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2022-11-18 · TA获得超过4935个赞
My name is ________ . I am eleven years old and living in Tin Shui Wai. I am studying in __________. I have a younger brother
who is a primary four student and studies in the same school with me. In my leisure time
I will go to the library to read some books. My favourite subjects are English and Visual Arts
although my English result is not good
I work very hard for it. I had joined some intraschool petitions
and won the golden medal in the gymnastics for o years successively. I hope that I could get a seat in the university in the future. Thank you.
I call _________. This year 11 years old. Lives is Tihuiwei_______. Presently goes study to __________________. I have a youngerbrother
佢 reads the identical elementary school with me
presentlyreads four grades. In the idle time
I can arrive in the library toborrow the book to look. I most like the subject is English and visual art
although my Englishresult is general
but I already extremely diligently studied. I oncepeted in the school ------ continuously capture o times of shapesgymnastics always to play in the finals capture the golden prize. I hoped future could be admitted to a university. Many thanks.
参考: fanyi.yahoo/trlate_txt
My name is ________.I am eleven years old this year.I live in Tin Shui Wai.I am studying in_________ I have one brother.He and I are studying the same Primary school.He studies P.4.I will borrow some books from the library when I have a free time. My favourite subject are English and Arts.Although my English is not good
I have studied to work hard.I had joined the race in school ...I had won ice golden metal continuing gymnasium in the final race.I hope I can study University in the future. Thank you. 2007-03-25 13:47:08 补充: 是Visual Arts 不是Arts。
My name_________.l am eleven years old.I live in Tin Shui Wai____. I am studing in ____________.I has one younger brother
he studied in _(school name_ with me too.I am studied in Primary 4.In my spare time
I often go to library to borrow some books to read. My favourite subjects are English and Art. Although my English is not very good
I will study hard to get a better result.I once peted in the school------Captures o time shape gymnastics finals to capture the gold medal continuously.I hope I will go to university in the fulture. Thank You. I hope I can help you!!!!
参考: me
My name is___________.I am eleven years old.I live in Tin Shui Wai_______.I study in______________.I have a brother
who is Primary4 in my school.Sometimes
i go to the library to read books.My favourite subject are english and visual art.Although my english just generally
but I had try my best already.I had won ice times in the gymnastics petition.I hope that I can study in a university.Thanks you!
参考: myself
My name is__________.I am 11 years olds.I live in ________.now I study________.I have one brother.He study__________too.now study p.4.In have time
I will go to library borrow book. My favourite suject is English and Art
Altough my english will also
but I am very hard to study.
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