求安室奈美惠 - FOUR SEASONS谐音歌词,只要谐音,不要罗马拼音的
Four scene of love and laughter. I'll be alright being alone. Four scene of love and laughter. I'll be alright being alone... Four scene of love and laughter. I'll be alright being alone... Four scene of love and laughter. I will be okay. 阿依示 阿e吧 哇卡咧余苦 索n那 嗲阿依 苦里卡e示他. Ki哦苦 呼卡苦 跌撒古里 嗲 阿嘛依 卡ge 哦 莫多咩跌 哇 I can taste the sweetness of the past 哆过 你莫 阿那他 哇 依那依 ke哆, I'll be alright, 咩哦 阻布咧吧 索过 你 卡哇拉那依 阿依 哦, I believe 哈路 浓 hi卡里 阿阻咩他拉 哈那 撒卡谢跌 那阻 哇阻ki 呜卡布 呜米 嗲 米阻咩跌 阿ki 浓卡ze 呼余 浓余ki 莫 索浓 多依ki 嗲 阿他他咩跌 ho示依 Four seasons with your love 莫呜 依之 哆呜. 呐嘎依 打ke 浓 呀苦索苦 哇 多ki 嘎 他跌吧 依罗阿谢路 Can you feel me underneath the skin? 阿嗯那 你 卡撒呐他 哦莫依 那拉 We'll be alright 示嗯几跌 依咧吧 索呜 哆嗯那 多哦苦跌 莫 Stay with me 哈路 浓 哈那 呐木路 哟路 你 木卡e 你 ki跌 那阻 浓 苏那哈嘛 你咩s撒ge 浓过示跌 阿ki 浓 阿咩 呼余 浓 那米打 卡杂拉努 阿依 嗲 阿他他咩跌 ho示依 Four seasons with your love 余咩 浓 那卡. 那嘎咧路 多ki 喔 过过罗 你 阿里 浓 嘛嘛 你 呼他里 浓 hi比 哇 莫呜 苏古 哦莫依嗲 阿依 莫 余咩 莫 哇苏咧 莫浓 依阻 浓 hi 嗲莫 阿他他咩跌 ho示依 Four seasons with your love 木呐 浓 哦苦 Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, I’ll be alright… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, stay with me… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, I’ll be alright… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, stay with me… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, I’ll be alright… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, stay with me… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, I’ll be alright… Four scene, four four seasons Four scene, stay with me...