他们互相帮助英文是They Help Each Other
But if they were on the same boat and encounter a storm, they would help each other just like one's left hand coordinates with his right hand, and they didn't seem hostile to each other at all. 但假如他们同乘坐一条船渡河,遇到风暴的话,他们也会互相帮助,就像一个人的左右手互相配合那样,一点也不会像是仇人。
Lung Qi and heart Qi have a keen relationship, they help each other physiologically and influence each other pathologically through initial energy. 肺气与心气关系密切,两者通过宗气,生理上相互资助,病理情况下相互累及。
Opponents, she adds, can then become a team again, "if they help each other see things that they themselves missed, then they can become more effective." 她补充称,针锋相对的双方可能再次结成一个团队,“如果他们帮助对方看到了他们自己没有看到的东西,那么他们就能变得更有效率。”