大家帮我翻译一下。这段话要先翻英文再翻中文。谢谢
5个回答
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the
仄
weather歪则
is
伊丝
becoming比康明
colder
扣得儿
and
安得
colder扣得儿。
这一句连起来就是:天气越来越冷了。The
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.
抬克
凯额
哦夫
腰塞奥夫!Take
care
of
yourself.照顾好自己。瑞母满饱吐
弯额
猫
可漏Z思!Remember
to
wear
more
clothes,记得多穿点衣服~
动特来特密
哇瑞
额抱特
呦!Don't
let
me
warry
about
you.
不要让我为你担心。
仄
weather歪则
is
伊丝
becoming比康明
colder
扣得儿
and
安得
colder扣得儿。
这一句连起来就是:天气越来越冷了。The
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.
抬克
凯额
哦夫
腰塞奥夫!Take
care
of
yourself.照顾好自己。瑞母满饱吐
弯额
猫
可漏Z思!Remember
to
wear
more
clothes,记得多穿点衣服~
动特来特密
哇瑞
额抱特
呦!Don't
let
me
warry
about
you.
不要让我为你担心。
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阿门....应该是这样的:The
whether
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.Take
care
of
yourself!
Remember
when
more
clothes!
Don't
let
me
worry
about
you!然后翻译过来是:天气越来越冷了,照顾好你自己。记得无论什么时候都要多穿点衣服。不要让我担心你。over,搞定。
whether
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.Take
care
of
yourself!
Remember
when
more
clothes!
Don't
let
me
worry
about
you!然后翻译过来是:天气越来越冷了,照顾好你自己。记得无论什么时候都要多穿点衣服。不要让我担心你。over,搞定。
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The
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.
Take
care
of
yourself!
Roommate
one
month
close!
Don't
write
to
me,
worry
about
you.
天气渐渐变冷了,你自己照顾好自己。
室友一个月不在(关闭?)不必写信给我,我担心你哦!
大约是这样的意思吧。尽力了。。。
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.
Take
care
of
yourself!
Roommate
one
month
close!
Don't
write
to
me,
worry
about
you.
天气渐渐变冷了,你自己照顾好自己。
室友一个月不在(关闭?)不必写信给我,我担心你哦!
大约是这样的意思吧。尽力了。。。
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The
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.Take
care
of
yourself
!
Remember
to
wear
"毛"
cloth.
Don't
let
me
worry
about
you!
天气变冷了,要照顾好自己。记得穿件毛衣,别让我担心你!
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder.Take
care
of
yourself
!
Remember
to
wear
"毛"
cloth.
Don't
let
me
worry
about
you!
天气变冷了,要照顾好自己。记得穿件毛衣,别让我担心你!
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The
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder,
take
care
of
yourself
!
remember
wear
more
cloths!
Don't
let
me
worry
about
you.
天气越来越冷了,请照顾好你自己,记得多穿衣服,不要让我担心你!
weather
is
becoming
colder
and
colder,
take
care
of
yourself
!
remember
wear
more
cloths!
Don't
let
me
worry
about
you.
天气越来越冷了,请照顾好你自己,记得多穿衣服,不要让我担心你!
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