Conversation l: Student & Clerk in the Bookstore
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a clerk in the bookstore.
Student: Hi. Can you tell me where to find New Kind of Science? By, uh, by Stephen Wolfram.
Clerk: OK
Student: ...uh, I couldn't find it
Clerk: OK. Let me look it up on the computer for you. Who would you say the author was?
Student: It's a Stephen Wolfram.
Clerk: OK. Let's see... Hmm... no, it's not coming up. Hmm..,. I am not seeing it
Student: Um...hmm.
Clerk: This is for a class here at the university, right?
Student: Yeah, It's assigned reading for a class I am taking.
Clerk: It's for the semester, right? You are not buying it in advance for next year or anything.
Student: No, no. It's for a class I am taking now.
Clerk: Hmm...
Student: Oh, oh, you know what? Um, it's for a graduate class. Would that maybe make a difference? I mean, I am an undergrad, but I am just taking this one class in the graduate department, so...
Clerk: No, no. I don't think that's it. That shouldn't make any difference. But, hmm... let me see... maybe it's just...it could be that whoever entered it misspelled the title or the author's name, so I can't find it on the computer and I can't tell if it's sold out. But if it's sold out, we would probably be getting a new shipment within about a week or so.
Student: Well, uh, I was hoping to get it sooner because like we already have assignments and you know, I mean, I guess I can get it from the library.
Clerk: Right, of course. But I am trying to check. If we've ordered more, then that back order information should be in the computer too. Let's see... back order... Wolfram, Stephen..,. no, no. I am not seeing it. I am sorry. We just don't seem to carry it.
Student: Uh-huh.
Clerk: This is odd though. What is...what's your professor's name? I could try searching for his or her classes in the database. That might help
Student: Um...OK. It's professor Kayne.
Clerk: K-A-N-E?
Student: No. It's professor Kayne, K-A-Y-N-E. He's in the computer science department.
Clerk: Oh. It's for a computer science course, is it?
Student: Yeah.
Clerk: Well, that must be it. Computer science books are sold across the street in the computer bookstore.
Student: Are there signs up anywhere?
Clerk: I don't know.
Student: Maybe they should put some up. It could have save us both some time.
Clerk: Yeah. Well, anyway, I'll bet that's the problem. Check across the street. I’ll bet they have it. But if not, come back, and I'll help you find it somewhere else. I can call around to see if other bookstores might have it. OK?
Student: OK. Thanks a lot. Bye
Clerk: Bye
Lecture l-Biology (Crocodile Vocalization)
Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class.
Professor: OK. For today, let's look at a reptile, a predator that hasn't evolved much in the last seventy million years. No discussion of reptiles would be complete without some mention of crocodiles.
Now, we tend to think of crocodiles as, uh, kind of solitary, hiding out in a swamp, uh, kind of mysterious creatures. But we are finding out that they aren't as isolated as they seem. In fact, crocodiles interact with each other in a variety of ways. One way is with vocalizations, you know, sounds generated by the animal. This is true of the whole crocodile family, which includes crocodiles themselves, alligators, etc.
Take American alligators. If you were to go to a swamp during the breeding season, you'd hear a chorus of sounds, deep grunts, hisses, these are sounds that male alligators make.And some of them are powerful enough to make the water vibrate. This sends a strong, go-away message to the other males. So the alligator can focus on sending other sound waves through the water, sound waves that you and I couldn't even hear since they are at such low frequency. But they do reach the female alligator, who then goes to find and mate with the male.
Vocalization is um...well, it is used for other reasons, like getting attention or just, um... letting others know you are distressed. Let's see. New-born crocodiles, or hatchlings and their interactions with their mother. When they are born, croc... baby crocodiles have a sort of muffled cry while they are in their nest. Hatchlings are really vulnerable, especially to birds and small mammals when they are born. But their mother, who has been keeping vigil nearby, hears their cry for help and carries them to safety, meaning, to water.
So she takes them out of the nest. Uh, uh, all the eggs hatched at once, so she has about forty newborns to look after. Well, she takes about fifteen out of the nest at a time, carrying them in her mouth to the nearby water. While she is taking one load of hatchlings, the others wait for her to come back.
But do you think they are quiet about it? No way. They are clamoring for the mother's attention, sort of squeaking and practically saying-don't forget about me!
I heard some great examples of this on the television program on crocodiles last week. Anyone catch it? It had a few interesting bits. But you know, uh, you have to be careful, think critically. Sometimes I don't know where these shows find their experts.