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2022-11-05 · TA获得超过5437个赞

1. 求七年级下册英语1~~12单元作文

1)P.E. Teacher Wanted For The School Sports Club

Do you like sports ? Are you good with chidrens ? We need help with sports in sports ciub in our school . Can you swim ? Can you play basketball or soccer ? Can you play volleyball or tennis ? Then you can be a P.E. teacher in our school . Call Mr.Wu at 337-6013 .




2. 求七年级下册英语1~~12单元作文

1)Liuxiang made a perfect fly in the olympic games in 2004, and won not only the gold metal but also the respect in the world! His fly knocked all the suspicions and discriminations down pletely! "It is so perfect! I never expect to run so fast! Oh it is a dream to me, and it seems I am still in a dream!", he said! But it is just true, and it is himself who made the dream into truth! Xiuxiang, our hero, has been regarded as a flying man all of the world! 刘翔-世界飞人 刘翔在2004年的奥林匹克运动会上完美的冲刺,不仅赢得了金牌,而且赢得了世界的尊重。

他的飞翔打破了所有的怀疑和所有的种族歧视. ”太完美了.我从来没想到跑这末快.哦,对我来说就像做梦,看起来我好像还在梦中。“他说到。


(2)The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15.He works all night. People love to lisen to him!He gets home at 7:00,and hewatches moring TV. He goes to bed at 8:30.Can you think what hisjob is? 九点一刻时他经常乘公交车上班。他工作整晚。


他8点半睡觉。 你认为他的职业是什么? (3)My family I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What's my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you're right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I'm very happy to live with my parents together! 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! (4)Lan and Fred Lan and Fred were boys. They were both elve years old, and they were in the same class in their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names. Then Fred began crying. The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?” “Because his name's Lan May, and mine's Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said. 易恩和富雷得 易恩和富雷得都是男孩,他们都十二岁了。




接着富雷得哭了起来。 老师看了看他问:“富雷得,你为什么要哭呢?” “因为他的名字是Lan May, 而我的名字确是Frederick Hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。

(5)Ann's Diary Today was Sunday. Today was September 30th, 2004. It was a boring day. It was hot. I was not a work. I watched TV all morning. The shows were boring. Then I called my friend, Nancy. She wasn't at home. I didn't know where she was. At elve I was hungry. There was not any food in the fridge. I was lazy. I was tired. Then I ate lunch outside. At one o'clock. I was in bed. In the afternoon I was at the movies. The film was boring. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and see my friends. 安的日记 今天是星期天,2004年9月30日。这是令人厌烦的一天。

今天天气很热,我呆在家里,不用去上学。 我看了一上午的电视。


我不知道她去哪里了。 十二点我饿了,可是冰箱里什么食物都没有。



很高兴明天就是星期一了,我有可以返回学校见到我的好朋友了。 (6)Do you know fish ?Let me tell you something about it !fish have many kinds,and they are have many colour. some fish is big ,some fish is *** all.some fish is live in sea and some one is live in rivevr.of course, fish is also health food,so eat more it is better for ourbody! 你认识鱼吗?让我来告诉你有关鱼的一些知识吧!鱼有很多种类,也有很多颜色。



3. 初一下英语作文 第一单元 写给笔友 介绍自己

Dear Lily ,

How are you][ ? My name is cindy . I am 12 years old this year . I am very glad to write a letter to you to introduce myself . I am a actively and open-minded girl . My hair is not only long but also blank .And my eyes are large as well brighten . I'm happy and i would like to make more friends .Hope i can affect all the people around me will happy every day .

Looking forward to your prompt reply .

Best wishes to you .

4. 人教版初一下册英语单元作文

A life without a friend is a life without a s un. Friendship is one of the most import ant things in everyone's life. So, I think, e very one of us, rich or poor, should at le ast have one or o good friends. As stu dents, we could share more time with ou r friends. The friendship in our young he arts is pure, fresh and simple. I often fee l very lucky to have a lot of good friends. My best friend is xx, we grew up togethe r. She will listen to me when I want to sp eak, will wipe my eyes when I cry. She w ould sing the birthday song for me on m y birthday. She would encourage me wh en I lost confidence in. So, I think, friendship is a kind of treasur e in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, and the sweet er it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. W hen we are thirsty, it will be our best cho ice. So, I will cherish my friends, I have to wo rk hard together with my friends, encour age each other and help each other.。

5. 初一下册英语12个单元的作文60词以上

一,IloveReadingIreallyenjoyreading.Ilikereadingallkindofbooks,especiallystorybooks.Theymakemylifemorecolourfulandmoreinteresting.IthinkreadingisexcitingbecauseIcangettohavefunandIc *** solearnsometruthfromreading.Ilovereadingbecauseitopensuptheworldtome.ReadingcantakemetoanywhereoftheworldandreadingcangivemeanswerstomanyquestionsIhaveabouttheworld.Readingc *** somakemehappy.Lotsofnovelscantakemetothepastandthefuture.Lotsofpoemscanmakemefeelpeacefulandpleasant.IborrowedbooksfromthelibraryandIwenttobookshopsabouticeamonth.Itradedbookswithmyclas *** atestoo.IfeltexcitedwhenIfoundsomegoodbooks.NowIhaveabout200booksathome.Readingcanmakemylifemorecolorful.Withoutit,ourcontactswithothersarelimited.Wecanonlymunicatethroughspeeches.But,readingcanhelpmetomunicatewithmorepeopleatanytime.Itcanenrichmylife.二,7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333332633066Basketballi *** yfavoriteSportMyfavoriteSportsi *** asketball.ItlookssocoolinTVthatIwascrazyaboutthosebasketballstarseversinceIwaslittle.Basketballrequiresspeed,heightandskills.Irun,jump,switch,andtrytohit!Allpartsofmybodyareexercisedinthissport.IfeelthatI'mlikewindflyingintheplaygroundformygoal,whichmake *** efeelsogreat!Furthermore,basketballisasport *** orethanjustexercising,Itneedsteamwork.Noonecanplayhimself.Ateamshouldworktogether.SoIlearntocooperatewithothersinthisgame.Ishouldunderstandwhatmyteammatedoingandwhatheneed *** etodoforhim.Ontheotherside,IshouldlearntoshowmyteammatewhatIneed.Atthesametime,Ineedtokeepaneyeonthewholegame,knowinghowisthesituationofourteamandhowistheotherteam.Itinvolvedmorecooperationandstrategy.三,HowtokeephealthyWhatisthemostimportantthingintheworld?Ithinkitishealth.Youcantakeawayourmoney,house,car,orevenourclothesandwecansurvive.Butifourhealthwastakenaway,wewouldsurelydie.Thatiswhywealwaystrytoeatinahealthywayandexerciseregularly.Inordertoeathealthily,Iusuallyavoideatingfoodhighinfat,likeFrenchfriesorcookies.Ialsoeatlittlemeat.Ieatalotofvegetablesandfreshfruihicharefullofvitamins.Takingexerciseeverydayhelpsu *** uildastrongbody.Regularexerciseisanimportantpartofkeepingmehealthy.What' *** ore,Ithinkfriendsareanimportantpartofone'shealth.Manystudiesshowthatpeoplewithawiderangeofsocialcontactsgetsicklessthanthosewhodon't.IalwaysfeelbetterwhenIamwithfriendsthanwhenIamalone.WhenIamwithmyfriends,Ialwayslaugh.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth.Iliketolaughwithmyfriends.Byeatingproperlyandexercisingregularly,Icankeepmybodyataproperweightandkeephealthy.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Icankeepmymindaswella *** ybodyhappy.Thesethingssoundeasytodo,butnotmanypeoplecanmanagethem.Ithinkastrongwillisnecessaryifwewanttokeephealthy.o(∩_∩)o 希望能对你有所帮助! 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢!————本次回答来自 团队:知识正能量 ,有问题请求助——知识正能量团。

O (∩ ∩ o _) I hope you can help! please give praise or adopt, thank you!-- -- the answer from the team: knowledge is power, have any questions please help --knowledge is energy group.。

6. 初一上期第一单元英语作文

My name is Mike White.Mike is my first name.White is my last name.I am 12 years old.My telephone number is 346-1990.He is Bob Smith.He is my friend.His first name is Bob,last name is Smith.He is 12 years old,too.His telephone number is 322-4224.。

7. 初一下册英语12个单元的作文60词以上

一,IloveReadingIreallyenjoyreading.Ilikereadingallkindofbooks,especiallystorybooks.Theymakemylifemorecolourfulandmoreinteresting.IthinkreadingisexcitingbecauseIcangettohavefunandIc *** solearnsometruthfromreading.Ilovereadingbecauseitopensuptheworldtome.ReadingcantakemetoanywhereoftheworldandreadingcangivemeanswerstomanyquestionsIhaveabouttheworld.Readingc *** somakemehappy.Lotsofnovelscantakemetothepastandthefuture.Lotsofpoemscanmakemefeelpeacefulandpleasant.IborrowedbooksfromthelibraryandIwenttobookshopsabouticeamonth.Itradedbookswithmyclas *** atestoo.IfeltexcitedwhenIfoundsomegoodbooks.NowIhaveabout200booksathome.Readingcanmakemylifemorecolorful.Withoutit,ourcontactswithothersarelimited.Wecanonlymunicatethroughspeeches.But,readingcanhelpmetomunicatewithmorepeopleatanytime.Itcanenrichmylife.二,7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333332633066Basketballi *** yfavoriteSportMyfavoriteSportsi *** asketball.ItlookssocoolinTVthatIwascrazyaboutthosebasketballstarseversinceIwaslittle.Basketballrequiresspeed,heightandskills.Irun,jump,switch,andtrytohit!Allpartsofmybodyareexercisedinthissport.IfeelthatI'mlikewindflyingintheplaygroundformygoal,whichmake *** efeelsogreat!Furthermore,basketballisasport *** orethanjustexercising,Itneedsteamwork.Noonecanplayhimself.Ateamshouldworktogether.SoIlearntocooperatewithothersinthisgame.Ishouldunderstandwhatmyteammatedoingandwhatheneed *** etodoforhim.Ontheotherside,IshouldlearntoshowmyteammatewhatIneed.Atthesametime,Ineedtokeepaneyeonthewholegame,knowinghowisthesituationofourteamandhowistheotherteam.Itinvolvedmorecooperationandstrategy.三,HowtokeephealthyWhatisthemostimportantthingintheworld?Ithinkitishealth.Youcantakeawayourmoney,house,car,orevenourclothesandwecansurvive.Butifourhealthwastakenaway,wewouldsurelydie.Thatiswhywealwaystrytoeatinahealthywayandexerciseregularly.Inordertoeathealthily,Iusuallyavoideatingfoodhighinfat,likeFrenchfriesorcookies.Ialsoeatlittlemeat.Ieatalotofvegetablesandfreshfruihicharefullofvitamins.Takingexerciseeverydayhelpsu *** uildastrongbody.Regularexerciseisanimportantpartofkeepingmehealthy.What' *** ore,Ithinkfriendsareanimportantpartofone'shealth.Manystudiesshowthatpeoplewithawiderangeofsocialcontactsgetsicklessthanthosewhodon't.IalwaysfeelbetterwhenIamwithfriendsthanwhenIamalone.WhenIamwithmyfriends,Ialwayslaugh.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth.Iliketolaughwithmyfriends.Byeatingproperlyandexercisingregularly,Icankeepmybodyataproperweightandkeephealthy.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Icankeepmymindaswella *** ybodyhappy.Thesethingssoundeasytodo,butnotmanypeoplecanmanagethem.Ithinkastrongwillisnecessaryifwewanttokeephealthy.o(∩_∩)o 希望能对你有所帮助! 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢!————本次回答来自 团队:知识正能量 ,有问题请求助——知识正能量团。

O (∩ ∩ o _) I hope you can help! please give praise or adopt, thank you!-- -- the answer from the team: knowledge is power, have any questions please help --knowledge is energy group.。

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