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As a middle school student, what should we do for it? First, we should respect the teachers and the old. Also it’s good for us to be polite and honest to other people. Second, we should obey the traffic rules and cross the street politely. We s can only cross the road when the traffic light is red. Third, we must protect the environment. Don’t spit everywhere or throw rubbish around. Fourth, the resources are getting fewer and fewer, so we一should save resources. Especially, don’t wastewater or food. When we have dinner, it’s best for us to eat up all the food on the plate.
2015-04-02 · TA获得超过674个赞
作为一个市民,我们要做到不乱扔垃圾、不乱贴乱画、不乱穿马路、不乱停乱放、不损坏公共设施、不损害花草树木、不随地吐痰、不讲粗话脏话、不在公共场所吸烟;做到向不文明行为告别,自觉抵制不文明言行。人们常说:“送人玫瑰,手有余香。”送人一点文明,我们的城市就会美丽起来。让我们携起手来,从“我”做起,把我们的家园建设得更加美丽,展示了我们城市的美好,这样我们自己心里也会 更美。我们想一想,我们的周围,痰迹不见了,垃圾没有了,语言好听了,一切变得有秩序了,我们的心里能不舒服吗? 
“创建文明城市,从我做起”,这里的“我”,有你,有我,有他,是我们大家。只有我们都贡献出自己的一份力量,我们的城市就能变得更美好,让我们共同努力吧! Green is the city's coat, building the skeleton of the city, the environment is the city's appearance, the public is the soul of the city. Civilized city not only depends on how high her floor, how wide the streets, the number of tree species, planted many a flower, the number of sites out, also look at the quality of urban human concern for people of modest details not noticeable "minor."
Heze is a beautiful city, when the annual Peony Flower Festival will attract tourists from all over the country this flowers, and tourism. As a Heze, we should be a civilized, modern city style displayed with a full Heze charm. However, there are always a few people, spitting, littering, swearing, doing things detrimental to the image of the city. Once, I rode my bicycle to school, on the road and broke the glass was stabbed with the car. Another time, I saw several young men fighting in the street, said a number of macabre bad language. I really want these people said: "You did it, really should not be, ah, Is this civilization it?"
"Good environment is pleasant people, more importantly, changing people, molding, and out of the socialist market economy, paying particular attention to spiritual civilization construction, adhere to the material and spiritual civilization as a unified goal." This is what I section of the book to see if it is ah, to change the urban landscape, not only should build a good job, but also the spiritual good communication. People are the masters of the city, both the beneficiaries of urban civilization, but also the builders of urban civilization, urban civilization, civilized people can not do without. As a member of the city this big family, every citizen has the duty and obligation to act through their own civilization, for our city to add bright colors. To build a better city, not just something the government is what each of our citizens. Only by working together, to start from scratch, I start from, start from today, for the creation of civilized cities make a positive contribution to the construction of our city more beautiful.
I myself put in a request, as a student, not only to study well, but also that of civilization, then, do something civilized, develop their own civilization and habits, improve the quality of their civilization.
As a people, we do not litter, do not Luantie graffiti, no jaywalking, no Luantingluanfang not damaged public facilities, does not harm plants, do not spit, do not speak foul language bad language, not smoking in public places; do say goodbye to the uncivilized behavior, consciously resist the uncivilized behavior. People often say: "give it away roses, hand a fragrance." Give it away a bit of civilization, our city will be beautiful. Let us join hands, from the "I" to start, build our homes more beautiful, demonstrating the good of our city, so our hearts will be more beautiful. We think about our surroundings, is proving gone, no trash, language nicely, and everything became orderly, and our hearts can ill?
"A civilized city, starting with me", where "I", there you have me, he is all of us. Only if we are to contribute its part, our city will become better, let us work together now!
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