1、火灾之后仅两个星期,这所学校就重新开学了。The school was reopened just two weeks after the fire.
2、对那场火灾及其可能的起因进行了讨论。There was discussion about the fire and its likely cause.
3、我们只从火灾中抢救出两幅画。We only managed to salvage two paintings from the fire.
4、大风刮断电线,引起了火灾。Winds brought down power lines, sparking a fire.
5、旅馆火灾中有十人被烧死。Ten people burned to death in the hotel fire.
6、有五人死于昨夜的住宅火灾。Five people died in a house fire last night.
7、雷击给整个州造成了数十起火灾。Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.
8、火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。Very little of the house remained after the fire.
9、火灾的原因尚不清楚。The cause of the fire is not yet known.
10、一支乱扔的烟被指为引起这场火灾的罪魁祸首。A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.