时代都具有开拓和引领的重大意义。通过对路遥的作品《平凡的世界》中两个主要人物形象的分析,从作者的生活经历,黄土地的苍凉,对黄土地的深情与热爱,黄土地的悲欢离合与爱情悲剧等方面分析路遥作品特有的苍凉、悲壮的悲剧情结。作品塑造了一系列性格鲜明的人物形象,他们的生存方式,生存状态,生命体验和历史承传各不相同,但都蕴涵了丰富的悲剧内容,在那个追求个性解放,渴望人类真情的时代,《平凡的世界》中人物形象以及他们的悲剧美对整个时代都具有开拓和引领的重大意义。小说中浓郁的悲剧意识和现实主义的表现手法相结合,使作品散发出悲壮而冷峻的悲剧美,深化了主题,增加了小说的艺术感染力。
Yao's "Ordinary World" will shape the Sun Shaopins, Sun Shaoan two brothers "typical" characters, enjoy displays the extraordinary life of ordinary characters. This full-length masterpiece of rural reform performance imbued with a deep rich flavor of the times and the modern significance. In the pursuit of individual liberation, the human desire for the truth of the times, "Ordinary World" in the characters and their tragedy in the United States as a whole to develop and lead times have great significance. Works by Lu Yao, "Ordinary World" in the image of the two main characters, from the author's life experiences, yellow desolate land, the land of the yellow affection and love for the land of joys and sorrows and love yellow aspects of road tragedy Remote works unique desolate, tragic Tragic Complex. Works shape the image of a series of colorful characters, their way of life, survival status, life experience and historical inheritance vary, but all it contains rich content of the tragedy, in the pursuit of individual liberation, the human desire for the truth of the times, "Ordinary World" in the characters and their tragedy in the United States as a whole to develop and lead times have great significance. The tragedy of the novel strong and realistic sense of the combination technique of expression, so that work emit Tragedy tragic and Stern, deepening the theme of the novel's artistic influence increased.