歹徒害怕同伙泄露内幕,竟残忍地杀人灭口。 The gangsters feared that their partners would disclose the inside story and brutally kill people.
由于害怕别人报复,他整天的都提心吊胆,食不下咽。 Because he was afraid of other people's revenge, he was worried all day and could not eat.
一旦做了亏心事,自然每天心惊肉跳,害怕被人发现。 Once you have done something wrong, you will panic every day. 我喜欢听惊险的故事,但有时越听越害怕。
I like to listen to thrillers, but sometimes I hear more and more scared. 他把车开得风驰电掣盯雹一灶袭般,我坐在车后不免有点害怕。
He drove the car so fast that I was afraid of sitting behind it. 我从小就害怕老鼠,隐则兄所以每一次看见老鼠第一反应都是撒腿就跑!