
 我来答
大家好!我叫xxx(这里写您自己的名字)。幼年时曾作过许多色彩斑斓的梦,当个xxx是我其中之一的梦想我有一个远大的理想,那就是我要当一名xxx,所以我还喜欢天蓝色和银白色,它代表着我要飞向天空。 我身高xxx,是一个性格内向的人,所以我很喜欢读书,各种书都喜欢,当然啦,我最喜欢xx,不知道大家是否看过另我喜欢不已的死神,动漫中经典中的经典啊!我尽情遨游在书的海洋中,在这里也希望交到和我拥有同样爱好的你。  有广泛爱好的我最大的优点是乐于助人,我这个人就是典型的热肠子,以后你们如果谁有困难,只要我能帮到你们的,尽管说,我一定在所不辞!!古道热肠来称呼再合适不过了,我这个人很好相处,你们会慢慢了解我的。呵呵。我呢,最喜欢冬天,没有什么特别的原因吗,秋太过于伤感,夏太过于热情,而春天却太过于温和,冬再好不过了,介于四者之间,可以使人冷静,使人回味。。我最喜欢冬天的傲梅,顽强不屈的品质是我学习的目标,我最喜欢雪花的坚持,为达目的地勇往直前。  对了,我最喜欢吃的食物是我妈妈做的,她的手艺非常好,做的食物让我食胃大开,口齿留香,欢迎大家到我加来做客,保证让家赞不绝口。  这就是我,一个幸福的男孩,一个乐于助人的男孩,一个聪明善良的我。  今天,我站在了同学们中间。我和在座的同学们一样,渴望展翅高飞,渴望将来有更大的发展空间,有施展才华的更广阔的天地。我想,有耕耘就会有收获。未来的几年里,由各位老师的倾情传授,我们一定会有一个无限美好的未来。Hello everybody! My name is xxx (write your own name here). Had done a lot of colorful childhood dream, when a xxx is one of my dreams I have a lofty ideal, that is, I want to be a xxx, so I also like blue and silver white, it represents I will fly to the sky. My height is xxx, is an introverted person, so I like reading all kinds of books like, of course, my favorite xx, I do not know if I like to read another endless death, the animation in the classic of classics ah! I enjoy swimming in the sea of books, where it handed and I hope you have the same hobby.
Broad interest of my biggest advantage is helpful, I just do the typical hot intestines, after you if anyone difficult, as long as I help you, though, I must have been without any hesitation! ! Gudaorechang to refer to very appropriate, and I get along well with this person, you will gradually understand me. Ha ha. I, like winter, there is no particular reason for autumn too sad, too warm in summer, but spring is too mild winter could not be better, ranging between four and can make people calm, so that people aftertaste. . Proud of my favorite winter plum, tough quality is the goal of my study, I like the insistence of snow for the courage of destination.
By the way, my favorite food is my mother's, her art is very good, do I eat food stomach wide open, articulate your mouth, I welcome you to add our guest, ensure that home was full of praise.
This is me, a happy boy and a helpful boy, a clever kind of me.
Today, I stood in the middle of the students. I like the students here, eager to fly, have a greater desire for the future development of space, their talent is more widely used. I think there hard work will be fruitful. The next few years, the portrait of the teacher to teach you, we will have a better future unlimited.
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