This is the place I come to when I am lonely, fearful, hurt, or angry. 这是个当我孤独、害怕、受伤和生气时会取得地方。 I also come here to relax and get away from stresses of life everyday. 我也会在这里放松,摆脱每天来自于生活的压力。 Where is my ideal place? 哪是我理想的地方? I walk through the arched doorway and pass though the long, narrow corridor and step several steps,my bedroom is here. 我走过拱形的门,一直下去是长长的,窄窄的过道,走下几阶台阶就是我的卧室 I take off my shoes and socks at the bottom of the steps,there is the smooth blue plush carpet beneath my feet. 台阶下我脱掉我的鞋子和袜子,我的脚下是平滑的蓝色长毛绒地毯。 The pale blue walls of this room hangs the black lacquer framed seascape. 这个房间淡蓝色的墙壁上挂着黑色漆框的海景图。 This painting of the ocean is painted in an array of blues except some rocks . 除了一些石头,这幅画的海洋用了一系列的蓝色调。 On the opposite wall of this seascape, there are numerous photos of family members and friends. 这幅海景的对面,有许多家人和朋友的照片。 All the photos are different sizes, but frames are only blue, black, or gold. 所有的照片都是不同尺寸的,但是像框都是蓝色、黑色或者金色。 做了些修改,希望你能用的上。