辛亥革命至民国初年这段时间,是一个新旧思想激烈碰撞的年代,统治了中国几千年的封建王朝被推翻,封建传统也在革命的冲击下摇摇欲坠。中国广大的女性在忍受了长期封建思想束缚后,女权思想随着民权革命这股潮流逐渐蔓延扩散。越来越多的女性开始觉醒,她们不再默默地承受社会给予的一切不公平,而是开始争取和反抗。孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,不仅推翻了封建清王朝,而且为女性争取男女平等,提升女性地位创造了条件。辛亥革命至民国初期,广大妇女的地位有了很大的变化,并获得了一定的社会权力。妇女的思想得到空前的解放,一部分女性获得了受教育权和参政权。女子在家庭中不再是男人的附庸,有了表达自我的机会。毒害了女性几千年的“缠足”被废除,广大女性可以用健康的新面貌参加革命,投身革命,为保卫革命果实而奋斗。 展开
辛亥革命至民国初年这段时间,是一个新旧思想激烈碰撞的年代,统治了中国几千年的封建王朝被推翻,封建传统也在革命的冲击下摇摇欲坠。中国广大的女性在忍受了长期封建思想束缚后,女权思想随着民权革命这股潮流逐渐蔓延扩散。越来越多的女性开始觉醒,她们不再默默地承受社会给予的一切不公平,而是开始争取和反抗。孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,不仅推翻了封建清王朝,而且为女性争取男女平等,提升女性地位创造了条件。辛亥革命至民国初期,广大妇女的地位有了很大的变化,并获得了一定的社会权力。妇女的思想得到空前的解放,一部分女性获得了受教育权和参政权。女子在家庭中不再是男人的附庸,有了表达自我的机会。毒害了女性几千年的“缠足”被废除,广大女性可以用健康的新面貌参加革命,投身革命,为保卫革命果实而奋斗。 展开
1911 Revolution and the Early Republic this time, a collision of old and new era of intense thought, ruled China for thousands of the overthrow of the feudal dynasties, the feudal traditions are crumbling under the impact of the revolution. Women in China's vast feudal bondage endured long after the civil rights revolution, feminist thought as this trend is gradually spreading. More and more women began to wake up, they no longer suffer in silence for all of society is not fair, but began to fight and resistance. Sun Yat-sen led the 1911 Revolution, not only overthrew the feudal Qing Dynasty and the struggle for equality for women, improve women's status and create the conditions. Revolution to the early Republic, the majority of the status of women has changed a lot, and get some social power. Unprecedented idea of women liberation, some women gained the right to education and suffrage. Women in the family is no longer a vassal of men, with opportunities for self-expression. Poisoned the women for thousands of years of "foot binding" was repealed, the general health of women can participate in the new face of revolution, join the revolution, the struggle to defend the fruits of revolution.