
以下请帮翻译英语,是IT方面的能翻译多少是多少,翻译的段落对应相应的序号,非常感谢,网络英语高手帮忙好人啊!每个短语都已经用空格隔开了,请根据每个序号后面的短语翻译,谢谢... 以下请帮翻译英语, 是 IT 方面的 能翻译多少是多少,翻译的段落对应相应的序号,非常感谢,网络英语高手帮忙 好人啊!


1。后台管理 无权限 修改友情连接 修改网站公告 修改注册条款 修改用户管理后台通知 保存成功 模版名不能为空 模版内容不能为空 模板作者连接 模版预览图片


3。 加密网站访问验证页面

4 判断首页

5 以下引用 发表的评论 字号 加粗 斜体 取消格式 左对齐 居中 右对齐 插入表情 字体颜色 字体背景颜色 插入超级链接 去掉超级链接 清理代码

6 暂不处理

7 错误信息 产生错误的可能原因

8 无此留言 按用户名访问

9 当前系统已经关闭日志内容搜索 精华日志 共调用0篇日志
当前位置 搜索日志标题关键字 搜索日志内容关键字

10 未填 点击进入

11 共有

12 用户管理登陆 若您不在自己的电脑登陆 请不要保存密码 不保存 你的IP已被锁定,不允许登陆 您是第一次激活系统,请完善资料 前台管理员 管理中心 发表日志

13 第二步 密码提示问题 密码提示问题答案不能为空 密码提示问题回答错误 完成,请重新设定密码 5秒后自动进入管理后台

14 需要登陆才可以查看隐藏日志 您无权限查看此日志,请联系日志主人 日志访问密码错误,请重新输入

15 判断首页

16 此功能已被系统关闭 推荐相片 共调用0个相片 启用自动播放 图片说明 获取系统分类

17 没有任何符合条件的图片 播放频率

18 注册条款 当前系统已关闭注册 查看用户名、域名是否被占用 密码提示问题 密码提示答案 重置 系统不允许从外部提交 对不起!你的IP已被锁定,不允许注册 用户名中含有系统不允许的字符 用户名不允许全部为数字 找回密码提示问题不能为空(不能大于50) 找回密码问题答案不能为空(不能大于50) 此昵称系统不允许注册 昵称中含有系统不允许的字符 昵称不能大于50字符 系统中已经有这个昵称存在,请更改昵称 用户名中含有非法字符 进行IP控制 您的IP因为恶意注册被临时禁止 完成注册 注册成功,但当前系统设置为需要通过审核,您暂时没有管理权限 5秒后自动转到系统首页 恭喜!您已经注册成功 点击进入管理后台选择您的喜欢的页面风格(5秒后自动进入管理后台) 系统中已经有这个用户名存在,请更改用户名 5秒后才能重复注册 您不同意注册条款,不能注册 密码要大于6个字符 Email地址无效

19 此日志内容已加密 此日志内容已隐藏

20 回复内容不符合系统要求,请尽量不要包含任何HTML代码 需要登陆后才能发表评论 您没有通过管理员审核,不能发表评论 验证码错误,请返回刷新后重新输入 参数错误 该日志不允许回复 错误的操作
 我来答
1.Laws no authority to amend management background friendship linking websites registered in terms of user management background revised notice notify the depositary for the space were not successful template template content is not connected to the author empty template template preview Photo 2.3 figures were not permitted for all users.Secure Internet website visitor verification pages 4 judgment the first page of 5 quoted below are published the comments appellation in and thichen in italics the abolition of format ZUO Zinati, facilitating through of Right Alignment inserted facial expression Color - font size background colors inserted super-linker renouncing your previous super-linker cleaning up code 6 nolle handling 7 wrong message produce the wrong possible reasons for 8 unnecessary voice mail according to the user name visit 9 the current system already the closure of log contents of search quintessence of log a total of Calling 0篇 log the current location search log Heading keyword searching log contents of keyed in as the keyword 10 amount left unfilled clicked and entered 11 a total of 12 User Management landing if while you were away their own computer landing Please do not the depositary passwords do not keep your IP has been locked on,You are not allowed to land first activation system.Please improve information management center stage managers log 13 second PIN codes suggested answers to questions suggested that the problem can not be completed for air passwords suggested answered wrong,Please reset passwords automatically management background 14 seconds after landing needs to detect hidden log you can see this log without authority,please contact visit log master password log errorsPlease re-entry of judgment 15 16 front page of this function has been closed system recommended photographs photographs were deployed 0 automatic classification system shows a photograph of 17 have no access to the pictures broadcast frequency of 18 qualified registered users to check the registration provisions of the current system were closed.whether the domain name was suggested that the answer key questions suggest occupation password replacement system from the outside allowed to submit Sorry!Your IP has been identified.Registered users were not allowed to run the system does not allow users characters were all allowed to recover passwords figures suggest the problem can not empty (no more than 50) codes find no answer to the problem of air (not exceeding 50) Nicknamed this system does not allow the presence of SLE registration system does not allow the characters in SLE can not exceed 50 characters system has Nicknamed the existence ofNicknamed please users who change IP contains illegal characters for control of your IP as it was temporarily suspending the registration of registered successfully completed.However, the current system set up to examine the need for, you do not have management authority to the system automatically after five seconds of the first page Congratulations!You have successfully registered click access management background styles to choose your favorite pages (5 seconds after entering the automatic management background) systems have the user ID exists,Please change the user name five seconds after you do not agree to the terms of the register can duplicate registration,Registration passwords can be more than six characters Email addresses this void log 19 such as encryption log back as 20 hidden system does not comply with the requirementsPlease do not contain any HTML code needed to be able to comment after landing you not to audit managers,not comment authentication code error, please return to re-set the input parameter error log errors allowed the operation resumes
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1.The backstage manage beyond my power modification the friendship conjunction modification the website announce a modification registration item a modification customer a management the backstage notice to keep the successful mold version can't for empty the mold version contents can't for empty template the author link the mold version to preview a picture

2.The user's name disallow is all numerals

3. Encrypt the website interview verification page

4 Judge a home page

5 The commentary characters that quotes from to announce as follows adds the thick italic cancel format left align in the center right align to insert the facial expression form of written color form of written background color to insert a super chain to connect to throw away a super chain to connect to tidy up a code

6 Don't handle temporary

7 The mistake information creation the possible reason of the mistake

8 Have no this message to press user's name interview

9 The system has already closed the daily record contents to search the essence daily record to adjust to use 0 daily records totally at present
The position searches the daily record headline key word to search a daily record contents key word at present

10 DO not fill to click into

11 Have totally

12 The customer management debarkation if you not in own computer debarkation please don't keep a password do not keep you of the IP has already been target, disallowing to land you is for the first time to activate system, please perfect data stage a managing person to manage center to announce daily record

13 The second step password's hinting the problem password to hint the problem answer can't hint the problem answer mistake completion for the empty password, please reset a password 5 enter a management backstage automatically behind

14 Needing to be land just can look in to conceal daily record you beyond my power look into this daily record, please contact daily record host the daily record interview password mistake, please re- input

15 Judge a home page

16 This function is already recommended photograph by the system close to adjust totally with 0 photographs to be in use an au to broadcast the picture elucidation to obtain a system classification

17 DO not match a conditional picture to broadcast frequency

18 Register the current system of item has already closed to register to look into whether user's name,the area is take up a password to hint the problem password to hint answer to reset system to disallow to hand over sorry from the exterior or not!You of the IP has already been target, disallowing to register to contain in the user's name systematic disallow of character list the user's name disallows all to find back for the numeral the password hints a problem and can't can't disallow to register to contain in the pet name for empty(can't be big in 50) this pet name system for getting empty(can't be big in 50) to find back the password problem answer systematic disallow of character list the pet name can't be big in 50 the character lists have already had this pet name in the system, please change pet name implies illegal character list to carry on in the user's name the IP controls you of IP because the malice registers a quilt to forbid completion to register to register success at the time, but current system the constitution passes to examine for the demand, you turn to the system home page to congratulate automatically after temporarily doing not manage legal power 5ly!You have already registered success to click into a management backstage to choose your a favorite page style(5 enter a management backstage automatically behind) have already had this user's name in the system, please change an user's name 5 second empress then can repeat to register your different idea to register item, can't register a password to want big in 6 character list Email the address is invalid

19 This daily record contents has already encrypted this daily record contents to have already conceal

20 Reply the contents nots agree with to match the system request, please do not include any HTML code as far as possible after needing to be land then can announce to comment on you and don't pass a managing person to examine, can't announce to comment on a verification the code mistake, please return to break behind re- input that daily record of the parameter mistake to disallow a reply the operation of the mistake
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