
这个很重要,专业的来,别翻译错了哈!不要用软件翻译,我也会,有错误。内容:今天我由衷的开心和激动,因为我终于结婚了。一时间纵有千言万语却不知从何说起。但我知道,这万语千言... 这个很重要,专业的来,别翻译错了哈!不要用软件翻译,我也会,有错误。

今天我由衷的开心和激动,因为我终于结婚了。一时间纵有千言万语却不知从何说起。但我知道,这万语千言最终只能汇聚成两个字,那就是“感谢”。 首先要感谢在座的各位亲人、朋友在这个美好的日子里,特意前来为我们的爱情做一个重要的见证,没有你们,也就没有这场让我和她终生难忘的婚礼。

 我来答
2013-12-20 · 超过54用户采纳过TA的回答
Right here this moment ,Im feeling so exciting and happy from the bottom of my heart. Because, at last, my love has come along, and Im about to commit to it and embrace this love forever—— Im married!! Gosh! for the moment ,I got lost where to start, cuz there are so many things occuring on my mind.
But, for the most imperative one, my acknowledgments have to be done to many of you sitting right in front of me. Firstly, of course i have to thank my parents and relatives who attend my wedding today, you are the best ones that I share blood of this life, and my friends those who have been always with me, going through all the bitter and sweet, and now you guys are being the witnesses of the most important moment of my life. I have say, it would not be as significant as how it means to me right the moment, if it wasnt you there.

There are countable a couple of moments in my life, and today is the happinest one of my entire life, Im so gratified, even words cant describe how happy I am.

Today im holding hands with my beloved, Ms.XXX here ,with all the people in my life: my parents, relatives and friends. I gotta thank for your present at my wedding. It brings along joy and full of your sincere congrats. Beside ,take this opportunity, we would like to once a again give our acknowledgment to our parents who have always been cultivating us and being unconditionally supportive to us, We thank for your nurturance on us, and ultimately we thank for everyone who are here today with your blessing, Thank you!

手把手翻译哈。 我是考虑这可能是你要念出来的,所以我用的更口语化的方式给你写的,如有什么需要你可以继续追问;) 我在外国念了很久书了,这样的翻译请相信我,绝非中式英语,算是比较地道英语表达方式,你的很多表达我都是意译的!

望采纳 祝开心O(∩_∩)O
2013-12-18 · TA获得超过5.1万个赞
今天我由衷的开心和激动,因为我终于结婚了。一时间纵有千言万语却不知从何说起。但我知道,这万语千言最终只能汇聚成两个字,那就是“感谢”。 首先要感谢在座的各位亲人、朋友在这个美好的日子里,特意前来为我们的爱情做一个重要的见证,没有你们,也就没有这场让我和她终生难忘的婚礼。

------- Today I am especially happy and excited because I am a married man at last. Though having lots of words to say, I would say only "Thank you". Thank you all my relatives and friends for coming and making it a beautiful day as a witness to our marriage. With your presence, ours will be a forever unforgettable wedding.
It is true that there are few occasions that are unforgettable to us in life, and today it is just one of the few when I feel extremely excited and happy, for I will have - - - as my wife in the presence of our parents and the alike and our relations and good friends, which has added more joy and merriness to our wedding with your sincere wishes. Once again, my wife and I thank our parents for your upbringing , our eldership for your care and concern and our friends for your kind wishing words.
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2013-12-18 · 超过13用户采纳过TA的回答
Today,I'm so happy and excited as I finally get married.At this moment,although there're many to say,I do not know how to begin.Anyway,I know that these can be concluded into one word,appreciate.At first,I will show my appreciation to my relatives,friends as all of you come here to witness my love.Without you,there won't be a wedding which let I and she unforgettable forever.
It‘said that there're a few times which is the most unforgettable and the happiest in our life.Today,I do feel excited ,happy and unforgettable.Today,I married with my lover,Miss....My parents,relatives and friends enter our wedding from far way,even some of you are busy very much.Your coming bring us delightful,happy and sincere wishes.Now I will take advantage of this opportunity to show my appreciation to my parents.It's them who bring me up.And thanks to my elders who have care of me a lot.And thanks to my friends who have blessed me。
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2013-12-18 · TA获得超过5780个赞
Today, I am really happy and excited. You know the reason - I get married at last. At this very moment, I have many words that I want to say, but have no idea where to start with. But I am sure about one thing, that is, these many words I want to say can boil down to/can be summarized into two words, "thank you." First, I would like to thank all the relatives and friends present at the tables who take their time to come to witness our true love on this very special day. Without you, there would not be an unforgettable wedding for life between her and me/the memorable wedding for a life time between her and me would not have happened.

How many moments that are most memorable and joyful we have in our lives? Today, I feel, from the bottom of my heart, really excited and happy, and have the feeling of something unforgettable for my life. Today, my sweat heart, Miss XXX, and I get married with the blessings from our parents, seniors, relatives, and good friends who take their precious time to come from afar to our wedding and have brought a lot of joy and happiness to today's wedding. I would like to take this opportunity to express, once again, our sincere thanks to you: special thanks to our parents who have brought us up, to the seniors who have taken good care of us, and to our friends who have brought to us their best wishes.
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2013-12-18 · 超过12用户采纳过TA的回答
Today at here, in this minute, at this moment, I am extremely happy and excited, because I am married. There is too much to say but I don't know where to start. And I also can't find a word to describe the way I fell now. However, the only word I could think of is "Thank You". First of all, I want to thank eveybody that is sitting here to witness this great moment of our love. This marriage would not be moemtous and memorable between me and the woman I love without your coming.
People always say that there is not much time during their lives make it unforgettable, but today I am sincerely excited, delighted and indelible to say that this is the greatest time of my life. Today, I am marrying Ms.xxx, with the joys, pleasures and the earnest blessings from our friends, relatives, elders and parents have brought to our marriage. By this oppurtunity, once more we want to express our appreciations to the blessing that our friends had given, the care that our elders had offered and the countless things our parents had done for us.
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