Today, I’ll focus on some of the characte r traits of people who were indicated by my readers as their favorite teachers. So me of the character traits were mention ed by multiple people. We’ll call these th e Top 5 Character Traits of Great Teache rs. If you want to be a great teacher, the se are the things you should begin to de velop first.
Top 5 Character Traits of Great Teachers
1. Inspired me and never let me settle fo r anything less than my best (10)
2. Compassionate, caring, made me feel important and welcomed, made a perso nal connection with me (7)
3. Were demanding, pushed me hard (4)
4. Had a great sense of humor (3)
5. Knowledge of the subject matter
Top 5 Character Traits of Great Teachers
1. Inspired me and never let me settle fo r anything less than my best (10)
2. Compassionate, caring, made me feel important and welcomed, made a perso nal connection with me (7)
3. Were demanding, pushed me hard (4)
4. Had a great sense of humor (3)
5. Knowledge of the subject matter