
 我来答
2023-03-02 · TA获得超过621个赞
  一、 check in

  1. c: good morning. can i help you?

  g: yes. i would like to check out. could i have my bill. please?

  c: certainly, sir, may i know your name and your room number, please ?

  g: dennis black, room 1108.

  c: all right. here is your bill, mr. black. the total is 1800 yuan.

  g: the figure seems right.

  c: how would you like to pay, mr. black , in cash or by credit card ?

  g: in cash. here is the money.

  c: thank you, mr. black . just a moment, please , i’ll write out a receipt for you .

  2.c: good morning. can i help you?

  g: yes, i’d like to check out now .

  c: can i have your name and room number, please ?

  g: john smith, room 1208 .

  c: may i have your room key, please ?

  g: sure. here you are.

  c: just a moment, please…..mr. smith . here is your bill. would you like to check it ?

  g: i’m sorry . what’s the 20 yuan for ?

  c: that’s for the drinks you ordered from your room .

  g: i see .

  c: how would you like to make payment , mr. smith ?

  g: i’d like to pay in cash .

  c: that’ll be 2180 yuan .

  g: here you are .

  c: here’s your change and receipt , mr. smith , i’ll send a bellman up to get your luggage.

  g: thank you .

  c: you are welcome , good-bye .

  二、 check out


  c : good afternoon , sir . welcome to our hotel . may i help you ?

  g: yes. i booked a room one week ago .

  c: may i have your name please , sir ?

  g: john smith.

  c: just a moment , sir . while i look through out list. yes , we do have a reservation for you , mr. smith. a city view single room with bath . you’ve paid yuan rmb as a deposit . is that correct ?

  g: that’s it .

  c: would you please fill in this registration card , sir ?

  g: sure . here you are. i think i’ve filled in everything correctly .

  c: let me see …name , address, nationality, forwarding address , passport number , signature and date of departure . oh , here , sir . you forget to fill in the date of departure. may i fill it in for you ? you are leaving on…

  g: october 24.

  c: may i see your passport , please ? thank you ,sir. now everything is in order . and here is your key . mr. smith . your room number is 1107. it’s on the 11th floor and your room rate is 500 rmb per night . here is your key card with all the information on your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it. please make sure that you have it with you all the time. you need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars.

  g: yes, i’ll keep it with care , thank you .

  c: i hope you enjoy yours stay with us.

  2. c: good afternoon, madam. can i help you?

  g: good afternoon, i want a single room, please .

  c: have you made a reservation?

  g: no, i haven’t.

  c: how long do you want to stay?

  g: three days.

  c: i’ll see what we have, madam. oh, yes. i can offer you a room on the eight floor.

  g: fine.

  c: may i see your passport?

  g: of course. here you are.

  c: thank you. madam. could you fill in this form, please?

  g: yes. here it is.

  c: thank you, here is your key. it’s room 808 on the eight floor.

  g: thank you very much. good night.

  三、 reservation

  1. c: good morning . this is room reservation . may i help you ?

  g: yes , i’d like to book a room , please .

  c: fine , for which date ?

  g: for oct. 1st .

  c: for how many nights ?

  g: two nights.

  c: a single room or a double room ?

  g: a double room .

  c: could you give me your name , please ?

  g: mr. john cook .

  c: may i have your telephone number , please ?

  g: 021-81006382

  c: what time do you expect to arrive , sir ?

  g: at about 6.p.m .

  c: fine , mr. jone cook , a double room for oct .1st and 2nd .

  g: that is right . good-bye .

  c: good-bye and we are looking forward to seeing you .

  2. c: good morning . room reservation . can i help you ?

  g: i’d like to make a reservation .

  c: when for ?

  g: for sept .9th .

  c: for how long ?

  g: about a week .

  c: could you hold the line , please ? i’ll check….

  thank you for waiting , sir . i’m afraid our hotel is fully booked on those days .

  g: that’s all right .

  c: we’re very sorry , sir . we hope you understand

  a、did you ask them to send more blankets up?these blankets they use are too thin.


  b、no, i didn't think of it.


  a、i will call them.


  b、front desk.


  a、hello. yes. i would like some more blankets in my room. it's too cold.


  b、and your room number, ma'am?


  a、i'm in room 224. we need a lot of blankets.

  224 ,我们需要很多毯子。

  b、alright, i'll have someone bring them right away.


  a、thank you. may i ask you one more thing?


  b、of course, ma'am.


  a、my husband and i would like a wake-up call tomorrow morning.


  b、what time would you like that?




  b、alright. a wake-up call at 7:30 am. room 224. anything else?

  好的,224 号房,早上七点半起床服务。还需要其它的吗?

  a、no, nothing else.

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