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是女生唱的求大神告知... 是女生唱的 求大神告知 展开
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2015-05-18 · TA获得超过4696个赞
Never be the Same - Jessica Mauboy
Let me tell you about a girl that I used to be
Same name same face but a different me
She didn't know what she was thinking
Didn't know her world was sinking
Had her dreams written on a paper in her hand
Held on tight but she didn't understand

The love and hurt that she's replacing
All the past that she's erasing
We all get lost sometimes and we forget
who we are and we forget who we are

Somewhere along the way
we're all running in the crazy race

Never thinking about the hearts we break

And as our hope starts fading away

things are never gonna be the same

Cause when you're standing there all alone

Losing everything you've ever known

You're staring at a different face things
are never gonna be the same

I wish that I could share a different point of view
But the words coming out wouldn't speak the truth
You wouldn't know what I was really thinking

And I'd return to the girl who's sinking

Sinking down to the world that waits below

And I don't want to be there anymore

Don't wanna be there anymore

We all get lost sometimes and we forget
who we are and we forget who we are
Somewhere along the way
we're all running in the crazy race
Never thinking about the hearts we break
And as our hope starts fading away
things are never gonna be the same
Cause when you're standing there all alone
Losing everything you've ever known
You're staring at a different face things
are never gonna be the same

The more you win the more you want
It never ends it never stops

Oh it's never enough

Oh the more you win the more you want
It never ends it never stops
Oh it's never enough

We're all running in the crazy race

Never thinking about the hearts we break

And as our hope starts fading away

things are never gonna be the same

Cause when you're standing there all alone

Losing everything you've ever known

You're staring at a different face

things are never gonna be the same

Things are never gonna be the same

Things are never gonna be the same

When you're standing there all alone

Losing everything you've ever known

You're staring at a different face

things are never gonna be the same

Things are never gonna be the same

Things are never gonna be the same
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