uniquely represent in our data”
The vector model, like the raster model, divides space into discrete elements, but unlike the raster model, it
performs this division based on geographic features and position rather than on the basis of a uniform grid. Since
the partitions this model imposes on our terrain are not necessarily of equal or regular size, the division of the
terrain space is referred to as an “irregular tessellation”.
There seems to be a hierarchy of four basic partitions in the vector model: point, line, plane and solid. All four
of these objects are defined using the standard Cartesian coordinate system. A point is thus represented by a single
coordinate tuple (x,y,z). A line is a sequence of these points which forms a straight edge. A line has length and
direction and is represented as a sequence of coordinate tuples. A surface (surface in plane is area or polygon) could
probably best be described as a “simple cycle” bounding a region. A simple cycle is a sequence of points where the
start and the end of the sequence are the same point. A solid is the basis for 3-dimensional geometry. The extent of a
solid is defined by the boundary surfaces.
The vector model, like the raster model, divides space into discrete elements, but unlike the raster model, it
performs this division based on geographic features and position rather than on the basis of a uniform grid. Since
the partitions this model imposes on our terrain are not necessarily of equal or regular size, the division of the
terrain space is referred to as an “irregular tessellation”.
There seems to be a hierarchy of four basic partitions in the vector model: point, line, plane and solid. All four
of these objects are defined using the standard Cartesian coordinate system. A point is thus represented by a single
coordinate tuple (x,y,z). A line is a sequence of these points which forms a straight edge. A line has length and
direction and is represented as a sequence of coordinate tuples. A surface (surface in plane is area or polygon) could
probably best be described as a “simple cycle” bounding a region. A simple cycle is a sequence of points where the
start and the end of the sequence are the same point. A solid is the basis for 3-dimensional geometry. The extent of a
solid is defined by the boundary surfaces.