愚公移山 Mr. Fool Wants to Move the Mountain There were o high mountains beeen Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high. 冀州以南衡阳以北有两座大山,一座叫太行山另一座叫王屋山,两座山都很高。 Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Mr. Fool who was nearly 90 years old. With the o high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains. 就在山的北面住着一位Fool先生,老人差不多九十岁了。因为门前有这两座山,他们全家人有事出门的时候只能绕出很远的路。 One day, Mr. Fool called all his family together to talk about how to move the o mountains to other places. His wife said, "An old man like you cannot even move a *** all hill, not to mention the o high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?" 有一天,Fool先生召集全家人开会讨论如何把两座大山移走,他的妻子说,你这样的老人一座小山都很难移走,更何况这么两座大山呢?即使你能,你要把这些土和石头都运到哪儿去呢? "The Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," Mr. Fool said. 北山有一位叫愚公的人,年纪将近九十岁,靠着山居住。他苦于大山北面交通不便,进进出出都要绕远路,就召集全家来商量说:“我跟你们尽全力铲除险峻的大山,使道路一直通向豫州的南部,到达汉水南岸,可以吗?”大家纷纷表示赞成。河湾上一位聪明的老头讥笑愚公并制止他干这件事,说:“你太不聪明了!就凭你衰残的年龄和剩下的力量,连山上的一棵草都不能损坏,又能把这两座大山上的土石怎么样呢?”北山愚公长叹说:“你思想顽固,顽固到了不可改变的地步,连孤儿寡妇都比不上。即使我死了,我还有儿子在;儿子又生孙子,孙子又生儿子;儿子又有儿子,儿子又有孙子;子子孙孙没有穷尽,然而山却不会加大增高,愁什么山挖不平?”聪明的老头没有话来回答。mountainthereisanoldmancalledtheoldman,almostniyyearsold,livingonmountain.hesuffersfromthemountainstothenorthoftrafficinconvenience,ingsandgoingstodetour,calledthefamilytodiscusssaid:"itoyoumakeeveryefforttoeradicatetheprecipitou *** ountain,theroadha *** eenleadingtothesouthofyuzhou,arrivedatthesouthbankofthehanriver,canyou?"wehaveagreed.bendawiseoldmanlaughedatthefoolisholdmanandstophimfromdoingthis,said:"youarenot *** art!itbyageyoufadeawayandtherestofthestrength,lianshangrasscannotdamage,andhowtheomountainsontheearth?""yugongsighandsaid:"youthoughtstubborn,stubborntothepointcannotbechanged,eventheorphansandwidowsarenot.evenifidie,ihaveasonin;hissonandgrandson,grandson,alsoason;thesonandson,sonandgrandson;childrenandgrandchildrenisnotexhaustive,butmountainsneverincreaseincreased,sorrowmountainduginjustice?"wiseoldmandidnotreply.拿着蛇的山神听说了这件事,怕愚公他们不停地挖下去,将这件事告诉了天帝。天帝被他的诚心所感动,命令大力神夸娥氏的两个儿子背负着两座山,一座放在朔东,一座放在雍南。从此,冀州的南部,(到)汉水南岸,没有山冈高地阻隔了。holdingasnakemountainheardaboutit,afraidofthefoolisholdmantheykeptdiggingdown,toldthisthingtoheaven.emperorwastouchedbyhissincerity,oofthesonsofthemand'sehercule *** oastcarryingomountains,aseatplacedintheeastshuo,aputyonginthesouth.sincethen,southofjizhou,(to)thesouthbankofthehanriver,nohillbarrierheights. 楼主你好 Once upon a time, there was an old man called YuGong live near o mountains which let him took a long time to walk to the other side, so he wanted to move them. He told his family that he must move it and his family also need to help him to move the mountains to the sea. The next day, there was another old man, he saw YuGong moving the mountains and said that YuGong could never move them because he was old and weak.
"The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains"
Once upon a time in a small village, there lived an old man named Yu Gong. He was known for his determination and resilience. There were two huge mountains blocking the path to the village, making it difficult for the villagers to travel and carry out their daily activities. However, Yu Gong was determined to remove these mountains, no matter how impossible it seemed.
Yu Gong knew that he couldn't move the mountains alone, so he gathered his family members to discuss his plan. Some people in the village thought he was foolish to even consider such a task, but Yu Gong remained steadfast in his belief that nothing was impossible with perseverance.
Day after day, Yu Gong and his family members worked tirelessly, carrying away small amounts of dirt and stones from the mountains. They knew it would take years, but they didn't lose hope. Their determination and hard work inspired the other villagers, who decided to join them in their mission.
Years turned into decades, and the old man never gave up. He believed that even if he didn't live to see the mountains moved, his children and grandchildren would continue his legacy. The story of Yu Gong's perseverance spread far and wide, and people from neighboring villages came to support him.
Finally, after many years of hard work and dedication, the mountains were gradually worn down. The news of their achievement reached the ears of the gods, who were impressed by Yu Gong's determination. The gods decided to help Yu Gong, and with their supernatural power, the mountains were moved away from the village.
The foolish old man had accomplished what many thought was impossible. The villagers rejoiced, and Yu Gong's name became synonymous with determination and perseverance. His story continues to inspire people to this day.
The story of "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains" teaches us that with determination, perseverance, and the support of others, we can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It reminds us to never give up on our dreams and to always strive for a better future.
Once upon a time in a small village, there lived an old man named Yu Gong. He was known for his determination and resilience. There were two huge mountains blocking the path to the village, making it difficult for the villagers to travel and carry out their daily activities. However, Yu Gong was determined to remove these mountains, no matter how impossible it seemed.
Yu Gong knew that he couldn't move the mountains alone, so he gathered his family members to discuss his plan. Some people in the village thought he was foolish to even consider such a task, but Yu Gong remained steadfast in his belief that nothing was impossible with perseverance.
Day after day, Yu Gong and his family members worked tirelessly, carrying away small amounts of dirt and stones from the mountains. They knew it would take years, but they didn't lose hope. Their determination and hard work inspired the other villagers, who decided to join them in their mission.
Years turned into decades, and the old man never gave up. He believed that even if he didn't live to see the mountains moved, his children and grandchildren would continue his legacy. The story of Yu Gong's perseverance spread far and wide, and people from neighboring villages came to support him.
Finally, after many years of hard work and dedication, the mountains were gradually worn down. The news of their achievement reached the ears of the gods, who were impressed by Yu Gong's determination. The gods decided to help Yu Gong, and with their supernatural power, the mountains were moved away from the village.
The foolish old man had accomplished what many thought was impossible. The villagers rejoiced, and Yu Gong's name became synonymous with determination and perseverance. His story continues to inspire people to this day.
The story of "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains" teaches us that with determination, perseverance, and the support of others, we can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It reminds us to never give up on our dreams and to always strive for a better future.