Fold back, strip away these layers
Test me in these flames until
Only You remain
Shine through
Piercing through the darkness
Search out anything in me
Thank is not of You
Seek You, Father God, I seek You
You are where
My treasure lies
Seek you, Father God, I seek You
You are where
My treasure lies
Save me, take me through the wasteland
Father, you have heard my cry
And you rescued me
Grow me, Holy Spirit, mold me
Change me by Your mercy, God
To be more like you
No more living in my own way
Following my own path
Living for my own desires
Surrender everything before You
Only for Your kingdom, Lord
Will I live my life
Seek You, Father God, I seek You
Test me in these flames until
Only You remain
Shine through
Piercing through the darkness
Search out anything in me
Thank is not of You
Seek You, Father God, I seek You
You are where
My treasure lies
Seek you, Father God, I seek You
You are where
My treasure lies
Save me, take me through the wasteland
Father, you have heard my cry
And you rescued me
Grow me, Holy Spirit, mold me
Change me by Your mercy, God
To be more like you
No more living in my own way
Following my own path
Living for my own desires
Surrender everything before You
Only for Your kingdom, Lord
Will I live my life
Seek You, Father God, I seek You