英 ['sɒri] 美 ['sɑːri]
I'm frightfully sorry, but I can't see you today.
I'm sorry to obtrude on you at such a time.
Don't feel sorry about the broken glass.
I'm sorry he doesn't write more regularly.
Sorry, we've sold out of shirts in your size.
"I'm afraid he's ill" — "I'm sorry to hear that" “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”
"We're all talking at the same time" — "Yeah Sorry" “我们俩在同时讲话。”——“噢,抱歉。”
This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking 我很遗憾,这几乎完全是一厢情愿的想法。
John, I'm sorry for Steve, but I think you'vemade the right decisions 约翰,我为史蒂夫感到难过,但是我想你的决定是正确的。
Turkin tapped him on the shoulder "Sorry to interrupt, Colonel" 图尔金拍拍他的肩膀。“不好意思打断您一下,上校。”
I'm sorry That was a hateful thing to say 对不起,我不该说那么难听的话。
Hum, I am sorry but I thought you were French 嗯,很抱歉,我以为你是法国人。
After a pause Alex said sharply: "I'm sorry if I've upset you" 歇了一会儿后,亚历克斯毫不客气地说:“要是让你心烦了,那我很抱歉。”
I've only done half of it, I'm sorry to say 很遗憾,我只完成了一半。
I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me 对不起,我不知道自己是怎么回事。
I'm sorry to call so late, but I need a favour 这么晚打电话真是抱歉,可是我需要帮个忙。
The fire left Kuwait's oil industry in a sorry state 这场大火使科威特的石油产业陷入悲惨的境地。
"Sorry Edward," I said, splattering the cloth with jam “对不起,爱德华,”我说道,因为我把果酱洒在了桌布上。
I'm sorry to have to tell you that Janet West is dead 很遗憾,我不得不告诉您,珍妮特·韦斯特已经不在人世。
"Oh, sorry I forgot" — "Everyone forgets," the girl sighed “哦,对不起,我忘了。”——“每个人都有忘事的时候,”那女孩叹着气说道。
"I'm sorry," she said "I have plans for tonight" “抱歉,”她说,“我今晚有安排了。”
"Sorry I sound like Abby, don't I?" — "No Not at all" “抱歉,我讲起话来像阿比,是不是?”——“不,一点不像。”
I'm sorry I know I was bitchy on the phone 对不起。我知道我在电话里说得太刻薄了。
I caught myself feeling almost sorry for poor Mr Laurence 我突然发觉自己几乎同情起可怜的劳伦斯先生来了。
I'm terribly sorry — I had no idea you felt that way 我非常抱歉——没有想到你是那样想的。

2023-07-11 广告