英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译

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英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译

Over the past three years, we from a plete lack of life of children grow up to be a vibrant zhuifeng juvenile. Three years, we look forward to good, the artificial sweat. Taste the true meaning, chasing the dream. On the campus, the gravel left the footprints of our solid, dance on the pitch we pentium ying, the pine tree willow always came beeen us a long pleasant ringing a model. In the classroom, there was a loud we song

My three years' lives of junior school has been over.It brought me happiness and growth up.Among my lessons,my favorite lesson was enlish.I loved it,not noly it was a usefull tool in future but also it made me happy.In my spare time,I liked to call some friends to paly badmiton and I also unicated with my clas *** ates.Therefore,we had a good relationgship.Besids,my junior teacher impressed me deeply,she was kind and patient.I will remember my junior'life forever.
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初中三年my school days作文,80词、带翻译

23年前,有个年轻的女子流落到我们村,蓬头垢面,见人就傻笑,且毫不避讳地当众小便。因此,村里的媳妇们常对着那女子吐口水,有的媳妇还上前踹几脚,叫她”滚远些“。可她就是不走,依然傻笑着在村里转悠。 那时,我父亲已有35岁。他曾在石料场子干活被机器绞断了左手,又因家穷,一直没娶媳妇。奶奶见那女子还有几份姿色,就动了心思,决定收下她给我父亲做媳妇,等她给我 家”续上香火“后,再把她撵走。父亲虽老大不情愿,但看着家里这番光景,咬咬牙还是答应了。结果,父亲一分未花,就当了新郎。 娘生下我的时候,奶奶抱着我,瘪着没剩几颗牙的嘴欣喜地说:”这疯婆娘,还给我生了个带把的孙子“。只是,我一生下来,奶奶就把我抱走了,而且从不让娘靠近。 娘一直想抱抱我,多次在奶奶面前吃力地喊:”给,给我。。。。。“奶奶没理她。我那幺小,像个肉嘟嘟,万一娘失手把我掉在地上怎么办?毕竟,娘是个疯子。每当娘有抱我的请求时,奶奶总瞪起眼睛训她:”你别想抱孩子,我不会给你的。要是我发现你偷抱了他,我就打死你。即使不打死,我也要把你撵走。“奶奶说这话时,没有半点儿含糊的意思。娘听懂了,满脸的惶恐,每次只是远远地看着我。尽管娘的奶胀得厉害,可我没能吃到娘的半口奶水,是奶奶一匙一匙把我喂大的。奶奶说娘的奶水里有”神经病“,要是传染给我就麻烦了。 那时,我家依然在贫困的泥潭里挣扎。特别是添了娘和我后,家里常常揭不开锅。奶奶决定把娘撵走,因为娘不但在家吃”闲饭“,时不时还惹是生非。一天,奶奶煮了一大锅饭,亲手给娘添了一大碗,说:“媳妇儿,这个家太穷了,婆婆对不起你。你吃完这碗饭,就去找个富点儿的人家过日子,以后也不准来了,啊?”娘刚扒了一大团饭在口里,听了奶奶下的“逐客令:。显得非常吃惊,一团饭就在嘴里凝滞了。娘望着奶奶怀中的我,口齿不清地哀叫:“不,不要。。。。。”奶奶猛地沉下脸,拿出威严的家长作风厉声吼到:“你这个疯婆娘,犟什么犟,犟下去没你的好果子吃。你本来就是到处流浪的,我收留了你两年了,你还要怎么样?吃完饭就走,听到没有?”说完奶奶从门后拿出一柄锄,像余太君的龙头杖似的往地上重重一磕,“咚”地发出一声响。娘吓了一大跳,怯怯地看着婆婆,又慢慢低下头去看面前的饭碗,有泪水落在白花花的米饭上。 在***逼视下,娘突然有个很奇怪的举动,她将碗中的

请以"my pay"写一篇带翻译的英语作文

I had a wonderful and meaningful National Holiday.Firstly,I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could.Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons.I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies.Secondly,I helped my parents do some housework every day.Such as,cleaning the room,making the bed,washing the clothes and so on.Thirdly,I visited my friends and played table tennis with them.I also visited my grandparents with my parents and stayed there for o days.We climbed the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.I really had a good time for my holiday.


Our classroom is very beautiful. There are three kinds of flowers,I like them very much.And there are some nice desk.There are many interesting book in our bookcase.So I think my classroom is most beatiful in our shool.My clas *** ate are very fiendly.So we are good friend. We study-hard every day.

围绕"巴中"写一篇英语作文,带翻译! 谢谢啦

I imagine a lot about lives in the future.I think o words can summarize my imagination.The first word is fast.In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means.Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time.With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space.People may can live in other plas.The second word is convenient.Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by puters or even robots.Lots of things are fully automated.Humans just need to give some simple instructions to plete plecated tasks.

初中三年 英语作文

三年的初中生活(Three years' school life)
I've been in my middle school for three years. three years' school life plays an important role in my life.
I enjoy making friends, getting knowledge and having interesting time in my school. I have also made friendship with lots of clas *** ates, and I have also been taught different lessons by lots of different patient teachers.
I have grown up a lot in the past three years. I will never fet my three years' school life.


My school
I am a middle school students in Shunde.I study in Shunde Dengsheng Middle school.My school was build in(建立于)2002.The school has 10 years of history.It has about 3000 students in this school now.There are about 54 class in my school.There are an average of 18 classes in each grade(平均每个年级有8个班).And the school is very big and beautiful. I like my school very much.I belive,my school will be better and better in the future.


My good friend zhang ming has changed a lot in the past 3 years.Before he always late to the class.he like talking when the teacher is speak to everyone for a importance information. h always give a reason when he doesn't finishing his homework.when i have a good talk with ming at a paly ground, he started to chang his behavior because i promised i will try to help he hardest i can. I belive he will work harder and do better in the future.


最美好的回忆(The most beautiful memory)
My grandma lived in the country elve years ago. At that time, I often went to visit my grandparents with my parents during the holidays. Although I was very young then, now I can still remember a lot of things there clearly.
I was very glad when we went to the country. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful things in the countryside. My grandpa grew many kinds of vegetables in his garden, such as cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Every morning, he fetched water from a river, and then watered the vegetables. Grandpa took good care of his vegetables as if they were his children. When autumn came, the garden was covered with greenery(绿色植物). Grandpa was always happy to see that. My grandma kept many chickens. They were all very lively. I liked playing with them; sometimes I had dinner with them playing around. I always thought they loved me.
There was a *** all forest near my grandparents’ house. The trees were very thick. I usually played with my cousin in the woods after a meal. We could hear the birds singing in the trees and see many *** all animals playing in the grass. The air in the woods was fresh because of the trees. We usually played a game called “Mud Fighting”(打泥仗). First, we made mud balls. The more, the better; the bigger, the better. Then, we threw them at each other. The person who hit the other person first was the winner. We liked the game though it made our clothes dirty.
In front of the woods, there was a *** all river. The water in the river was very clean and not very deep. In summer, it was quite cool. However, it became warm in winter. I could see many fishes in the river. Sometimes, my grandpa caught some fishes for supper. How delicious they were! There was a bridge which was made of stone over the river. I could go across the bridge to the other side. There were also many beautiful flowers and lines of trees on the banks of the river.

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