Why do cats like to stay in circles?
英国首屈一指的动物行为专家之一Daniel Mills教授说,如果猫逗留在像箱子和柜子的的封闭空间,它们感到安全。弄个屏障可以给动物安全感,例如由抹布或一排的袜子围成屏障。猫在这方面的欲望如此强烈,即使是在地板上弄个圈,它都可以坐在里面。
「有一句话说:“好奇害死猫”」,另一位专家Helen Zulch对《每日邮报》说。 「如果你在注视在地板上的一个圈,一只大胆又爱好新奇的猫可能走过来和你一起注视那个圈。」
If you once had a pet cat, you may know that it is hard to train them to sit, roll over and play dead just like dogs. But now it seems cat owners have found a way to let their cats follow their orders: creating a circular-shaped pattern on the floor. Many cat owners found that if they made a circular shape with string, masking tape or even bananas, a cat will sit inside and refuse to leave. But do you know why?
Professor Daniel Mills, one of Britain's top experts in animal behavior, said cats feel safe if they stay in enclosed spaces like boxes and cupboards. And making a barrier can also give the animal a sense of security, for example a barrier made of tea towels or a row of socks. This desire is so strong to cats that they might even sit in shapes like circles on the floor.
Another reason could lie in a cat's sense of smell. Cats mark the boundaries of their territory by rubbing the scent glands in their cheeks against them.
"If you stick a tape down to mark a circle, you are putting down a new scent that could interest a cat," said Mills to the Daily Mail.
"That might be an interesting odor."
But it might not just be the new smell that attracts them to circles. Cats are usually curious about anything new.
"There's the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'", said Helen Zulch, another expert in Britain, to the Daily Mail. "If you pay attention to a circle on the floor, a cat who is bold and interested in new things may come over and pay attention to the circle."
英国首屈一指的动物行为专家之一Daniel Mills教授说,如果猫逗留在像箱子和柜子的的封闭空间,它们感到安全。弄个屏障可以给动物安全感,例如由抹布或一排的袜子围成屏障。猫在这方面的欲望如此强烈,即使是在地板上弄个圈,它都可以坐在里面。
「有一句话说:“好奇害死猫”」,另一位专家Helen Zulch对《每日邮报》说。 「如果你在注视在地板上的一个圈,一只大胆又爱好新奇的猫可能走过来和你一起注视那个圈。」
If you once had a pet cat, you may know that it is hard to train them to sit, roll over and play dead just like dogs. But now it seems cat owners have found a way to let their cats follow their orders: creating a circular-shaped pattern on the floor. Many cat owners found that if they made a circular shape with string, masking tape or even bananas, a cat will sit inside and refuse to leave. But do you know why?
Professor Daniel Mills, one of Britain's top experts in animal behavior, said cats feel safe if they stay in enclosed spaces like boxes and cupboards. And making a barrier can also give the animal a sense of security, for example a barrier made of tea towels or a row of socks. This desire is so strong to cats that they might even sit in shapes like circles on the floor.
Another reason could lie in a cat's sense of smell. Cats mark the boundaries of their territory by rubbing the scent glands in their cheeks against them.
"If you stick a tape down to mark a circle, you are putting down a new scent that could interest a cat," said Mills to the Daily Mail.
"That might be an interesting odor."
But it might not just be the new smell that attracts them to circles. Cats are usually curious about anything new.
"There's the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'", said Helen Zulch, another expert in Britain, to the Daily Mail. "If you pay attention to a circle on the floor, a cat who is bold and interested in new things may come over and pay attention to the circle."