1.我发现有一些数据我在源数据里找不到。比如说像 红何谷 www.ama.com 1月到9月的数据是空的。10月到12月是有数据的。
2.A Link的数据是我想要的。可是我在源数据里没有找到。不过我找到跟ALink差不多的BLink。请问,A Link的数据可以使用B Link的吗? 展开
Dear Mr./Ms.,
I'm in charge of reporting statistics. The data in the following links are VERY IMPORTANT to me, so I have to ask some questions pls. ( Attachment is a draft version of the report with data sourcing from AAAAA )
Some of the data cannot be found in the source database. For an example, I cannot find data from Jan. to Sep. for Honghegu(此处替换成你那个红河谷的英文名), but data from Oct. to Dec. are available.
Could you tell me how to access / find the data from Jan. to Sep.?
I cannot find data for ALink which I need. However, I've found BLink which is similar to ALink. Can I use data from BLink for ALink?