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2022-06-03 · TA获得超过5649个赞
  英文歌I Lay My Love on You简单易唱,又好学。下面是我给大家整理的超简单的英文歌曲_,供大家参阅!
  超简单的英文歌曲_I Lay My Love on You专辑简介
  有了 <Westlife>的铺垫, <Coast to Coast> 成为英国冠军专辑应该是很正常的事,但更具有象征意义的是, <Coast to Coast>是骄傲地踢掉Spice Girls的 <Forever> 后登上宝座的,为前者惋惜的同时,我们也要对Westlife成功接过青春流行乐队的接力棒而击掌叫好,尽管他们的音乐实际意义和他们的前任一样都不大。

  英国的流行音乐气候总是让人捉摸不透,Boyzone的方向一片迷茫,拆伙的阴云密布;Spice Girls几乎一夜间从波峰一下跌到谷底。而现在Westlife的五子拥有代表成功的一切装备。热门的歌曲,必杀的外型,巨大的销售数字和可观的歌迷团体。相比之下,Five的嘻哈乐似乎更适合爱蹦爱跳的美国佬,而不是“安静的”不列颠人。
  超简单的英文歌曲_I Lay My Love on You歌手介绍
  1999年4月9日,首支单曲《Swear it Again》发行,并在英国单曲榜冠军位置停留了两周 。同年6月,西城男孩在亚洲推出了《Swear It Again》的EP专辑 。同年8月、10月,西城男孩相继发行单曲《If I Let You Go》、《Flying Without Wings》,两支单曲都到达了英国单曲榜榜首 。同年11月,西城男孩发行了首张录音室专辑《WESTLIFE》 ,该张专辑获得了英国“4×白金唱片”和爱尔兰“12×白金唱片”的认证,并创下了全球700万张的销量 。专辑中的单曲《I Have A Dream/Seasons In The Sun》在英国单曲榜冠军位置停留了4周 。
  超简单的英文歌曲_I Lay My Love on You歌词
  Just a smile and the rain is gone

  Can hardly believe it (yeah)

  There’s an angel standing next to me

  Reaching for my heart

  Just a smile and there’s no way back

  Can hardly believe it (yeah)

  But there’s an angel calling me

  Reaching for my heart

  I know, that I’ll be okay now

  (This time) it’s real

  I lay my love on you

  It’s all I wanna do

  Everytime I breathe I feel brand new

  You open up my heart

  Show me all your love, and walk right through

  As I lay my love on you

  I was lost in a lonely place

  Could hardly believe it (yeah)

  Holding on to yesterday

  Far, far too long

  (Now) I believe its ok cause this time it’s real

  I lay my love on you

  It’s all I wanna do

  Everytime I breathe I feel brand new

  You open up my heart

  Show me all your love, and walk right through (oh yeah~)

  As I lay my love on you

  I never knew that love could feel so good

  Like once in a lifetime

  You change my world

  I lay my love on you

  You make me feel brand new

  Show me all your love, and walk right through (oh yeah~)

  As I lay my love on you

  I lay my love on you

  It’s all I wanna do

  Everytime I breathe I feel brand new

  You open up my heart

  Show me all your love, and walk right through

  As I lay my love on you

  I lay my love on you

  You make me feel brand new

  You open up my heart

  Show me all your love, and walk right through (oh yeah~)

  As I lay my love on you

  As I lay my love on you



1. 超级简单的英文歌

2. 最最简单的英文歌

3. 简单的十首英文励志歌曲及其简介

4. 一些简单的英文歌

5. 简单好听的英文歌曲 简单好听的英文歌曲推荐
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