pickles的意思是: 泡菜,腌菜,菜酱,腌渍。
1、She had a weird craving for peanut butter and pickles when she was pregnant.她怀孕时对花生酱和泡菜有一种神奇的渴望。
2、When I was pregnant, I had these constant, uncontrollable cravings for pickles and ice cream.我怀孕的时候,总是不受控制地想吃泡菜和冰淇淋。
3、If you don't have cucumbers, get creative—other vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots, or zucchini will make just as wonderful pickles!如果你没有黄瓜,发挥创意吧——其它蔬菜像花椰菜、胡萝卜或南瓜也一样可以做出极好的泡菜!
4、They must avoid certain foods that contain high levels of the chemical tyramine, which is found in many kinds of cheese, wines, and pickles.他们必须避免某些含有大量酪胺的食物,这种化学物质存在于多种奶酪、葡萄酒和泡菜中。
2023-06-12 广告