补充列号 展开
Sub 自动分表()
Dim E As Integer
Dim RanB As Range
Dim RanA As Range
Dim Y As Integer
Dim X As String
Dim ARR() As String
Dim P As Integer
Dim ICol
ICol = Application.InputBox("请输入你所要分的列1-11列:" & Chr(10) & "(如按B列分请输入2)", "提示:", "4", Type:=1)
If ICol = "" Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each RanB In Sheet1.Range(Cells(2, ICol), Cells(Sheet1.Range("d65536").End(xlUp).Row, ICol))
If RanB <> "" Then
If InStr(X, Sheet1.Cells(RanB.Row, ICol)) = 0 Then
If X = "" Then
X = RanB
X = X & "," & RanB
End If
E = Application.CountIf(Sheet1.Columns(ICol), RanB)
ReDim ARR(1 To E + 1, 1 To 11)
Set RanA = Sheet1.Cells(1, ICol)
For Y = 1 To E
Set RanA = Sheet1.Columns(ICol).Find(RanB, RanA, , , xlByColumns, , , False)
For P = 1 To 11
If Y = 1 Then
ARR(Y, P) = Sheet1.Cells(1, P)
ARR(Y + 1, P) = Sheet1.Cells(RanA.Row, P)
ARR(Y + 1, P) = Sheet1.Cells(RanA.Row, P)
End If
Next P
Next Y
Sheets.Add.Name = RanB '新建工作表,重命名
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A3").Resize(Y, 11) = ARR '粘贴数据
.Rows("2:2").RowHeight = 6 '2行缩少高度
.Range("A3:K" & E + 3).Borders.LineStyle = 1 '全部加网格线
.Range("A1") = Sheet1.Cells(1, ICol) & RanB & "号成绩表" '表头名
.Range("A1:K1").Select '全选A1:K1
With Selection
.MergeCells = True '合并A1:K1
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter '居中A1:K1
.Font.Size = 22 '字体设为22号
End With
End With
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "已经按 " & Sheet1.Cells(1, ICol) & " 生成分表:" & Chr(10) & X, 48, "提示"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "运行出错", 48, "出错"
End Sub