an important person in my life 求英文作文 急用

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2010-06-19 · TA获得超过1.2万个赞
I deeply believe that everyone has their most important people in their lifetime.Undoubtedly,for me,that's my mother,the one gave me life and teaches me how to conduct myself.

Since I came to the world,my mother has been showing her great love to me.When I was a baby,she patiently fed me with milk and washed nappies.And when I became older,she ferried me to and from school everyday and helped me check my homework.When I met failure in text,she would always encourage me instead of the punishment.Of course,sometimes,I might quarrel with my mother for her keeping on clacking,however,I would always feel regretful for what I said,and I would say sorry to her everytime.

As time goes by,my mother is getting older and older,and it's time for me to take care of her as a reward.However,I am always a child and has never grown up in her mind.Therefore,I will always be her dearest little child,I love my mother.

When people are asked about the question who is an important person in my life , the answers could not be more different. Indeed, everyone has his/her hero on heart. And I also have mine: he is my father. There are various reasons why he is the person I admire the most; he gave me life, watched me grow up and helped me during my adolescent years. He is also my best friend.

Throughout the years, my father is my abecedarian and best teacher. He took an active role in my education. From my childhood, I was taught speaking, reading and writing by him. After I grew up, my father tried his best to shape my personality as patient and optimistic when facing difficulities. He was strict with me, but got never tired of my mistakes. As a straight-A student in the university, now I cannot help but attribute my present status to my educational foundation that my father helped establish very early in my life.

What’s more, my father is also my best friend. Over the years, he successfully made the transition from a strict father to a kind friend. Once I am in trouble which I could not solve by myself, the first person to whom I give the call is my father, because I know the things I get from him will be both the consolation and the support. He has always been on my side and cared about my development. The reliability is what I care most when dealing with relationship with other people, and also the character what I can find from my father.

Although many people admire the famous person or a super star, I insist on taking my father, an ordinary man as my hero. My father, educated me since my birth and during my adolescence, and he was both as a father and a friend. This is why no one can ever supersede the place of my father as my hero.
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2010-06-19 · 超过13用户采纳过TA的回答
I deeply believe that everyone has his/her most important person in his/her life. Undoubtedly for me, that important person is my mother. She is the one who gave me my life and the one who taught me how to behave myself.

Ever since from the day I was born, my mother has been showering her love to me. When I was a baby, she would patiently feed me with milk and wask my nappies. When I grew up, she ferried me to and fro from school everyday and helped to check my homework. When I failed my tests, instead of punishing me, she would instead encourage me to do better. Of course, sometimes I might quarrel with her for nagging me. However, I would always regret my actions and apologize to her.

As time flew by, my mother is not that young woman anymore. It is now my resposibility to take care of her. However, to her, I am always a child and needs her to take care of me. It seems to her that I have never grown up.

So, therefore I will still remain as her dearest little child. I love mother, and she is the most important person in my life.

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