1、维金以及掠夺者是我最喜欢的人族单位。This and the Marauder are my new favorite Terran units.
2、我会谈下掠夺者的结构。I'll go into some of the Marauder mechanics.
3、黑暗圣堂无情的把掠夺者切成几块。Dark also end up eviscerating Marauders in a ruthless fashion.
4、半人马掠夺者在支援射击时不受惩罚。Centaurs–marauders does not have penalty when shooting into support.
5、浪费者和掠夺者们在慢慢地糟蹋着我们的土地。Slowly the wasters and despoilers are impoverishing our land.
6、Glass医生想进到掠夺者脑子里寻寻宝。Dr.Glass wants to go in for a treasure hunt inside the skitter's skull.
7、还记得Pope和他的手下杀死的那个掠夺者吧。You remember that skitter that Pope and his boys killed.
8、她在2003年加入这家位于圣莫尼卡的工作室之前曾经在水晶动力公司(Crystal Dynamics)参与过《灵魂掠夺者》(Soul Reaver)和《凯恩的遗产》(Legacy of Kain)等游戏的开发工作。
Before joining the Santa Monica-based studio in 2003,she worked at Crystal Dynamics on the Soul Reaver and Legacy of Kain titles.
9、他后来又创办了一家软件公司Crisp,旨在保护孩子们免受网络掠夺者的伤害。He then moved on to developing Crisp,which is a software company that helps protects kids from online predators.
10、游客可以看到许多种飞机,从老式客机到新的无人驾驶飞机,例如掠夺者无人机(Predator Drone)。Visitors can find everything from old passenger planes to new unmanned aircraft,like the Predator drone.