汉译英高手进!!!翻译一篇评分细则!!高分悬赏!!!! 50
一、 命题演讲评分标准:
1. 语言能力及应用:根据选手的语音语调是否标准自然,语速是否适中,语句是否流畅,措辞是否得体,篇章是否连贯,语法是否正确,声音是否悦耳等,按16、12、8、4分的等级给分。
2. 演讲内容:根据演说内容是否具有思想性、逻辑性、独到见解、说服力,和能否结合实际旁征博引,体现出当代大学生积极进取的精神面貌,按照12、9、6、3分的等级给分。
3. 演讲技巧:根据选手是否善于运用表情、手势、体态,语调是否抑扬顿挫、富于变化,能否吸引观众,有较强的艺术感染力,按照6、5、4、3分的等级给分。
4. 时间掌握:命题演讲时间为3~5分钟,提前或延迟未超过15秒给3分,演讲时间提前或延迟超过30秒记0分。
5. 整体形象:选手举止得体、自信优雅、情绪饱满、仪表端庄、气质良好给3分,欠佳者给2分。
二、 才艺展示评分标准:
1. 题目基础分:根据选择题目难度分级,选择即得分。
2. 语言能力及应用:根据选手的语音语调是否标准自然,语速是否适中,语句是否流畅,措辞是否得体,语法是否正确,声音是否悦耳等,按15、12、9、6分的等级给分。
3. 台风:根据举止、表情、体态等,按5、3、1.5分的等级给分。
4. 时间:
5. 观众支持:根据现场观众的支持率评分,支持过半得2分,未过半者给1分。
三、 回答问题评分标准:(满分30分)得分×0.1
1. 必答题部分:
2. 抢答题部分:
3. 评委印象:选手举止得体、自信优雅、情绪饱满、仪表端庄、气质良好给4分,欠佳者给3分。
总分10分。 展开
一、 命题演讲评分标准:
1. 语言能力及应用:根据选手的语音语调是否标准自然,语速是否适中,语句是否流畅,措辞是否得体,篇章是否连贯,语法是否正确,声音是否悦耳等,按16、12、8、4分的等级给分。
2. 演讲内容:根据演说内容是否具有思想性、逻辑性、独到见解、说服力,和能否结合实际旁征博引,体现出当代大学生积极进取的精神面貌,按照12、9、6、3分的等级给分。
3. 演讲技巧:根据选手是否善于运用表情、手势、体态,语调是否抑扬顿挫、富于变化,能否吸引观众,有较强的艺术感染力,按照6、5、4、3分的等级给分。
4. 时间掌握:命题演讲时间为3~5分钟,提前或延迟未超过15秒给3分,演讲时间提前或延迟超过30秒记0分。
5. 整体形象:选手举止得体、自信优雅、情绪饱满、仪表端庄、气质良好给3分,欠佳者给2分。
二、 才艺展示评分标准:
1. 题目基础分:根据选择题目难度分级,选择即得分。
2. 语言能力及应用:根据选手的语音语调是否标准自然,语速是否适中,语句是否流畅,措辞是否得体,语法是否正确,声音是否悦耳等,按15、12、9、6分的等级给分。
3. 台风:根据举止、表情、体态等,按5、3、1.5分的等级给分。
4. 时间:
5. 观众支持:根据现场观众的支持率评分,支持过半得2分,未过半者给1分。
三、 回答问题评分标准:(满分30分)得分×0.1
1. 必答题部分:
2. 抢答题部分:
3. 评委印象:选手举止得体、自信优雅、情绪饱满、仪表端庄、气质良好给4分,欠佳者给3分。
总分10分。 展开
Lecture parts of grade points standard
Speech and application
Lecture the contents
Lecture the technique
Time controls
The image of the whole
Talent and skill demonstration grade point standard
Cent of topic foundation
Speech and application
Audience support
Answer a parts of grade points standard
Necessarily answer a part
Rob the answer a part
The impression of 评委
A, set question the lecture grade point standard:
1. Speech and application:According to the speech of the contestant euphonic whether standard nature, language soon whether just right, language a grade for whether fluency, wording whether in proper form, literary piece whether linking up, phrasing whether exactitude, voice whethering to please the ear etc. or not, pressing 16,12,8,4 cents gives the cent.
2. Lecture the contents:Whether to have sex, logic, original views, conviction of thought or not according to the speech contents, with can join together to advertise for beside physically the 博 lead, appears the positive and enterprising spirit in contemporary university student feature, according to 12,9,6,3 cents' grade gives the cent.
3. Lecture the technique:According to the contestant whether be good at to make use of the facial expression, signal, physique, euphonic whether melodious modulation in tone, enrich in the variety, can draw on the audience, have the stronger art the infection the dint, according to 6,5,4,3 cents' grade gives the cent.
4. Time controls:Setting question lecture time is 5 minutes in 3~, advancing or delaying not over 15 seconds give 3 cent, lecture time advance or delay over 30 seconds record 0 cent.
5. The image of the whole:The contestant bearing in proper form, self-confident grace, motion is full, the gauge is dignified, the qualities is good to give 3 cent, not quite right give 2 cent.
Two, talent and skill demonstration grade point standard:
1. Cent in foundation in topic:According to the choice topic difficulty ratings, choice namely get a goal.
2. Speech and application:According to the speech of the contestant euphonic whether standard nature, language soon whether just right, language a grade for whether fluency, wording whether in proper form, phrasing whether exactitude, voice whethering to please the ear etc. or not, pressing 15,12,9,6 cents gives the cent.
3. Stage manners:According to bearing, facial expression, physique...etc., press 5,3,1.5 cents' grade gives the cent.
4. Time:
Advance or delay not over 15 seconds give 4 cent, advance or delay over 30 seconds record 0 cent.
5. Audience support:According to the support rate grade point of the spot audience, support half get 2 cents, not over half give 1 cent.
Three, answer a question the grade point standard:(30 centses of full marks) get a goal the × 0.1
1. Necessarily answer a part:
Each one is in rule time answer to 3 cents, answer mistake 0 cent.Answer a question the time limit:2 minutes.
2. Rob the answer a part:
Each one is in rule time answer to 2 cents, answer mistake 0 cent.Answer a question the time limit:A minute.
3. The impression of 评委 :The contestant bearing in proper form, self-confident grace, motion is full, the gauge is dignified, the qualities is good to give 4 cent, not quite right give 3 cent.
The gross divides 10 centses.
Speech and application
Lecture the contents
Lecture the technique
Time controls
The image of the whole
Talent and skill demonstration grade point standard
Cent of topic foundation
Speech and application
Audience support
Answer a parts of grade points standard
Necessarily answer a part
Rob the answer a part
The impression of 评委
A, set question the lecture grade point standard:
1. Speech and application:According to the speech of the contestant euphonic whether standard nature, language soon whether just right, language a grade for whether fluency, wording whether in proper form, literary piece whether linking up, phrasing whether exactitude, voice whethering to please the ear etc. or not, pressing 16,12,8,4 cents gives the cent.
2. Lecture the contents:Whether to have sex, logic, original views, conviction of thought or not according to the speech contents, with can join together to advertise for beside physically the 博 lead, appears the positive and enterprising spirit in contemporary university student feature, according to 12,9,6,3 cents' grade gives the cent.
3. Lecture the technique:According to the contestant whether be good at to make use of the facial expression, signal, physique, euphonic whether melodious modulation in tone, enrich in the variety, can draw on the audience, have the stronger art the infection the dint, according to 6,5,4,3 cents' grade gives the cent.
4. Time controls:Setting question lecture time is 5 minutes in 3~, advancing or delaying not over 15 seconds give 3 cent, lecture time advance or delay over 30 seconds record 0 cent.
5. The image of the whole:The contestant bearing in proper form, self-confident grace, motion is full, the gauge is dignified, the qualities is good to give 3 cent, not quite right give 2 cent.
Two, talent and skill demonstration grade point standard:
1. Cent in foundation in topic:According to the choice topic difficulty ratings, choice namely get a goal.
2. Speech and application:According to the speech of the contestant euphonic whether standard nature, language soon whether just right, language a grade for whether fluency, wording whether in proper form, phrasing whether exactitude, voice whethering to please the ear etc. or not, pressing 15,12,9,6 cents gives the cent.
3. Stage manners:According to bearing, facial expression, physique...etc., press 5,3,1.5 cents' grade gives the cent.
4. Time:
Advance or delay not over 15 seconds give 4 cent, advance or delay over 30 seconds record 0 cent.
5. Audience support:According to the support rate grade point of the spot audience, support half get 2 cents, not over half give 1 cent.
Three, answer a question the grade point standard:(30 centses of full marks) get a goal the × 0.1
1. Necessarily answer a part:
Each one is in rule time answer to 3 cents, answer mistake 0 cent.Answer a question the time limit:2 minutes.
2. Rob the answer a part:
Each one is in rule time answer to 2 cents, answer mistake 0 cent.Answer a question the time limit:A minute.
3. The impression of 评委 :The contestant bearing in proper form, self-confident grace, motion is full, the gauge is dignified, the qualities is good to give 4 cent, not quite right give 3 cent.
The gross divides 10 centses.