某中学学生成绩管理系统的设计 摘 要 进入21世纪后,科学技术突飞猛进,信息时代的来临不仅让计算机在科技上得到应用,更让计算机在生活上得到了更广泛的应用,对如今的学校来说,实现电子信息化的办公是必然趋势,学校中的信息量主要体现在学生成绩的管理上面,因此学生成绩管理系统是一个教育单位不可缺少的部分。本毕业设计所描述的中学学生成绩管理系统是采用ASP.NET作为网络编程框架,SQL Server 2000作为数据库编写的一个B/S模式的系统。系统主要实现了:用户管理、成绩查询、成绩管理和科目管理等功能。本文详细介绍了中学学生成绩管理系统的需求分析、功能设计和系统设计,在系统设计中给出数据库的设计和本系统的总体设计方案,在系统实现中具体介绍了各个功能的所能实现的情况和主要代码,同时附有运行界面图。 关键字 :成绩管理;成绩录入;成绩查询;.NET ;B/S; The Design of the Middle School Score Management System Abstract To current schools, the students' score management is the one of the informational management. This design which is programmed on the basis of B/S structure introduced the middle school score management system that is performed with ASP.NET as the network programming frame and SQL server 2000 as the database. The basic functions of this system include: user management, score searching, score management, subject management and so on. This paper introduces the demand analysis in detail, the functional design and the system design of middle school student score management. The system design and database design are explained, specifically introduces each function in details. Key words : Score management; Score registration;Score search; .NET; B/S 更多学生成绩管理系统: http://5156bs.com/include/SelectProduct.aspx?Class=%cb%f9%d3%d0&Name=%d1%a7%c9%fa%b3%c9%bc%a8