1.set about
To begin or start:
set about solving the problem.
set apart
To reserve for a specific use.
To make noticeable:
character traits that set her apart.
set aside
To separate and reserve for a special purpose.
To discard or reject.
To declare invalid; annul or overrule:
The court has set aside the conviction.
set at
To attack or assail:
The dogs set at the fox.
set back
To slow down the progress of; hinder.
Informal To cost:
set about
1. 开始:开始或出发
Set about solving the problem.着手解决问题
set apart
1. 留出,拨出:留出以备专用
2. 使引人注目
Character traits that set her apart.使她引人注目的个性
set aside
1. 留出,拨出:分开或留出以备专用
2. 抛弃,放弃
3. 废除:声明无用、取消或否决
The court has set aside the conviction.法庭宣告无罪
set at
1. 打击或袭击
The dogs set at the fox.狗群冲向狐狸
set back
1. 阻止:减慢进程;妨碍
2. 【非正式用语】 花费
That coat set me back $1,000.那件衣服花了我1,000美元
set by
1. 保留为将来之用
It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency.为将来紧急情况贮备食物和钱是明智的
set down
1. 坐:使坐;坐下
Set the baby down here.让小孩坐这儿
2. 记录:写下;记录
We set down the facts.我们记下事实
3. 把…归于:由…引起;把…归于
Just set him down as a sneak.当他是个阴险的人
Let's set the error down to inexperience.让我们把错误归于没有经验
4. 着陆:(飞机)着陆
The pilot set the plane down hard.飞行员艰难地使飞机着陆
set forth
1. 提出:提出想法;建议
Set forth a sound plan.提出一个合理的计划
2. 表达:用语言表达
She has set forth her ideas.她已经表达出了想法
set forward
1. 开始旅程
set in
1. 插入
Set in the sleeve of a gown.插入礼服袖子中
2. 开始:开始发生或出现
“Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top”( -- Charles Siebert)“当我行于山顶公路时夜幕降临”( -- 查尔斯·谢伯特)
3. (风)水向岸(吹)流:移向岸边。用于风和水
set off
1. 爆炸:引起爆炸
Set off a chemical reaction.发生化学反应
Set off a bomb.炸弹爆炸
2. 区分:指出不同;区分
Features setting him off from the crowd.使他与人群分开的特征
3. 强调: 通过对比引起注意;强调
Set off a passage with italics.用斜体字强调一段
4. 开始旅程
Set off for Europe.开始欧洲之旅
set out
1. 着手:开始一个热切的计划;着手
He set out to understand why the plan had failed.他开始明白为什么计划失败了
2. 生动形象地摆出
Set out a terrace.画出地形
3. 展览:为展览或出售而摆设
4. 种
Set out seedlings.种小树
5. 开始旅程
She set out at dawn for town.她日出时出发去镇上
set to
1. 开始干起来:热忱地开始工作;开始
2. 开始战斗
set up
1. 直立:放于竖直位置
2. 组装:集合并装配
They set the general up as a dictator.他们赋与将军指挥者的权力
He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.他自称是英语专家
Set up a new machine.组装一台新机器
3. 建立
Set up a charity.建立一家慈善机构
4. 引起,使产生
They set up howls of protest over new taxes.他们发起反对新税的吼声
5. 开始经商:通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业
6. 为(饮料)付账
7. 【非正式用语】 刺激或鼓励
A victory that really set the team up.胜利鼓舞了球队
8. 计划:制定计划
Set up a kidnapping.策划绑架
9. 【非正式用语】 哄骗:通过欺骗使(他人)妥协
Swindlers have set me up.骗子骗了我
set upon
1. 强烈打击
Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.守卫让狗攻击逃犯
set one's heart (或 hopes) on
1. 渴望
She had her heart set on going to university.她渴望上大学。
set out one's stall
1. 展现才艺
He wanted to set out his stall as someone who would balance the books and create a firm financial situation.他想要展现才能,让人知道他是能使收支平衡,能创造稳固的财政态势的人。
set sail
1. 张帆
set one's teeth
1. 咬紧牙关
set the wheels in motion
1. 开展;实施
make a dead set at
1. (英)坚决要赢得…的青睐
set someone against
1. 使反对;使敌视
He hadn't meant any harm but his few words had set her against him.他毫无恶意,但他的几句话使她敌视他。
set something against
1. 用…抵消
Wives' allowances can henceforth be set against investment income.今后妻子们的补贴可以用投资收益来抵消。
set someone apart
1. 使凸显;使与众不同
His try-scoring ability and self-effacing modesty have set him apart.他带球触对方端线的得分能力和谦虚精神使他鹤立鸡群。
set something apart
1. 分开;拨出
There were books and rooms set apart as libraries.有些书和房间留作图书馆之用。
set something aside
1. 留出;拨出
The bank expected to set aside about $700 million for restructuring.银行预计拨出七亿美元用于重组。
2. 撤销;废止
set someone/thing back
1. 推迟;阻碍
This incident undoubtedly set back research.这一事件无疑阻碍了研究。
2. (非正式)(购买)使花费
That must have set you back a bit.那一定让你花费了不少吧。
set something by
1. (古,美)留出备用
set someone down
1. 停车并让人下车
set something down
1. 写下,记下
set something forth
1. 陈述;描述
The principles and aims set forth in the Social Charter.社会宪章中所述的原则和目标。
set something in
1. 把(尤指袖子)插入衣服
set someone off
1. 使开始做(尤指使人发笑或议论)
Anything will set him off laughing.任何事都能把他逗笑。
set something off
1. 引爆炸弹
2. 衬托出;使显眼
A pink carnation set off nicely by a red bow tie and cream shirt.红色蝶形领结和奶油色衬衫映衬下的粉红色康乃馨。
set something off against
1. 同上面set something against
set on(或upon)
1. 袭击
set someone/thing on (或 upon)
1. 唆使人袭击;让动物袭击
I was asked to leave and threatened with having dogs set upon me.我被要求离开,并被威胁说要放狗咬我。
set something out
1. 排列;陈列
set someone up
1. 扶持;使掌权
His father set him up in business.他父亲在生意上大力扶持他。
2. 使恢复健康
After my operation the doctor recommended a cruise to set me up again.手术之后医生建议我去旅行以便恢复健康。
3. (非正式)冤枉;诬陷
Suppose Lorton had set him up for Newley's murder?.假如罗顿诬陷他谋杀了牛莱呢?。
set something up
1. 放置;树立
Police set up a roadblock on Lower Thames Street.警察在下泰晤士大街设置了路障。
2. 建立企业、机构等组织
3. 发出大声
set oneself up as
1. 确立在(某行业)的地位
He set himself up as a druggist in Leamington.他在利明顿是一位小有名气的药剂师。
set fire to
1. 纵火:点燃或使燃烧
set foot in
1. 进入
set foot on
1. 走在
set in motion
1. 给予刺激
The indictment set the judicial process in motion.控诉加快了裁决过程
set (one's) heart on
1. 决心做某事
set (one's) sights on
1. 定目标
She set her sights on medical school.她想上医学院
set on fire
1. 纵火:引起点火或燃烧
2. 使兴奋
The music set the audience on fire.音乐使听众兴奋
set sail【航海】
1. 起航:扬帆开始在水上航行
set (someone) straight
1. 纠正:通过提供充实而正确的信息纠正(某人)
set store by
1. 认为有价值或值得
set the pace
1. 领先:以其它竞争者企图赶上或超过的速度前进
2. 做榜样:以其它人企图超越的方式行动或做事
set the stage for
1. 提供基础
Saber rattling that set the stage for war.为战争提供基础的作响的军刀
set up housekeeping
1. 成家:建立家庭
set up shop
1. 立业:建立事业
To begin or start:
set about solving the problem.
set apart
To reserve for a specific use.
To make noticeable:
character traits that set her apart.
set aside
To separate and reserve for a special purpose.
To discard or reject.
To declare invalid; annul or overrule:
The court has set aside the conviction.
set at
To attack or assail:
The dogs set at the fox.
set back
To slow down the progress of; hinder.
Informal To cost:
set about
1. 开始:开始或出发
Set about solving the problem.着手解决问题
set apart
1. 留出,拨出:留出以备专用
2. 使引人注目
Character traits that set her apart.使她引人注目的个性
set aside
1. 留出,拨出:分开或留出以备专用
2. 抛弃,放弃
3. 废除:声明无用、取消或否决
The court has set aside the conviction.法庭宣告无罪
set at
1. 打击或袭击
The dogs set at the fox.狗群冲向狐狸
set back
1. 阻止:减慢进程;妨碍
2. 【非正式用语】 花费
That coat set me back $1,000.那件衣服花了我1,000美元
set by
1. 保留为将来之用
It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency.为将来紧急情况贮备食物和钱是明智的
set down
1. 坐:使坐;坐下
Set the baby down here.让小孩坐这儿
2. 记录:写下;记录
We set down the facts.我们记下事实
3. 把…归于:由…引起;把…归于
Just set him down as a sneak.当他是个阴险的人
Let's set the error down to inexperience.让我们把错误归于没有经验
4. 着陆:(飞机)着陆
The pilot set the plane down hard.飞行员艰难地使飞机着陆
set forth
1. 提出:提出想法;建议
Set forth a sound plan.提出一个合理的计划
2. 表达:用语言表达
She has set forth her ideas.她已经表达出了想法
set forward
1. 开始旅程
set in
1. 插入
Set in the sleeve of a gown.插入礼服袖子中
2. 开始:开始发生或出现
“Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top”( -- Charles Siebert)“当我行于山顶公路时夜幕降临”( -- 查尔斯·谢伯特)
3. (风)水向岸(吹)流:移向岸边。用于风和水
set off
1. 爆炸:引起爆炸
Set off a chemical reaction.发生化学反应
Set off a bomb.炸弹爆炸
2. 区分:指出不同;区分
Features setting him off from the crowd.使他与人群分开的特征
3. 强调: 通过对比引起注意;强调
Set off a passage with italics.用斜体字强调一段
4. 开始旅程
Set off for Europe.开始欧洲之旅
set out
1. 着手:开始一个热切的计划;着手
He set out to understand why the plan had failed.他开始明白为什么计划失败了
2. 生动形象地摆出
Set out a terrace.画出地形
3. 展览:为展览或出售而摆设
4. 种
Set out seedlings.种小树
5. 开始旅程
She set out at dawn for town.她日出时出发去镇上
set to
1. 开始干起来:热忱地开始工作;开始
2. 开始战斗
set up
1. 直立:放于竖直位置
2. 组装:集合并装配
They set the general up as a dictator.他们赋与将军指挥者的权力
He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.他自称是英语专家
Set up a new machine.组装一台新机器
3. 建立
Set up a charity.建立一家慈善机构
4. 引起,使产生
They set up howls of protest over new taxes.他们发起反对新税的吼声
5. 开始经商:通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业
6. 为(饮料)付账
7. 【非正式用语】 刺激或鼓励
A victory that really set the team up.胜利鼓舞了球队
8. 计划:制定计划
Set up a kidnapping.策划绑架
9. 【非正式用语】 哄骗:通过欺骗使(他人)妥协
Swindlers have set me up.骗子骗了我
set upon
1. 强烈打击
Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.守卫让狗攻击逃犯
set one's heart (或 hopes) on
1. 渴望
She had her heart set on going to university.她渴望上大学。
set out one's stall
1. 展现才艺
He wanted to set out his stall as someone who would balance the books and create a firm financial situation.他想要展现才能,让人知道他是能使收支平衡,能创造稳固的财政态势的人。
set sail
1. 张帆
set one's teeth
1. 咬紧牙关
set the wheels in motion
1. 开展;实施
make a dead set at
1. (英)坚决要赢得…的青睐
set someone against
1. 使反对;使敌视
He hadn't meant any harm but his few words had set her against him.他毫无恶意,但他的几句话使她敌视他。
set something against
1. 用…抵消
Wives' allowances can henceforth be set against investment income.今后妻子们的补贴可以用投资收益来抵消。
set someone apart
1. 使凸显;使与众不同
His try-scoring ability and self-effacing modesty have set him apart.他带球触对方端线的得分能力和谦虚精神使他鹤立鸡群。
set something apart
1. 分开;拨出
There were books and rooms set apart as libraries.有些书和房间留作图书馆之用。
set something aside
1. 留出;拨出
The bank expected to set aside about $700 million for restructuring.银行预计拨出七亿美元用于重组。
2. 撤销;废止
set someone/thing back
1. 推迟;阻碍
This incident undoubtedly set back research.这一事件无疑阻碍了研究。
2. (非正式)(购买)使花费
That must have set you back a bit.那一定让你花费了不少吧。
set something by
1. (古,美)留出备用
set someone down
1. 停车并让人下车
set something down
1. 写下,记下
set something forth
1. 陈述;描述
The principles and aims set forth in the Social Charter.社会宪章中所述的原则和目标。
set something in
1. 把(尤指袖子)插入衣服
set someone off
1. 使开始做(尤指使人发笑或议论)
Anything will set him off laughing.任何事都能把他逗笑。
set something off
1. 引爆炸弹
2. 衬托出;使显眼
A pink carnation set off nicely by a red bow tie and cream shirt.红色蝶形领结和奶油色衬衫映衬下的粉红色康乃馨。
set something off against
1. 同上面set something against
set on(或upon)
1. 袭击
set someone/thing on (或 upon)
1. 唆使人袭击;让动物袭击
I was asked to leave and threatened with having dogs set upon me.我被要求离开,并被威胁说要放狗咬我。
set something out
1. 排列;陈列
set someone up
1. 扶持;使掌权
His father set him up in business.他父亲在生意上大力扶持他。
2. 使恢复健康
After my operation the doctor recommended a cruise to set me up again.手术之后医生建议我去旅行以便恢复健康。
3. (非正式)冤枉;诬陷
Suppose Lorton had set him up for Newley's murder?.假如罗顿诬陷他谋杀了牛莱呢?。
set something up
1. 放置;树立
Police set up a roadblock on Lower Thames Street.警察在下泰晤士大街设置了路障。
2. 建立企业、机构等组织
3. 发出大声
set oneself up as
1. 确立在(某行业)的地位
He set himself up as a druggist in Leamington.他在利明顿是一位小有名气的药剂师。
set fire to
1. 纵火:点燃或使燃烧
set foot in
1. 进入
set foot on
1. 走在
set in motion
1. 给予刺激
The indictment set the judicial process in motion.控诉加快了裁决过程
set (one's) heart on
1. 决心做某事
set (one's) sights on
1. 定目标
She set her sights on medical school.她想上医学院
set on fire
1. 纵火:引起点火或燃烧
2. 使兴奋
The music set the audience on fire.音乐使听众兴奋
set sail【航海】
1. 起航:扬帆开始在水上航行
set (someone) straight
1. 纠正:通过提供充实而正确的信息纠正(某人)
set store by
1. 认为有价值或值得
set the pace
1. 领先:以其它竞争者企图赶上或超过的速度前进
2. 做榜样:以其它人企图超越的方式行动或做事
set the stage for
1. 提供基础
Saber rattling that set the stage for war.为战争提供基础的作响的军刀
set up housekeeping
1. 成家:建立家庭
set up shop
1. 立业:建立事业