阐述的英文:expound; elaborate; state; set forth; explanation; lay out; exposition.
1. 阐述 Elaboraterepresentset outexplain.
2. 系统地阐述 formulate.
3. 详细阐述 elaborateelaborationdwell onto expand something in detail.
4. 阐述观点 clarifying a pointlesson telling your opinions.
5. 注释或阐述经义的文字 commentariesonclassicscommentaries on classics.
6. 有系统阐述 formulate.
7. 详尽阐述 elaborateelaborationTo elaborateejection.
8. 详尽阐述者 elaborator.
9. 阐述者 exponentExplainer.
1. 总统在电视讲话中阐述了自己的观点。
The President set forth his views in a television broadcast.
2. 她进而详尽阐述了她的论点。
She went on to elaborate her argument.
3. 他详细地向我阐述了他在这个问题上的观点。
He expounded his views on the subject to me at great length.
4. 亚里士多德因其对理性思维的清晰阐述而被重视。
Aristotle was valued because of his clear exposition of rational thought.
5. 各方阐述了自己对这一问题的立场。
Each side set forth its position on this question.
6. 这些评论是该剧逻辑阐述的一部分。
These comments are part of the play's logical exposition.
7. 他们详细阐述了导游的职责。
They elaborate tour guides' responsibilities.
8. 首先是逻辑阐述。
The first is logical exposition.