警告: Support of character vectors that are not valid variable names or define a number will be removed in a future release. To create
symbolic expressions, first create symbolic variables and then use operations on them.
> In sym>convertExpression (line 1559)
In sym>convertChar (line 1464)
In sym>tomupad (line 1216)
In sym (line 179)
In solve>getEqns (line 405)
In solve (line 225)
警告: Do not specify equations and variables as character vectors. Instead, create symbolic variables with syms.
> In solve>getEqns (line 445)
In solve (line 225)
警告: The solutions are valid under the following conditions: FALSE.
To include parameters and conditions in the solution, specify the 'ReturnConditions' option.
> In solve>warnIfParams (line 507)
In solve (line 356)
x =
0.00072769603461595828113813268738696 - 0.0078405007457458212187236007282809i
这个x应该是个实数物理量,请问求解过程有问题吗,我是matlab小白~ 展开
警告: Support of character vectors that are not valid variable names or define a number will be removed in a future release. To create
symbolic expressions, first create symbolic variables and then use operations on them.
> In sym>convertExpression (line 1559)
In sym>convertChar (line 1464)
In sym>tomupad (line 1216)
In sym (line 179)
In solve>getEqns (line 405)
In solve (line 225)
警告: Do not specify equations and variables as character vectors. Instead, create symbolic variables with syms.
> In solve>getEqns (line 445)
In solve (line 225)
警告: The solutions are valid under the following conditions: FALSE.
To include parameters and conditions in the solution, specify the 'ReturnConditions' option.
> In solve>warnIfParams (line 507)
In solve (line 356)
x =
0.00072769603461595828113813268738696 - 0.0078405007457458212187236007282809i
这个x应该是个实数物理量,请问求解过程有问题吗,我是matlab小白~ 展开
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