应该是祈祷吧歌词:Ho 西那 De 兜那妞润哭答妈咪
Him 兜那如 Wi ㄟˇ搜哭润已迎你答哟
哈如那哭某楼 Cho 兜 Ke Cha 那 Yu
哭 De 嗡已迎搜兜沙朗迎兜 Wi 兜哟
哭 De 那 Min Cha 妞那 Cho
那如 Ho Don Ke Don 润逼
Cha 骨哭 De Hom 给 Cho Cha 兜
哈那 Cho 叔哇 Don 馁尬 She 楼 Cho
汪 J 尬 Zu 叔如润谬润如卡啦 No 哇兜
兜Down She 骨润妈如如里去润
哈润狗 ㄟˇ 哟
哦兜狗毒那 ㄟˇ 骨润 De She 那叔哦 Gi ㄟˇ
He J 润哭 De 剖达 Shu-ho G 那狗
馁给 Ho 干狗阿那哟
那如剖谬润骨 Gi 雷哭迷搜尬
馁给 Mo 努那剖 Cha哭伦 Hand 骨 Gi 狗哟
他 Ka 尬以 Ki De 哇兜 Ke Cha 那哟
哭 De 叔 Kyo 你 Ki 润
去问你搜尬 Cho 楼
哭 De 那 Min Cha 妞那 Cho
那如 Ho Don Ke Don 润逼
Cha 骨哭 De Hom 给 Cho Cha 兜
哈那 Cho 叔哇 Don 馁尬 She 楼 Cho
汪 J 尬 Zu 叔如润谬润如卡啦 No 哇兜
兜Down She 骨润妈如如里去润
哈润狗 ㄟˇ 哟
哦兜狗毒那 ㄟˇ 骨润 De She 那叔哦 Gi ㄟˇ
He J 润哭 De 剖达 Shu-ho G 那狗
馁给 Ho 干狗阿那哟
翁 Che 尬 G 那哟里吴搜哟
Cha 润叔 Gi 那润狗舍
哭 De 沙朗以拉润乎楼 Cho Pyo De Kyo 去龙
汪 J 尬 Zu 叔如润谬润如卡啦 No 哇兜
兜Down She 骨润妈如如里去润
哈润狗 ㄟˇ 哟
哦兜狗毒那 ㄟˇ 骨润 De She 那叔哦 Gi ㄟˇ
He J 润哭 De 剖达 Shu-ho G 那狗
馁给 Ho 干狗阿那哟
---------------------------------------------------when she walks alone along the big golden beach
in her mind she's got a song
could it be unreal at all
when you are together truth and love are more true
could it be unreal that all
seems a rainbow seems a bird
can't take away the need of you
nothing else can touch her in deep
try to hold her in your arms of love
it is just a way to help her show her joy
angel's gonna prove her love to you
like never done before
you are the sun, you are the air
and water high up in her soul
every time she's moving to the place
she doesn't know the name
she needs to know that you will stay beside her
never let her go on her own
the moon helps the lovers give the love there's inside
they can feel like on star
see the rainbow when there's not
they can't stop to give their love
they can't stop the tears
could it be unreal that all
seems a rainbow, seems a bird
can't take away the need of you
nothing else can touch her in deep
try to hold her in your arms of love
it is just a way to help her show her joy
angel's strong enough you see so
show the strength you got in yourself
love is strong and clear
no one else has ever been out in its own
never let her go la la li li la...
Him 兜那如 Wi ㄟˇ搜哭润已迎你答哟
哈如那哭某楼 Cho 兜 Ke Cha 那 Yu
哭 De 嗡已迎搜兜沙朗迎兜 Wi 兜哟
哭 De 那 Min Cha 妞那 Cho
那如 Ho Don Ke Don 润逼
Cha 骨哭 De Hom 给 Cho Cha 兜
哈那 Cho 叔哇 Don 馁尬 She 楼 Cho
汪 J 尬 Zu 叔如润谬润如卡啦 No 哇兜
兜Down She 骨润妈如如里去润
哈润狗 ㄟˇ 哟
哦兜狗毒那 ㄟˇ 骨润 De She 那叔哦 Gi ㄟˇ
He J 润哭 De 剖达 Shu-ho G 那狗
馁给 Ho 干狗阿那哟
那如剖谬润骨 Gi 雷哭迷搜尬
馁给 Mo 努那剖 Cha哭伦 Hand 骨 Gi 狗哟
他 Ka 尬以 Ki De 哇兜 Ke Cha 那哟
哭 De 叔 Kyo 你 Ki 润
去问你搜尬 Cho 楼
哭 De 那 Min Cha 妞那 Cho
那如 Ho Don Ke Don 润逼
Cha 骨哭 De Hom 给 Cho Cha 兜
哈那 Cho 叔哇 Don 馁尬 She 楼 Cho
汪 J 尬 Zu 叔如润谬润如卡啦 No 哇兜
兜Down She 骨润妈如如里去润
哈润狗 ㄟˇ 哟
哦兜狗毒那 ㄟˇ 骨润 De She 那叔哦 Gi ㄟˇ
He J 润哭 De 剖达 Shu-ho G 那狗
馁给 Ho 干狗阿那哟
翁 Che 尬 G 那哟里吴搜哟
Cha 润叔 Gi 那润狗舍
哭 De 沙朗以拉润乎楼 Cho Pyo De Kyo 去龙
汪 J 尬 Zu 叔如润谬润如卡啦 No 哇兜
兜Down She 骨润妈如如里去润
哈润狗 ㄟˇ 哟
哦兜狗毒那 ㄟˇ 骨润 De She 那叔哦 Gi ㄟˇ
He J 润哭 De 剖达 Shu-ho G 那狗
馁给 Ho 干狗阿那哟
---------------------------------------------------when she walks alone along the big golden beach
in her mind she's got a song
could it be unreal at all
when you are together truth and love are more true
could it be unreal that all
seems a rainbow seems a bird
can't take away the need of you
nothing else can touch her in deep
try to hold her in your arms of love
it is just a way to help her show her joy
angel's gonna prove her love to you
like never done before
you are the sun, you are the air
and water high up in her soul
every time she's moving to the place
she doesn't know the name
she needs to know that you will stay beside her
never let her go on her own
the moon helps the lovers give the love there's inside
they can feel like on star
see the rainbow when there's not
they can't stop to give their love
they can't stop the tears
could it be unreal that all
seems a rainbow, seems a bird
can't take away the need of you
nothing else can touch her in deep
try to hold her in your arms of love
it is just a way to help her show her joy
angel's strong enough you see so
show the strength you got in yourself
love is strong and clear
no one else has ever been out in its own
never let her go la la li li la...
蓝1是祈祷 蓝2是从开始到现在