祁门红茶 ,著名红茶精品,简称祁红,产于安徽省祁门、东至、贵池、石台、黟县,以及江西的浮梁一带。茶叶的自然品质以祁门的历口、闪里、平里一带最优。当地的茶树品种高产质优,植于肥沃的红黄土壤中,而且气候温和、雨水充足、日照适度,所以生叶柔嫩且内含水溶性物质丰富,又以8月份所采收的品质最佳。祁红外形条索紧细匀整,锋苗秀丽,色泽乌润(俗称“宝光”);内质清芳并带有蜜糖香味,上品茶更蕴含着兰花香(号称“祁门香”),馥郁持久;汤色红艳明亮,滋味甘鲜醇厚,叶底(泡过的茶渣)红亮。清饮最能品味祁红的隽永香气,即使添加鲜奶亦不失其香醇。春天饮红茶以它最宜,下午茶、睡前茶也很合适。祁门茶叶,唐代就已出名。据史料记载,这里在清代光绪以前,并不生产红茶,而是盛产绿茶,制法与六安茶相仿,故曾有“安绿”之称。光绪元年,黟县人余干臣从福建罢官回籍经商,创设茶庄,祁门遂改制红茶,并成为后起之秀。至今已有100多年历史。祁门茶叶条索紧细秀长,汤色红艳明亮,特别是其香气酷似果香,又带兰花香,清鲜而且持久。既可单独泡饮,也可加入牛奶调饮。祁门茶区的江西“浮梁工夫红茶”是“祁红”中的佼佼者,向以“香高、味醇、形美、色艳”四绝驰名于世。
我的财富值已经为零了,很抱歉啊,1,2,4楼的朋友。至于没回答还打错别字的那位,请你用一种圆润的姿态,迅速、安静地离开。 展开
我的财富值已经为零了,很抱歉啊,1,2,4楼的朋友。至于没回答还打错别字的那位,请你用一种圆润的姿态,迅速、安静地离开。 展开
Keemun black tea, black tea famous boutique, called QI, Qimen produced in Anhui Province, east, Guichi, Shitai, Yixian County, and Jiangxi Fuliang area. Natural quality of tea in the historical port Qimen, flash, the optimal level in the area. Yield good quality local tea varieties, red and yellow plant in the fertile soil and mild climate, abundant rainfall and moderate sunshine, so tender and the leaves with water-soluble substances containing rich sent out in August by harvesting the best quality. QI shape of the cable tight auto-level, Feng Miao beauty, color zeu Run (commonly known as "Baoguang"); endoplasmic Qing Fang and flavor with honey,
Tea also contains orchids on the Hong (known as "Keemun incense"), fragrance lasting; liquor color Hongyan bright, fresh taste of Gan mellow, the bottom (bubble tea-leaf-off) Hongliang. QI Qing drink the best taste of timeless aroma, even if not missing the creamy milk added. Spring to drink tea with it most times, afternoon tea, tea before bed is also very suitable. Keemun tea, already famous Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, here in the Qing dynasty ago, does not produce black tea but rich in green tea, tea manufacturing method and Luan similar, so there were "security green," said. The first year of Kuang Hsu, Chen-Yi County Yugan forced to resign from the Fujian home business, the creation of tea, Keemun black tea then restructured and became a rising star. Has
100 years old. Keemun tea is tight and fine show long, liquor color Hongyan bright, especially in its aroma resembles fruit, but also with orchid fragrance, fresh, clean and sustainable. Can separate brewing, adding milk may also be transferred to drink. Keemun tea in Jiangxi Province "Fuliang efforts tea" is "QI" in the crowd, to the "Hong Gao, diethylene glycol, form the United States, Seyan" four absolutely worldwide.
Tea also contains orchids on the Hong (known as "Keemun incense"), fragrance lasting; liquor color Hongyan bright, fresh taste of Gan mellow, the bottom (bubble tea-leaf-off) Hongliang. QI Qing drink the best taste of timeless aroma, even if not missing the creamy milk added. Spring to drink tea with it most times, afternoon tea, tea before bed is also very suitable. Keemun tea, already famous Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, here in the Qing dynasty ago, does not produce black tea but rich in green tea, tea manufacturing method and Luan similar, so there were "security green," said. The first year of Kuang Hsu, Chen-Yi County Yugan forced to resign from the Fujian home business, the creation of tea, Keemun black tea then restructured and became a rising star. Has
100 years old. Keemun tea is tight and fine show long, liquor color Hongyan bright, especially in its aroma resembles fruit, but also with orchid fragrance, fresh, clean and sustainable. Can separate brewing, adding milk may also be transferred to drink. Keemun tea in Jiangxi Province "Fuliang efforts tea" is "QI" in the crowd, to the "Hong Gao, diethylene glycol, form the United States, Seyan" four absolutely worldwide.
Keemun black tea, black tea famous boutique, called QI, Qimen produced in Anhui Province, east, Guichi, Shitai, Yixian County, and Jiangxi Fuliang area. Natural quality of tea in the historical port Qimen, flash, the optimal level in the area. Yield good quality local tea varieties, red and yellow plant in fertile soil, and mild climate, abundant rainfall and moderate sunshine, so tender and the leaves with water-soluble substances containing rich sent out in August by harvesting the best quality. QI shape of the cable tight auto-level, Feng Miao beauty, color zeu Run (commonly known as "Baoguang"); endoplasmic Qing Fang and flavor with honey, the tea also contains orchid incense (known as "Keemun Hong") , fragrance lasting; liquor color Hongyan bright, mellow taste of fresh Gan, Securinega (soaked in tea-leaf) Hongliang. QI Qing drink the best taste of timeless aroma, even if not missing the creamy milk added. Spring, it is best to drink black tea, afternoon tea, tea before bed is also very suitable. Keemun tea, already famous Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, here in the Qing dynasty ago, does not produce black tea, but rich in green tea, tea manufacturing method and Luan similar, so there were "security green," said. The first year of Kuang Hsu, Chen-Yi County Yugan forced to resign from the Fujian home business, the creation of tea, Keemun black tea then restructured and became a rising star. So far, 100 years of history. Keemun tea is tight and fine show long, liquor color Hongyan bright, especially in its aroma resembles fruit, but also with orchid fragrance, fresh, clean and durable. Can separate brewing, can be added to adjust to drink milk. Keemun tea in Jiangxi Province "Fuliang efforts tea" is "QI" in the crowd, to the "Hong Gao, diethylene glycol, form the United States, Seyan" four absolutely worldwide.
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