come out是什么意思
come out的意思是(出版物)面世,(被)出版;(守门员)出击;(颜色)褪去;被出版,(花)开;长出,显露,出现。
Her mother came out of an open door .
她妈妈从一扇开着的门里走出来。Have they ever come out and bitten people ?
它们曾经跑出来咬过人吗?I'll beat everyone and come out on top .
我将胜过所有的人,出人头地。The baby has come out of his slump .
宝贝终于摆脱了萎靡不振的状态。The full story came out at the trial .
事件的始末在审判时才真相大白。Her mouth worked and no sound came out .
她嘴哆嗦着,说不出一句话。Electrons in a metal come out of the surface .
金属中的电子逸出表面。What is bred in bone will never come out of the flesh .
本性难移。He had felt down before that came out .
在查清此事之前他就心绪不佳了。Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it .
2023-07-11 广告