operating revenue
enterprise operation revenue 企业经营效益
Main Operation Revenue 主营业务收入
Other operation revenue 其他业务收入
Primary operation revenue 主营业务收入
Revenue from main operation 主营业务收入
revenue from operation 营业额
Revenue of main operation 主营业务收入
Revenue of other operation 其他业务收入
1.Net operating revenue was $2 billion in the latest period, an increase of 23% over the prior year, according to the company.
2.Other operating revenues that cannot be classified into the headings above.
3.Nonoperating revenue and expenses: indicating non - operating revenue, non - operating expenses, etc.
七营业外收入及费用类: 指营业外收入 、 营业外费用等项。
4.Operating revenue: indicating sales revenue, service revenue, income from business activities, other operating revenue, etc.
四营业收入类: 指销货收入 、 劳务收入 、 业务收入 、 其他营业收入等项。
5.Or how long, non - voice business accounts for our total operating revenue to more than 50 % possible.
要不了多久, 非语音 业务占我们运营商业务总收入的比例将可能超过50%。