求dnf自动收货 喊话
想做个小商人 不知道怎么找自动收货 要无毒的 好用的给分 收费的就算了
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你们没用过的就别回了 不知道还瞎回 真缺德 展开
Exit For End If n=n+1 Next qian=qian+jiag //计算总价格 jiag=0 //价格清零 ux=ux+30 //x坐标加30,扫描下一个框内物品 geshu=geshu+1 //个数循环 n=0 Next jiage=qian //参数传递 End Function Function wupin(GS,JQ) //计算物品总价格 LX 查找类型 //代码太他妈有才了 //此代码论坛中有,个人觉得很好。 dim a(100) dim b(100) dim q(100) number0="Attachment:\0.bmp" number1="Attachment:\1.bmp" number2="Attachment:\2.bmp" number3="Attachment:\3.bmp" number4="Attachment:\4.bmp" number5="Attachment:\5.bmp" number6="Attachment:\6.bmp" number7="Attachment:\7.bmp" number8="Attachment:\8.bmp" number9="Attachment:\9.bmp" cishu=1 leftx=72+(GS-1)*30 //132 upy=174 //155 rightx=99+(GS-1)*30 //162 downy=185 //235 Similar=1 lx=leftx Dim n,m,p,i,j n=0 m=1 p=1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number0,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=0 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number1,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=1 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number2,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=2 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number3,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=3 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number4,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=4 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number5,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=5 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number6,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=6 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number7,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=7 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number8,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=8 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number9,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=9 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While p<n+2 j=a(1) i=1 h=1 While i<n+2 If j>a(i) Else j=a(i) h=i EndIf i=i+1 wend a(h)=0 q(p)=h p=p+1 wend g=1 u=1 num=0 //读取到有数字返回值为 num, 没读取到有数字返回值为0 If n=0 then num=1 Else For n num=num+b(q(g))*10^(g-1) g=g+1 Next End If 'jiaqian(cishu)=num //这些都是测试时用的,可以不必理 'lx=leftx+30 'leftx=leftx+30 'rightx=rightx+30 'cishu=cishu+1 wupin=JQ*num //改初始坐标 End Function
Exit For End If n=n+1 Next qian=qian+jiag //计算总价格 jiag=0 //价格清零 ux=ux+30 //x坐标加30,扫描下一个框内物品 geshu=geshu+1 //个数循环 n=0 Next jiage=qian //参数传递 End Function Function wupin(GS,JQ) //计算物品总价格 LX 查找类型 //代码太他妈有才了 //此代码论坛中有,个人觉得很好。 dim a(100) dim b(100) dim q(100) number0="Attachment:\0.bmp" number1="Attachment:\1.bmp" number2="Attachment:\2.bmp" number3="Attachment:\3.bmp" number4="Attachment:\4.bmp" number5="Attachment:\5.bmp" number6="Attachment:\6.bmp" number7="Attachment:\7.bmp" number8="Attachment:\8.bmp" number9="Attachment:\9.bmp" cishu=1 leftx=72+(GS-1)*30 //132 upy=174 //155 rightx=99+(GS-1)*30 //162 downy=185 //235 Similar=1 lx=leftx Dim n,m,p,i,j n=0 m=1 p=1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number0,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=0 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number1,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=1 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number2,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=2 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number3,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=3 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number4,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=4 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number5,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=5 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number6,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=6 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number7,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=7 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number8,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=8 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number9,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=9 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While p<n+2 j=a(1) i=1 h=1 While i<n+2 If j>a(i) Else j=a(i) h=i EndIf i=i+1 wend a(h)=0 q(p)=h p=p+1 wend g=1 u=1 num=0 //读取到有数字返回值为 num, 没读取到有数字返回值为0 If n=0 then num=1 Else For n num=num+b(q(g))*10^(g-1) g=g+1 Next End If 'jiaqian(cishu)=num //这些都是测试时用的,可以不必理 'lx=leftx+30 'leftx=leftx+30 'rightx=rightx+30 'cishu=cishu+1 wupin=JQ*num //改初始坐标 End Function