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2023-02-28 · TA获得超过350个赞

  共有六道题,基本沿袭新托福官方指南中的风格。首先是两道 independent questions:

  1. Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  2. Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of first observation. Some people believe it takes a long time to know a person well. Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?


  比如第一题总是问你喜欢的一个XX是什么,你喜欢XX的原因。可以使用的摸板如下:well, as for me, I definitely believe that the XX I like the most is AAA. The reason is rather simple: first, I choose AAA because it is of great importance to me. You know, it____________. Second, AAA also means a lot to my family. It does turn out to be great because it ____________. Third, AAA helps a lot to build up my future. It ______. 基本上45秒也只够你用中等语速把以上内容背一遍。所以,本类题型做不好是完全没有理由的。

  然后是两道integrated listening/reading/speaking questions:

  3. 先是一则小新闻:学校要建一座art building .原因是老的艺术楼不能适应新的需求了,并且其他大学也都建立了自己的art building.

  然后是男女对话。男子基本是属于捧角,说的内容不重要。关键是牢牢掌握女子的话:她认为it is time! 正应该建这样一个大楼。原因有二:一是旧的艺术楼太dim/dark. 好的艺术楼必须有bright and large windows. Because artificial light makes it difficult to catch the real color. 二是another university across the town already has a splendid art building and many prospective students choose to go to that school for this reason.

  问题是:the woman expresses her opinion of the university plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she uses for holding that opinion.

  4. 先是一则quotation from an advertising textbook. 介绍一种广告界的不诚实现象:quoting out of context. 就是断章取义,歪曲别人原意来吹捧自己。然后是一则教授的课堂讲话:举了一个movie review 的例子:The movie producer quoted a very prominent movie critic's review that the movie is “delightful”, in their local newspaper advertisement. Many people went for this movie because they believed that critic thought highly of this movie. But actually, the critic thought very negatively about this movie and it was the worst she had ever watched. She only meant that the movie actress was “delightful”, not the movie!

  问题是:explain how the example used by the professor illustrate quoting out of context.

  接下来是两道integrated listening/speaking questions:

  5. 一个男学生抱怨:I erased my final draft of research paper from my computer accidentally, but it is due by midnight!

  女学生支招:solution one: call the technical department. They always have a way to recover your file. It is true that they are closed but they offer an emergency number. The only problem is that they charge extra fees for service out of regular hours.

  Solution two: call the professor in the morning and ask for an extension by explaining your situation. The problem is that the professor may deduct a few points from the man's grade, while the man really wants to do well in his assignment.


  The students discuss two possible solutions to the man's problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

  6. Lecture in a science and technology class: the female professor is talking about that in the long long human history, inventions and innovations always happen in one of the two ways: intentionally and accidentally.

  First, she quotes an example of intentional innovation: bi-focus glasses. Before the bi-focus glasses were invented, people had to carry two pairs of glasses sometimes and this was very inconvenient. Thus, bi-focus glasses were intentionally invented to solve this problem.

  Second, she takes another example of accidental innovation: the discovery of X-ray. When people first encountered X-ray in the lab, they had no idea of what this discovery meant, or where to put this discovery into application.


  Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two ways of innovation presented by the professor.



  共有两题。第一题是一道independent writing task. 先有一篇四段的文章,3分钟阅读时间。文章提纲如下:1. chimpanzees has similar ability of human being in learning language.

  2. chimps 可以掌握 vocabulary

  3. chimps 可以掌握 grammar

  4. chimps 可以与researchers carry out a simple but genuine conversation with extended hours.


  1. Chimps' learning ability is by no means close to that of human beings.

  2. Chimps can only pick up a few Yerkish words after researchers' intentional repeating. While human children can learn more than one language by simply listening.

  3. Chimps only know to put a few words together and this can not be called “grammar”.

  4. The so called “conversation” is normally dominated by the researchers by keeping asking questions, while chimps only do the responding part.

  问题是:summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they cast doubt on points made in the reading passage.

  最后是一道independent writing task.

  问题是:可再生能源renewable sources of energy,(sun, water ,wind)很快就会取代化石燃料(fossil fuel, such as gas, oil and coal ).

  For this task, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300words.
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