The variables related to the five basic processes of strategic management (see Table 5) were then grouped together to measure the correlations. The goal setting variables were significantly (p < .01) related to environmental analysis, implementation, and evaluation. This goal setting group of variables was also related to decision-making (p < .07), but this correlation was not statistically as significant as the three mentioned above. Evaluation, like goal setting, had significant (p < .001) correlations with three of the four processes (i.e., goal setting, environmental analysis, and implementation). All of these correlations are summarized in Table 5.
A t test analysis revealed a significant difference between the array of "best" business schools and the others. With respect to the five strategic management processes considered, the "best" business schools were significantly different in relation to goal setting, environmental analysis, and implementation (see Table 6). The total scores for all the variables also revealed a significant difference be-tween the "best" business schools and the remaining array of institutions. These results support the notion that the "best schools" should indeed be more effective
Educational institutions are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of using formal strategic management systems and techniques in their operations. Changing demographics, uncertain findings, population shifts, and tough competitive climates are making it necessary to leave little to "chance management." The unique demands of the public must be met. In addition, accountability for use of resources is being addressed at state and local levels.
The key conclusion of this study is that those institutions considered "the best" are likely participating in the strategic management processes that confirm their special status. The statistical results indicate a significant difference among the AACSB-accredited institutions.
Though not directly supported by the statistics of this study, previous studies have shown that low-performing organizations will often be preoccupied with solving internal, day-to-day operations, either ignoring or underestimating the strengths of competitors and other environmental factors. They may not appreciate or understand the dire need to devote equal or more time to formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies for future growth and development. As C. S. Jones (1986) has stated, the greatest need for improvement in universities is in the area of planning, resource allocation, and monitoring. This study supports that finding. 展开
A t test analysis revealed a significant difference between the array of "best" business schools and the others. With respect to the five strategic management processes considered, the "best" business schools were significantly different in relation to goal setting, environmental analysis, and implementation (see Table 6). The total scores for all the variables also revealed a significant difference be-tween the "best" business schools and the remaining array of institutions. These results support the notion that the "best schools" should indeed be more effective
Educational institutions are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of using formal strategic management systems and techniques in their operations. Changing demographics, uncertain findings, population shifts, and tough competitive climates are making it necessary to leave little to "chance management." The unique demands of the public must be met. In addition, accountability for use of resources is being addressed at state and local levels.
The key conclusion of this study is that those institutions considered "the best" are likely participating in the strategic management processes that confirm their special status. The statistical results indicate a significant difference among the AACSB-accredited institutions.
Though not directly supported by the statistics of this study, previous studies have shown that low-performing organizations will often be preoccupied with solving internal, day-to-day operations, either ignoring or underestimating the strengths of competitors and other environmental factors. They may not appreciate or understand the dire need to devote equal or more time to formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies for future growth and development. As C. S. Jones (1986) has stated, the greatest need for improvement in universities is in the area of planning, resource allocation, and monitoring. This study supports that finding. 展开
有关战略管理的五个基本过程的变量(见表5)然后组合在一起来衡量的相关性。目标设置变量显着(p <.01)与环境分析,实施和评价。这个目标设定组的变量也与决策性(P <.07),但相关性不显像上面所说的三个显着。评估,如目标设定,有显着性(P与四进程(即,制定目标,环境分析,并实施3 <.001)的相关性)。这些相关的所有列于表5。阿t检验分析发现之间的“最佳”的经营学校及其他一系列显着性差异。关于战略管理的五个过程认为,“最好”的经营有显着的学校就目标设定,环境分析,并实施不同的(见表6)。所有变量的总得分也揭示了一个重要的差异是,吐温的“最佳”的经营学校和机构的其余数组。这些结果支持了这样的观念:“最好的学校”其实应该是更有效结论