
美国英语源于伊莉莎白时期的英语。其历史和美国的移民史有着非常密切的联系。美国移民史可以追述到300多年前。1607年,约翰•史密斯... 美国英语源于伊莉莎白时期的英语。其历史和美国的移民史有着非常密切的联系。 美国移民史可以追述到300多年前。 1607年,约翰•史密斯(John Smith)等首批殖民者120人乘三艘大船横越大西洋。在弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)的詹姆斯河口建立了詹姆斯城(Jamestown)。 随后不久。在1620年。从英国东部诺福克郡和沙福克郡来的清教徒乘坐“五月花号”(May Flower)船驶抵马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)的东南部普利茅斯(Plymouth)。 建立了殖民地。 当时的英国正处于伊莉莎白一世时期。从英语发展史来看。正处于现代英语的早期开始阶段。 在最早移居新英格兰的清教徒中有一百多名还是牛津大学和剑桥大学的毕业生。他们将伊莉莎白时期的英语带到了北美新大陆。成为美国英语的起点。 从这时起。两国都说伊莉莎白时代的英语。 故而在很长一段时间里。美国英语和英国英语之间并没有什么显著不同。

早在英国殖民时期。美国的英国移民起初还和故乡保持着紧密联系。他们的语言尚随其英国本土语的变化而变化。 但随着时间的推移。美洲的英国殖民地也产生了一种不同于英国本土语的英语。



美国英语是在17世纪英格兰所用的语言。与现在标准的伦敦英语相比,美国英语具有很大的古老性。其古老性主要表现在用词方面。典型的例子有:I guess。用作I think。I suppose。I believe。如I guess you are wrong.(我想你错了)。这种用法在17世纪的英国广泛流行。现在不再使用。而美国英语却把它保留下来;mad用作angry讲。如:He was mad about losing the chance(丢掉这次机会他气得要命)。这一用法在莎士比亚时期人们频繁地使用。美国英语中还保留了许多生动、形象的古老名词。如:fall。意为“秋天”。来源于thefallofleaves(落叶时节)。而标准英语从乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer。约1346~1400年)就开始用“autumn”一词(来自法语)表示“秋天”。


2.1 创造一些原本根本不存在的新词如。一种具有刺激性吸引力的人开始被人们称之为pizzazz(时髦派头的人)。早期的殖民者创造的词汇也不少。如bellhop(俱乐部男侍)。debunk(结露真相)。blurb(说明)。cahoots(共谋)。skyscraper(摩天大楼)。由于科技的发展,一系列科学理论词汇也相继诞生。如black hole(黑洞)。cinerama(全景电影)。duplication(录像机)。space walk(太空行走)。最近。中国太空人的出现也使美语又有了一个新词。taikonaut(太空人)以示区别astronaut(宇航员)。

2.2 在旧词的基础上。自由地运用词缀。或者运用拼缀法(blending)和逆生法(backformation)来创造新词
美国英语频繁地运用转类法(conversion)。尤其是从名词转化为动词。如to engineer(设计)。to style(命名)。to resurrect(使复活)。to holiday(度假)。to model(当模特)等。形容词转化为名词也常出现。如a depressive(沮丧的人)。a mod erate(温和派)。friendlies(友好的人)。hostiles(敌人)。
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Elizabeth American English from the English period. Its history and the history of the United States, immigrants have very close ties. U.S. immigration history can be traced to 300 years ago. In 1607, John • Smith (John Smith) and so the first 120 colonists across the Atlantic by ship 3. In Virginia (Virginia) James River to establish the James City (Jamestown). Shortly thereafter. In 1620. From Norfolk and Suffolk in eastern England to the Puritans county board "Mayflower" (May Flower) ship arrived in Massachusetts (Massachusetts) southeast of Plymouth (Plymouth). Established a colony. Then the United Kingdom is in a period of Elizabeth I. From the development history of English. Is in the early days of modern English stage. In the early migration of Puritans in New England more than a hundred or Oxford and Cambridge graduates. They will be brought Elizabeth in North America during the English New World. English from the United States. From that time on. Elizabethan English said the two countries. Guer in a very long time. Between American English and British English, and no significant differences.

As early as in the British colonial period. At first, the United States and the home of British immigrants maintain close contact. Their language is still with the British language varies. But with the passage of time. British colonial America also produced a different British English language.

U.S. English mainly the following distinctive features.

1, American English retained characteristics of Old English

American English in the 17th century England, the language used. And now the standard of English in London compared to American English has great antiquity. The old mainly in terms of respect. Typical examples are: I guess. As I think. I suppose. I believe. If I guess you are wrong. (I think you're wrong). This usage in the 17th century England widespread. Now no longer in use. The American English to treat it retained; mad as angry about. Such as: He was mad about losing the chance (he lost the opportunity to angry to death). The use of Shakespeare's time people in the use frequently. American English has retained many vivid, the image of the old terms. Such as: fall. Meaning "fall." From thefallofleaves (leaf season). The standard English from Chaucer (Geoffrey Chaucer. About 1346 ~ 1400) started with "autumn" word (from French) means "fall."

2, a wealth of creative American English

2.1 originally did not exist to create some new words, such as. A kind of irritation began to be attractive to people who called the pizzazz (fashionable style of the people). The early colonists to create quite a few words. Such as the bellhop (club male paternity). debunk (condensation truth). blurb (below). cahoots (conspiracy). skyscraper (skyscrapers). the development of technology, a series of words one after another the birth of scientific theory. Such as the black hole (black hole). cinerama (panoramic film). duplication (VCR). space walk (space walk). recently. The emergence of China's astronauts also has a new English word. taikonaut (astronaut) to distinguish astronaut (cosmonaut).

2.2 The basis of the old words. Free use of affixes. Or the use of blending method (blending) and inverse Health Act (backformation) to create new words
Such as debug (find and remove the cause of your error). defog (demister). defrost (defrost). racist (racist). smog (smoke) from the smoke (smoke) and fog (fog). medicare (medical care) is a mixture of medical and care. brunch (brunch) is a mixture of breakfast and lunch.
American English frequently use conversion in France (conversion). Especially from the noun into a verb. As to engineer (design). to style (named). to resurrect (to revive). to holiday (vacation). to model (as models) and so on. Adjective into a noun too often. If a depressive (depressed person). a mod erate (moderate). friendlies (friendly people). hostiles (the enemy).
2010-06-06 · TA获得超过116个赞
American English from Elizabeth period of English. Its history and American immigration history have close connection with poem. U.S. immigration to 300 years ago. In 1607, John Smith (John Smith) the first settlers 120 people take three ship across the Atlantic. In Virginia's (James) established the James river city Jamestown (.) shortly. In 1620. From the east Norfolk county and ShaFuKe county to the pilgrims on the mayflower "(May) ship reached Massachusetts acted (Massachusetts) southeast of Plymouth (Plymouth). Establish colonies in the UK. Elizabeth I. From the perspective of English history. In the early stage of modern English. In New England, the pilgrims to have more than 100 or Oxford and Cambridge university graduates. They will be brought to the period of Elizabeth north American English settlements. As the starting point of American English. Since then. Both nations say English. So the era of Elizabeth in a very long period of time. Between American English and British English and no significant different.

Early in the British colonial period. American English settlers first still keep close contact and hometown. They are the language of the British dialect changes. But as time goes on. The British colonies in America has a different from British English. This dialect

American English is basically has the following a few big characteristic

1, American English on the characteristics of English

American English is the language of the 17th century England. And now the standard English, American English in London compared with big old. Its main performance in terms of old. Typical examples are: work. As I think. I already. I hope. If work are wrong. I think you're wrong. This usage in the 17th century Britain widely popular. Now no use. But American English is keep it down, Mad as blinds. Such as: He was mad about the guys to lose the chance He (gas desperately). This usage in Shakespeare people frequently used. American English is retained many vivid image, the ancient nouns. Such as: fell. For "autumn". From thefallofleaves (season) leaves. And the standard English Geoffrey Chaucer (from Chaucer. About 1346 ~ 1400) began to use "autumn" (from French) said "autumn".

2, the American English abundant creativity

Originally created some 2.1 doesn't exist such words. An attractive people begin to be stimulating people called pizzazz (fashionable style). Early settlers creating vocabulary. If the bartender bellhop (club). Debunk (condensation truth). Blurb (that). Cahoots (common). Skyscrapers skyscraper (.) due to the development of science and technology, and a series of scientific theory and vocabulary. Such as black hole (black). Cinerama (film) panorama. Duplication (VCR). It being (spacewalk). Recently. China has also made the astronauts have a new English. Taikonaut (astronauts) to show distinction astronaut (astronauts)

In the old words 2.2 basis. Using the affix freely. By blending method (or patchwork and inverse pp.20 backformation) to create new (
As for (to debug and eliminate errors). Defog (except fog). Defrost (defrost). Racist (racist). Smog (smoke) from the smoke (smoke) and fog (fog). Medicare (are) is a medical care and care. Brunch (brunch) is a mixture of breakfast and snack bar nearby
American English is frequently used such conversion method (turn). Especially since the noun into a verb. If your e (design). Your style (name). To resurrect dead) to (). Holidays (to) by. Model to model () etc. An adjective into nouns are often appear. If a depressive (frustrated). A mod erate (moderate). Friendlies (friendly people). Hostiles (.) the enemy
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2010-06-05 · TA获得超过305个赞
Elizabeth American English from the English period. Its history and the history of the United States, immigrants have very close ties. U.S. immigration history can be traced to 300 years ago. In 1607, John • Smith (John Smith) and so the first 120 colonists across the Atlantic by ship 3. In Virginia (Virginia) James River to establish the James City (Jamestown). Shortly thereafter. In 1620. From Norfolk and Suffolk in eastern England to the Puritans county board "Mayflower" (May Flower) ship arrived in Massachusetts (Massachusetts) southeast of Plymouth (Plymouth). Established a colony. Then the United Kingdom is in a period of Elizabeth I. From the perspective of English history. Is in the early days of modern English stage. In the early migration of Puritans in New England more than a hundred or Oxford and Cambridge graduates. They will be brought Elizabeth in North America during the English New World. English from the United States. From that time on. China says Elizabethan English. Guer in a very long time. Between American English and British English, and no significant differences.

As early as in the British colonial period. At first, the United States and the home of British immigrants maintain close contact. Their language is still with the British language varies. But with the passage of time. British colonial America also produced a different British English language.

U.S. English mainly the following distinctive features.

1, American English on the retention characteristics of Old English

American English is used in England in the 17th century language. And now the standard of English in London compared to American English has great antiquity. The old mainly in terms of respect. Typical examples are: I guess. As I think. I suppose. I believe. If I guess you are wrong. (I think you're wrong). This usage in the 17th century England widespread. Now no longer in use. U.S. English treat it retained; mad as angry about. Such as: He was mad about losing the chance (he lost the opportunity to anger to death). The use of Shakespeare's time people in the use frequently. American English has retained many vivid, the image of the old terms. Such as: fall. Meaning "fall." From thefallofleaves (leaf season). The standard English from Chaucer (Geoffrey Chaucer. About 1346 ~ 1400) started with "autumn" word (from French) means "fall."

2, a wealth of creative American English

2.1 originally did not exist to create some new words, such as. A kind of irritation began to be attractive to people who called the pizzazz (fashionable style of the people). The early colonists to create quite a few words. Such as the bellhop (club male paternity). debunk (condensation truth). blurb (below). cahoots (conspiracy). skyscraper (skyscrapers). the development of technology, a series of words one after another the birth of scientific theory. Such as the black hole (black hole). cinerama (panoramic film). duplication (VCR). space walk (space walk). recently. The emergence of China's astronauts also has a new English word. taikonaut (astronaut) to distinguish astronaut (cosmonaut).

2.2 The basis of the old words. Free use of affixes. Or the use of blending method (blending) and inverse Health Act (backformation) to create new words
Such as debug (find and remove the cause of your error). defog (demister). defrost (defrost). racist (racist). smog (smoke) from the smoke (smoke) and fog (fog). medicare (medical care) is a mixture of medical and care. brunch (brunch) is a mixture of breakfast and lunch.
American English frequently use conversion in France (conversion). Especially from the noun into a verb. As to engineer (design). to style (named). to resurrect (to revive). to holiday (vacation). to model (as models) and so on. Adjective into a noun too often. If a depressive (depressed person). a mod erate (moderate). friendlies (friendly people). hostiles (the enemy).
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American English from Elizabeth period of English. Its history and American immigration history have close connection with poem. U.S. immigration to 300 years ago. In 1607, John Smith (John Smith) the first settlers 120 people take three ship across the Atlantic. In Virginia's (James) established the James river city Jamestown (.) shortly. In 1620. From the east Norfolk county and ShaFuKe county to the pilgrims on the mayflower "(May) ship reached Massachusetts acted (Massachusetts) southeast of Plymouth (Plymouth). Establish colonies in the UK. Elizabeth I. From the perspective of English history. In the early stage of modern English. In New England, the pilgrims to have more than 100 or Oxford and Cambridge university graduates. They will be brought to the period of Elizabeth north American English settlements. As the starting point of American English. Since then. Both nations say English. So the era of Elizabeth in a very long period of time. Between American English and British English and no significant different.

Early in the British colonial period. American English settlers first still keep close contact and hometown. They are the language of the British dialect changes. But as time goes on. The British colonies in America has a different from British English. This dialect

American English is basically has the following a few big characteristic

1, American English on the characteristics of English

American English is the language of the 17th century England. And now the standard English, American English in London compared with big old. Its main performance in terms of old. Typical examples are: work. As I think. I already. I hope. If work are wrong. I think you're wrong. This usage in the 17th century Britain widely popular. Now no use. But American English is keep it down, Mad as blinds. Such as: He was mad about the guys to lose the chance He (gas desperately). This usage in Shakespeare people frequently used. American English is retained many vivid image, the ancient nouns. Such as: fell. For "autumn". From thefallofleaves (season) leaves. And the standard English Geoffrey Chaucer (from Chaucer. About 1346 ~ 1400) began to use "autumn" (from French) said "autumn".

2, the American English abundant creativity

Originally created some 2.1 doesn't exist such words. An attractive people begin to be stimulating people called pizzazz (fashionable style). Early settlers creating vocabulary. If the bartender bellhop (club). Debunk (condensation truth). Blurb (that). Cahoots (common). Skyscrapers skyscraper (.) due to the development of science and technology, and a series of scientific theory and vocabulary. Such as black hole (black). Cinerama (film) panorama. Duplication (VCR). It being (spacewalk). Recently. China has also made the astronauts have a new English. Taikonaut (astronauts) to show distinction astronaut (astronauts)

In the old words 2.2 basis. Using the affix freely. By blending method (or patchwork and inverse pp.20 backformation) to create new (
As for (to debug and eliminate errors). Defog (except fog). Defrost (defrost). Racist (racist). Smog (smoke) from the smoke (smoke) and fog (fog). Medicare (are) is a medical care and care. Brunch (brunch) is a mixture of breakfast and snack bar nearby
American English is frequently used such conversion method (turn). Especially since the noun into a verb. If your e (design). Your style (name). To resurrect dead) to (). Holidays (to) by. Model to model () etc. An adjective into nouns are often appear. If a depressive (frustrated). A mod erate (moderate). Friendlies (friendly people). Hostiles (.) the enemy
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American English is originated from England, and mostly at Elizabethan time. Its immigration history is closely related to England’s history. In 1607, John Smith and 120 other colonists sailed across the Atlantic by using three ships and built Jamestown in Virginia. Later on in 1620, Priests from Norfolk and Suffolk boarded May Flower, reached Plymouth in Massachusetts, and established a colony. During Elizabethan I, modern English was developed. Among the first colonist, there were over a hundred priests that were graduated from Oxford University and Cambridge University. They brought the Elizabethan English to North America and started American English. So then, there were two countries that speak Elizabethan English. There were not much different between these two countries’ English.

In the beginning, the Americans and British had maintained a close communication but this changed as the Americans created new type of English.

American English has several unique features:

1. American English maintains the old English’s characteristics
It was used in the 17 centuries in England. Compare to modern British English, American English is more ancient. For example, the use of “I guess”, “I think”, “I believe” and “I suppose” were no longer used in modern English. Nevertheless, there are some exceptions, such as the use of the word mad is maintained to describe anger-“he is mad about losing the chance”. These phrases and words are frequently used during Elizabethan time and yet Americans are still using it. Example of it is the use of word “fall”, which is originated from the fallofleaves. At that time, Geoffrey Chaucer already used the word “autumn” instead of “fall” while the Americans were still using it.

2. American English is full of bountiful creativity

2.1 Americans start to create new words such as pizzazz, which is used to describe people who are energetic. There are also some other words that are created by the early colonists. For instance, “bellhop”, “debunk”, “blurb”, “cahoots”, and “skyscraper”. Due to the fast improvement of technology, a series of scientific terms are also created, such as black hole, Cinerama, duplication, space walk. The word “taikonaut” is recently created to describe Chinese astronaut and distinguish from the word “astronaut”.

2.2 Freely use the words based on the antediluvian words or through the use of blending and backformation. Examples of it are the words such as “debug”, “defog”, “defrost”, “racist”. The word “smog” is originated from the words “smoke” and “fog”; “Medicare” is originated from the words “medical” and “care”; “brunch” is originated from the words “breakfast” and “lunch”.
American English frequently uses conversion, especially changing nouns to verbs. Some examples are “to engineer”, “to style”, “to resurrect”, “to holiday”, “to model”. Adjectives are also converted to nouns, such as “a depressive”, “a moderate”, “friendliness”, “hostiles”.

真的有taikonaut这个词? 我都还米见到过,字典里也米查到,什么时候有的?
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