
6、8家银行(行情专区)涉LIBOR操纵案被重罚17亿欧元12月4日,欧盟委员会宣布,将对8家参与联合操纵金融市场拆借利率(即借贷价格)的大银行处以约17.1亿欧元(约合...  6、8家银行(行情 专区)涉LIBO R操纵案被重罚17亿欧元
  12月4日,欧盟委员会宣布,将对8家参与联合操纵金融市场拆借利率(即借贷价格)的大银行处以约17.1亿欧元(约合23.1亿美元)的罚款。根据公告,德意志银行被罚7.25亿欧元(约合9.82亿美元),在本案中的罚金最高。法国兴业银行(行情 股吧 买卖点)、苏格兰皇家银行和摩根大通等多家银行也被处以不同程度的罚金。上述银行被控操纵伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(LIBO R )和欧元区银行间同业拆借利率(EU R IBO R ).
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6, 8 Banks (zone) involved LIBO R manipulation case was heavy fines of 1.7 billion euros
On December 4, the commission announced that it will of eight participating in joint manipulation of the libor rate (i.e., borrowing prices) in financial markets of the big Banks with about 1.71 billion euros ($2.31 billion) fine.According to the announcement, deutsche bank was fined 725 million euros ($982 million), in the case of fines.Trading of societe generale (market share), the royal bank of Scotland and jpmorgan chase bank has been varying degrees of fines imposed.The Banks have been accused of manipulating the London interbank lending rates (LIBO R) and the euro interbank lending rates (EU R IBO R).
7, the wto's first global trade agreement was born
On 7 December, the world trade organization (wto) closing the 9th ministerial meeting, the meeting issued the declaration of minister of Bali, a "Bali package agreement", the doha round deadlock after 12 years a historic breakthrough.This is the world trade organization (wto) set up 18 years of the first global trade agreements.The agreement covers simplify customs and port clearance procedures, allowing developing countries have more options on food security, to help the least developed countries in developing trade, etc.
8, the international gold prices hit a more than 30 years the largest annual decline
In 2013 it hit.As of December 9, closed, New York gold futures closed at $1234.2 an ounce, the closing price of $1675.8 from the end of last year fell nearly 26%, reversing gold continuous upward trend in the past 12 years, is also the biggest annual decline since 1981.
9, has befallen slump in the currency inflation in risk warning
In April this year the currency price is about $260 each, in November, almost to the currency rate soared nearly $100 a day, November 27 in intraday price peak of $1100.In December, China's central bank announced five ministries and commissions such as joint dispatch COINS don't have law countervail sex and mandatory currencies such as the attribute, financial institutions, and will be asked to pay agency shall not, in the currency for the product or service pricing, European branch also says the risk of currency price volatility, the U.S. Treasury Department warned the currency risk of money laundering.Since then, the currency prices started to collapse, in half a month or so most losses than 6.
10, the fed cuts to quantitative easing, the first step
The fed on December 18, formally took cuts in the first step of quantitative easing.After the end of this year's last policy meeting, the fed announced that from January 2014 to long-term Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities purchases down $5 billion each.As a result, from next January the fed asset purchase monthly quota will shrink to $75 billion from $85 billion today.
2014-02-08 · TA获得超过142个赞
6, 8 Banks (market area) to LIBO R manipulation case be heavily fined 1700000000 euros
In December 4th, the European Commission announced, will be home to 8 to participate in joint operation of financial market interest rate (i.e., loan price) big bank to pay about 1710000000 euros ($2310000000) fine. According to the announcement, Deutsche Bank was fined 725000000 euros ($982000000), in the case of the maximum penalty. French bank Societe Generale (market share it at the sale), much home bank Royal Bank of Scotland and JP Morgan chase is a different degree of penalty. The bank was accused of manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBO R) and the euro interbank offered rate (EU R IBO R)
7, WTO first global trade agreement was born
In December 7th, the ninth session of the Ministerial Conference WTO closing, the meeting issued a "Bali declaration", "Bali package reach agreement", the Doha Round negotiations impasse culminated in a historic breakthrough in 12 years. This is WTO established the first global trade agreement in 18 years. The agreement covers the simplification of customs and customs clearance procedure, allowing developing countries to have more right to choose, to assist the least developed countries the development of trade in food safety.
8, the international price of gold in 30 years the biggest annual fall
In 2013, gold prices hit. By the close of trading on December 9th, the New York market price of gold futures closed at $1234.2 an ounce, compared to the end of the closing price of 1675.8 U.S. dollars fell nearly 26%, reversing the trend of continuous gold prices over the past 12 years, also the biggest annual drop since 1981.
9, the currency soaring prices suffered a risk warning
In April this year, the currency price of about $260 each, to enter in November, bitcoins almost to nearly $100 per day rate soared, intraday price peak of $1100 hit in November 27. Entered in December, the central bank and other 5 ministries jointly issued a document Chinese announced bitcoin has no legal and compulsive monetary property, financial institutions and Payment institutions shall not in bitcoins for products or services, pricing, the European Banking authority also said risk bitcoin existence of price fluctuations, America finance ministry warned the currency of money laundering risk. Since then, the currency prices began to fall, in about half the time up to or over the 6 into.
10, the Fed cut the first step taken quantitative easing
The Fed's December 18th formally taken the first step to reduce the quantitative easing policy. At the end of this year's last policy meeting, the Fed announced that, from 2014 January onwards will be the long-term treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities purchases of $5000000000 the reduction. In this way, since the Fed monthly asset purchase amount will be from the current $85000000000 down to $75000000000 next year from January.
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