
这篇文章是:大家好,今天我想带给大家一场电影盛宴。去年,许多电影风靡全中国,但是其中有一部给我留下了深刻的印象,它在第29届香港电影金像奖中独占鳌头,以19人获得15项提... 这篇文章是:大家好,今天我想带给大家一场电影盛宴。去年,许多电影风靡全中国,但是其中有一部给我留下了深刻的印象,它在第29届香港电影金像奖中独占鳌头,以19人获得15项提名的佳绩,创下一步电影在历届金像奖中入围人数最多,入围奖数最多的纪录,它,就是《十月围城》。《十月围城》讲述了1906年10月15日的香港,一群来自四面八方的义士在清政府和英政府的双重高压下,浴血拼搏保护孙中山的故事。这部电影没有《阿凡达》那样气势恢宏,没有风声那样神秘,也没有《2012》那样可怕,但却让人心为之跳,气为之促,神为之紧!当你看到剧中人为保护一个素不相识的人一个接一个倒下时,你会感到精神力量的伟大。赌徒,乞丐车夫,小贩,孤女,三教九流,各个阶层都有,身世不同,经历不同,思想不同目的不同,但却在同一条道路上先后付出了自己的生命,他们的精神让人震撼。当然,《十月围城》中还有一些温暖的地方:沈重阳当知道自己的前妻离开他的理由时,当看到自己的女儿时,是那样的温柔。为了在女儿心中树立高达形象,他牺牲了。死时,他想到的是一家三口幸福的在一起。对于这个父亲,这个丈夫,我深深赞叹。真正的好男人,是有责任感的。“爹,女儿不孝”,这是方红的最后一句话,很凄凉却很有力量。作为一个女子,为了爹的遗愿,也献出了自己的生命,真的很伟大,她对父亲的爱也尽显其中。其实,还有许多感人的场面,像17岁的少年重光,他很强大,很有责任感;像痴情的刘公子,为了报恩,也是接近全能……整部电影都弥漫着紧张的气氛,每个情节都牵动人心,是一部值得观看的好电影。它让我们明白了应该珍惜今天的美好生活,这是用无数人的鲜血换来的。如果你已经看过了,相信你与我会有同感;如果你没有看过,希望你有机会去看一看,因为真的很好看!
大家 帮帮我呀~
hello, Today I would like to give you a movie feast. Last year, many movies has swept the whole of china, but one I was deeply impressed by the ministry, which come out on top in the 29th Hong Kong film awards, with results received 15 nominations of 19 people。The next largest number of film awards administrations in short, nominated for the award for the largest number of records, It was the Bodyguards and Assassins .It was a story that October 15 Hong Kong on 1906, a group of patriots from all quarters under the dual pressure of the Qing Dynasty government and the British government, the bloody fight to protect Sun Yat - Sen. This film is not the Avatar momentum extensive, there is no wind so mysterious, nor the 2012 terrible, but the heart was jumping, gas, God was tight! When you see the characters in a play or opera for the protection of strangers people one by one down, you will feel great spiritual force.
When you see the characters in a play or opera for the protection of strangers people one by one down, you will feel great spiritual force. gamblers, beggars driver, hawkers, orphan girl, people in all walks of life and various sectors of the community, from the different experiences are different, different different purposes, but on the same road have to pay their own lives, their spirit makes shock. Of course, some warm place in the Bodyguards and Assassins : Shen Zhongyang when know the reason of his ex - wife left him. when seeing his daughter, were so gentle. In order to set up the image in the hearts of his daughter, he died. When he died, he thought was a family of three Happy together. The father, the husband, my deep admiration. The real good man, there is a sense of responsibility. father, daughter of being unfilial. " This is the last word in Fang hong, was very sad but a lot of weight. As a woman for father's wishes, also laid down his life was really great, her father love show. In fact, there were many touching scenes, such as the 17 - year - old boy at Chung kuang, he was very strong, very responsible ; passionate, son of liu, for repaying, they are close to ... The entire film is filled with an atmosphere of tension, every plot affect people's minds, be a good film is worth watching. Let us see should cherish today's happy life, This is the blood of thousands of people in return.

参考资料: Engkoo

2010-05-03 · 超过14用户采纳过TA的回答
This article is: Hello, everybody, today I would like to leave you with a film feast. Last year, many of the film swept the whole of China, but which one left me a deep impression, it is the 29th Hong Kong Film Awards in the most populous, with 19 nominations received 15 medals, the highest gold next film in the previous Awards finalists, as the largest, most records of the number of nominated awards, it is the "October Rising." "October Rising" tells the story October 15, 1906 in Hong Kong, a group of freedom seekers from all over the British government in the Qing government and the double pressure, bloody struggle to protect the story of Sun Yat-sen.
The film does not "Avatar" as magnificent, there is no wind so mysterious, there is no "2012" that horrible, but people s heart jump, gas whom to promote, whom God tight! When you see the characters in the play for the protection of a melancholy one by one down, you will feel a great spiritual power. Gamblers, beggars driver, hawker, orphan, part of everyday, all and sundry, different life experience, experience different ideas for different purposes in different, but in the same road have put their lives, their mental shock people. Of course, the "October Rising" in some warm place: heavy sun will know his ex-wife
His reason for leaving, when to see their daughter, is so gentle. In order to set up the image of her mind, he sacrificed. Death, he thought with a happy family of three. For this father, this husband, I am deeply impressed. Really good man, is responsible. "Dad, daughter of filial piety", which is the last sentence in red square, very sad very powerful. As a woman, in order to father's wishes, also laid down their lives, really great, her father's love which is also fully shown. In fact, there are many moving scenes, like the light weight of 17-year-old boy
He is very powerful, great sense of responsibility; like lovestruck Liugong Zi, for gratitude is also close to the Almighty ... ... whole movie is filled with tension, each plot is affecting the people, is a good movie worth watching. It makes us realize that today's good life should be cherished, it is many people's blood. If you've seen, I believe you will agree with me; If you have not read, I hope you have a chance to look at, because it is really good looking!
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hello, Today I would like to give you a movie feast. Last year, many movies has swept the whole of china, but one I was deeply impressed by the ministry, which come out on top in the 29th Hong Kong film awards, with results received 15 nominations of 19 people。The next largest number of film awards administrations in short, nominated for the award for the largest number of records, It was the Bodyguards and Assassins .It was a story that October 15 Hong Kong on 1906, a group of patriots from all quarters under the dual pressure of the Qing Dynasty government and the British government, the bloody fight to protect Sun Yat - Sen. This film is not the Avatar momentum extensive, there is no wind so mysterious, nor the 2012 terrible, but the heart was jumping, gas, God was tight! When you see the characters in a play or opera for the protection of strangers people one by one down, you will feel great spiritual force.
When you see the characters in a play or opera for the protection of strangers people one by one down, you will feel great spiritual force. gamblers, beggars driver, hawkers, orphan girl, people in all walks of life and various sectors of the community, from the different experiences are different, different different purposes, but on the same road have to pay their own lives, their spirit makes shock. Of course, some warm place and Assassins : Shen Zhongyang when know the reason of his ex - wife left him. when seeing his daughter, were so gentle. In order to set up the image in the hearts of his daughter, he died. When he died, he thought was a family of three Happy together. The father, the husband, my deep admiration. The real good man, there is a sense of responsibility. father, daughter of being unfilial. " This is the last word in Fang hong, was very sad but a lot of weight. As a woman for father's wishes, also laid down his life was really great, her father love show. In fact, there were many touching scenes, such as the 17 - year - old boy at Chung kuang, he was very strong, very responsible ; passionate, son of liu, for repaying, they are close to ... The entire film is filled with an atmosphere of tension, every plot affect people's minds, be a good film is worth watching. Let us see should cherish today's happy life, This is the blood of thousands of people in return,
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