你好,你咁有礼貌,梗系要答你啦~ 首先 email系电邮地址,网址系web address(其实正统术语要叫URL,不过算啦)。 〔另一点,系正规的英语写作,千万不要用 u
xoxo 等等网路术语,不要误会,不是说不可以写简写,有很多正规的英语是可以简写的,如 asap。 〕 [1] 应该 "Can you send the web address to me please?" 会好过 "Can you send the web address for me please?" 因为 "send x to y" 是常用语法,to 是指send这个动作的对象。 至于 for,唔可以话错,但系个意思似系 "为左你" 的意思。 例如:All the things that I typed here are just for you. The present is bought for you. 所以意思上
for 系可以的
但我的感觉 to 会适合一点。 我再举一个例子令你容易明白。 Can you send the web address to him for me please? 「你可以帮我send个网址畀佢吗?」 咁样清楚哂未? [2] "How many chocolate do you have?" 是 present tense。 "How many chocolate are you having?" 是 present continuous tense。 一般来说,应该用第一句present tense。 (拿,第二句唔系错,但系我明白似乎系中式英语,因为中文好多时候都会直觉地用了 verb-to-be,那么你译成英文的时候很多时就会出现 is/am/are等等字样,而你英语的根底就自然地令句子变成 continuous tense,即是 is xxx-ing。) 第二句的用法是你最着重于现在这一刻,你有多少朱古力。 例如一班人玩紧一个偷朱古力的游戏,咁玩玩下我问你 how many chocolate are you having (now)? 所以正常的一般情况应该用第一句的present tense。 也举一例:Do you love your family? 唔会问 Are you loving your family? 2013-09-05 10:10:45 补充: Thanks Godfrey! =^o^=
Thanks Godfrey! Thanks Masterijk!
你的句子里写e-mail是较为个人/公司的槐有资料,跟求人告诉你web address(网址)在写法上可以有点不同,但是基本上可以用一种较为简单的写法: Can you send me XXXX. Can you send me your e-mail address? Can you send me the web site address? Can you send me the phone number? 基本上可以百搭 至于你想问的to me还是for me这格式则要看你查询或要求的资料时你的角色;假如你是要求对方就用to me(像是对方欠你的资料),假如你是请求对方就要用for me(像是你要靠对方帮助)。除了文法上的意思外(如果只是用文法规律叫别人send东西「给」你便一定是"to"),这两个小字便传达完全不用的语气,这便是好的沟通还是会产生误会的细微之处。 How many chocolate do you have? 用的是simple present tense即是示意你想问facts(事实或资料性)「你拥有/存有多少...」 How many chocolate are you having? 用的是present continuous tense即是示意你想问现在发生中的情况「你现在手上有多少/你现在正在食多少/你现在是想要多少...」当中的处境(时空)和要知chocolate跟你现在的行为之间的关系才能明白实际意思,所以一般问别人有几多东西不会这样问,除非是即时(见住对方在食住时)的情况才会这样问。 (chocolate假设是一排排/一粒粒的朱古力糖)
How many chocolates would you like? ~ 你喜欢多少朱古力? How many chocolates do you have? ~你有多少朱古力? 不清楚 所指是朱古力糖或朱古力饮料 Chocolates (countable noun
plural) 朱古力糖
朱古力饮料 Chocolate (uncountable noun) 朱古力 2013-09-05 08:11:30 补充: 下列 chocolate 解朱古力糖 How many pieces of chocolate would you like? How many pieces of chocolate do you have? How many boxes of chocolates would you like? How many boxes of chocolates do you have? How many chocolate bars would you like? How many chocolate bars do you have? 2013-09-05 08:31:06 补充: Could you please send me the web address? Could you kindly send me the web address? Could you send the web address to me
please? ~ 在 please 前面
有 ma
xoxo 等等网路术语,不要误会,不是说不可以写简写,有很多正规的英语是可以简写的,如 asap。 〕 [1] 应该 "Can you send the web address to me please?" 会好过 "Can you send the web address for me please?" 因为 "send x to y" 是常用语法,to 是指send这个动作的对象。 至于 for,唔可以话错,但系个意思似系 "为左你" 的意思。 例如:All the things that I typed here are just for you. The present is bought for you. 所以意思上
for 系可以的
但我的感觉 to 会适合一点。 我再举一个例子令你容易明白。 Can you send the web address to him for me please? 「你可以帮我send个网址畀佢吗?」 咁样清楚哂未? [2] "How many chocolate do you have?" 是 present tense。 "How many chocolate are you having?" 是 present continuous tense。 一般来说,应该用第一句present tense。 (拿,第二句唔系错,但系我明白似乎系中式英语,因为中文好多时候都会直觉地用了 verb-to-be,那么你译成英文的时候很多时就会出现 is/am/are等等字样,而你英语的根底就自然地令句子变成 continuous tense,即是 is xxx-ing。) 第二句的用法是你最着重于现在这一刻,你有多少朱古力。 例如一班人玩紧一个偷朱古力的游戏,咁玩玩下我问你 how many chocolate are you having (now)? 所以正常的一般情况应该用第一句的present tense。 也举一例:Do you love your family? 唔会问 Are you loving your family? 2013-09-05 10:10:45 补充: Thanks Godfrey! =^o^=
Thanks Godfrey! Thanks Masterijk!
你的句子里写e-mail是较为个人/公司的槐有资料,跟求人告诉你web address(网址)在写法上可以有点不同,但是基本上可以用一种较为简单的写法: Can you send me XXXX. Can you send me your e-mail address? Can you send me the web site address? Can you send me the phone number? 基本上可以百搭 至于你想问的to me还是for me这格式则要看你查询或要求的资料时你的角色;假如你是要求对方就用to me(像是对方欠你的资料),假如你是请求对方就要用for me(像是你要靠对方帮助)。除了文法上的意思外(如果只是用文法规律叫别人send东西「给」你便一定是"to"),这两个小字便传达完全不用的语气,这便是好的沟通还是会产生误会的细微之处。 How many chocolate do you have? 用的是simple present tense即是示意你想问facts(事实或资料性)「你拥有/存有多少...」 How many chocolate are you having? 用的是present continuous tense即是示意你想问现在发生中的情况「你现在手上有多少/你现在正在食多少/你现在是想要多少...」当中的处境(时空)和要知chocolate跟你现在的行为之间的关系才能明白实际意思,所以一般问别人有几多东西不会这样问,除非是即时(见住对方在食住时)的情况才会这样问。 (chocolate假设是一排排/一粒粒的朱古力糖)
How many chocolates would you like? ~ 你喜欢多少朱古力? How many chocolates do you have? ~你有多少朱古力? 不清楚 所指是朱古力糖或朱古力饮料 Chocolates (countable noun
plural) 朱古力糖
朱古力饮料 Chocolate (uncountable noun) 朱古力 2013-09-05 08:11:30 补充: 下列 chocolate 解朱古力糖 How many pieces of chocolate would you like? How many pieces of chocolate do you have? How many boxes of chocolates would you like? How many boxes of chocolates do you have? How many chocolate bars would you like? How many chocolate bars do you have? 2013-09-05 08:31:06 补充: Could you please send me the web address? Could you kindly send me the web address? Could you send the web address to me
please? ~ 在 please 前面
有 ma